2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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Why are y'all naming guys that plays the same position as Wiggins?
Isnt Wiggins a SG?
Wonder if Thibbs runs these young players into the ground before their time, or will someone in the Timberwolves front office get out in front of this from Day 1?
He IS the front office.

I like Thibs. I like Thibs being in charge of Wiggins and all the young guys (someone said it already, but I also think Wiggins gains the most from the move because he needed this).

I don't like Thibs having personnel power. I'm repeating myself here...he doesn't strike me as the type to effectively handle both positions. Coaching is in his blood and what he lives/dies for, should've just stuck to that.

Bulls front office gave dude PTSD from all their battles so I do understand why he wanted that power.

Scott Layden.
Sorry, but 4 years as an intern assistant GM with the Spurs doesn't remove that Knicks stench. 
I seriously doubt dude had major input over there anyway, with Pop and Buford being the architects of that empire and always running things. Layden has shown what he's capable of as the primary GM. **** that.

Lopsided trades byke. No regards for future draft picks byke.
I wonder what made the Wolves go with Thibs over JVG? Their credentials are pretty much the same. I would have gone with Jeff personally, but Thibs is a great hire too.
Love JVG, but dude hasn't coached in 9 years. That's an eternity, especially since it's a damn near an entirely different sport than back when he was Rockets HC. I get why they chose the student instead of the master.

Just to reiterate, I do like Thibs. He'll instantly make that team better and hopefully have some of those guys take that next leap. Good luck though. 
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He's taking over a nice roster in DC..that roster should have at least made the playoffs in the East. Are they losing anyone important this off-season
Thibs bring Noah to Minneapolis so he and KG can be teammates please :lol:

Im excited and to know Milt Newton is staying as well is fine with me that Thibs has final say on roster moves but someone he can work with. I cant see him having issues with anyone in the front office if they know KG will end up buying the team.
Judging by those purple bags under his eyes, I have no idea why Jeff wants to coach again. Especially after nearly a decade removed.

I hope Thibbadeu beats the **** out of Wiggins.
Oh he will. Its gonna be glorious.

Dude averaged 3 rebounds last year :lol: And his effort on defense rivals Westbrook's.

Thibs is really gonna get in his ***. Can't wait to see the end product.
Not really new, they've been the got next/"should grab the 8th seed" team for years now. This move is a great start though and their most legitimate case to actually do that
You mean with love

I hope nobody was beating the wolves to the playoffs drum for this season nor last
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