2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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Any convo about one involves the other. You HONESTLY think that if the Clippers were to win a championship, there would be no Laker slander?

I honestly can't believe the obligatory "well, that's never going to happen, so we don't have to worry about it" post hasn't appeared yet. :lol:

But on a non-Clippers/Lakers/Warriors related note, I've noticed Alex Len has been putting some big games up for the Suns recently. Glad to see that. Been a fan of his since he came in the league. Was one of the (numerous) reasons I didn't like the Suns signing Tyson Chandler last Summer. Hope he keeps up the improved play.
Almost **** on myself when I heard the warriors lost to the lakers.

How much would a 100 bet on the lakers have gotten you?
Lol aint nobody gonna lose any sleep over losing to the garbage Lakers ***. The only things that matter are rising another banner and getting another parade.
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i feel like im still the only one who has noticed that whoever photoshopped that banner thinks its 2015 right now
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