2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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Get him help pls
the only thing wrong with bron is that he's a certified lame. he prob thinks he's trendsetter and has hella swags but everything he does is whack.
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Lebron is like them kids whos parent are rich as heck and he drives a benz to school, got plenty money and got all the Jordans but is known as a certified lame by everyone bc he thinks he's doing it.
Lebron is like them kids whos parent are rich as heck and he drives a benz to school, got plenty money and got all the Jordans but is known as a certified lame by everyone bc he thinks he's doing it.

in bron's case, he started out just a lame, but now he's a lame with money
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