2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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look at all yall with your shiny new coaches

we got byron scott so beat that. he knows the laker way!

Meth sleeps?
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Jimmy Butler said it's all about the fit. And he wasn't referring to Tom Thibodeau going to the Timberwolves.

Butler appeared Wednesday night at the new Bonobos Guideshop on Michigan Avenue, sporting a black blazer from the web-based apparel brand.

"The clothes fit me well," he said. "Make my biceps look bigger than what they really are."

Butler isn't watching the NBA playoffs, but he was well aware his former coach with the Bulls had been hired by the Timberwolves as coach and president of basketball operations.

"I'm happy for that guy," he said.

Was Thibodeau great or tough to play for?

"Little bit of both," Butler replied. "He knows what he's doing. He's very smart. He studies the game. And he'll do whatever it takes to win."

Winning is on Butler's agenda too.

"I'm the reason that we did not make the playoffs," he said. "I'm fine with that. I'm not happy with it, but I'm fine with it. Because it's only going to make me stronger and better.

"I wasn't consistent enough. I had good games, average games, decent games and some terrible games. I don't want to have terrible and decent games. Average games can get us over the hump. Really good ones can make us win."

Butler said he plans to work out with Derrick Rose in the offseason.

"I think we will," he said. "When we lose, you've got to find something to talk about, and why not talk about that? That's a great story. I think that has nothing to do with anything. But, yeah, we'll work out together and figure out ways to make ourselves coexist."

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