2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

Bring back Ledo. 

Honestly think that he has a lot of potential and if he played that one season at Providence he could have been a lotto pick..

He has ample size/athleticism for a 2 guard giving him good enough defensive potential, he has a silky stroke and unbelievable handles for a 2 guard.

Almost a Jamal Crawford-esque type of skill set except not as good of a handler/shooter yet (but he is still very young) but he is taller and more athletic than Mal.

Knicks should definitely at least give Ledo a shot to make the team in summer league and training camp/preseason. I think that with time he has potential to develop into a Jamal Crawford type of player to provide a scoring punch off the bench. Dude is mad young also so who knows, maybe if he spends a season or 2 coming off the bench and proves himself to be a valubale spark plug he can develop into something even more than that down the road...

Other than that I like your list for the most part @nickmaz96

Besides Ledo only other things I would change would be to potentially switch Acy with Amudson. Feel like we should bring abck one of them but not both. I feel that because Acy is younger and more athletic, he might have a higher ceiling down the road.

Also would like to bring back Shved. I think he fit well in the triangle and would do well coming off the bench at both guard positions and with his height he would cause some mismatches defensively (especially at PG). I like the idea of bringing back Shved and Gallo from the current roster to man the PG spot and cut ties  with Caldo and Larkin. I think Gallo/Shved is a good starting point at the PG position, nboth players proved themselves this season and both of them have skill-sets that kind of contrast one another, also a good thing. I think if we bring those 2 players back and then go after our franchise PG either though the draft (like D'Angelo Russell) or through trades/free agency (like Brandon Knight), the Knicks will be in good shape at the point going forward. Which is obviously very important when trying to establish a foundation and a system of basketball like the triangle.

Oh and as I have said I also wouldl ike to bring back Bargnani for the vets minimum. I honestly dont see any team handing Bargnani a bigger deal than that and I feel like Bargs likes living in NY and would like to give his NY legacy another shot. Unless Bargs gets a much bigger deal from another franchise (unlikely), I could definitely see him wanting to stick around even at the minimum, coming off of such a lackluster 2 seasons and having already made so much $ throughout his NBA career already.

Ive said nit before but I'll reiterate it again, the Knicks should have around $30 million to spend on free agents this summer, which is a lot, but they will be spent on filling the many holes/needs on the Knicks roater first and foremost. Phil is not going to have the luxury to throw out even a MLE deal (probably) to find himself some scorers to come off the bench. I mean lets hope that Phil can do a good job at filling holes in the starting lineup first and foremost, but regardless Phil is going to have to be a little creative when assembling 2nd and 3rd units for this team.

This is why it is important to have the right mix of young players trying to develop and prove themselves (like a Galloway or a Ledo or Aldrich, etc.) to come off the bench. IMO you want those types of players to come off the bench because it will give them time to develop and prove themselves and maybe even play themselves into a larger role with the Knicks or another team down the road. Bu you cant just have a bench full of young guns. The Knicks need some veterans off the bench to fill a specific role and they need veterans who will be cheap.

If we learned anything from the 2013 Knicks, it is the importance of veteran presences in the locker room, even if they don't play large roles on the court. Veterans are good to have come off the bench, because a lot of times veterans still have a good specific skill-set, they just cant play big minutes anymore, so they are perfect to help you out off the bench for 10-15 minutes a game. Now im not comparing Bargnani's leadership to Rasheed Wallace or Kurt Thomas, but the point is you need veteran contributors who are willing to play for cheap.

Like I said, the Knicks are not going to spend free agent money to address the bench, so the Knicks are going to have to get creative with their own guys. Players like Galloway and Shved could be good PGs to come off the bench, Hardaway will likely be delegated to a 6th man type of JR Smith role if the Knicks likely sign one of the 3 and D free agent 2 guards they have been linked to. Like I said I like Ledo off the bench, Lance Thomasn is a solid player and teammate. Antentokuombo will likely be on the roster next season and he is a great hustle player to have off the bench.

But the Knicks need scoring from their front court. If Bargnani is willing to stay on the Knicks for a minimum contract, IMO the Knicks would be foolish to turn him down. Bargs showed this season that he happens to be a very good big man fit in the triangle. He may have lost his 3 point stroke, but he is a dead eye mid range shooter who can handle the ball and make good passes. The Knicks arent going to have the $ to pend on veteran free agents, so if they can keep a guy like Bargnani, who is more than capable of contributing 12-13 PPG in 20 minutes off the bench, that is something the Knicks will need almost as much as they need the free agents they will sign.

It is obvious by now that Bargs will never live up to his 1st pick expectations, it is unlikely that he ever will be a capable starter in this league. But many times players have been able to change up their roles and salvage their careers, even if it is not exactly how they hoped their careers would play out. You know, something like how Antonio McDyess was able to develop a midrange game and become an essential role player on Detroit and San Antonio after injuries stripped him of his athleticism and almost ended his career. Or like an example I have used in this thread before when talking about Bargs, when Jared Jeffries chose to sign with the Knicks for the minimum after being a bust who never lived up to expectations but was able to salvage his Knicks legacy a little bit because he made his $ already and happened to fit well within D'Antoni's system. Or even historic examples like how former #1 pick Mychal Thompson avoided being labeled a bust by going to the Lakers and salvaging his career guarding Kevin McHale off the bench. Or how after injuries stripped Bill Walton of becoming one of the all-time greats, he went to the Celtics and transformed himself into becoming one of the greatest bench players of all-time for the 1986 Celtics.

There are many examples throughout history in all sports of players who failed to live up to lofty expectations transforming themselves and their reputation by taking on a new lesser role and excelling at it. Im not trying to compare Bargnani to Jared Jeffries (as many people mistakenly took it as when I compared the 2 earlier), and I am certainly not in the slightest bit comparing Bargnani to first ballot hall of famer Bill Walton. Bargnani's situation is unique to himself. But like former draft busts of the past, Bargnani could have a chance to reinvent himself coming off the bench in NY. He will never become one of the greatest bench players of all time like Bill Walton did, he will never even be in the running to win 6th man of the year. However, Bargnani has a chance to give back to the Knicks and New York by providing a cheap service that the Knicks definitely need, a cheap serviceable veteran big man who plays well within the system and can score the ball efficiently. There is really no reason to let our phony sense of pride and blaming Bargnani for something that really isnt even his fault (like any of you would turn down $15 million if it was handed to you) get in the way of finding ourselves a very valuable piece moving forward if it costs us next to nothing.
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Phil Jackson stated that he would like to bring Shved back, but only on a minimum contract. So, it's up to Shved to accept the offer or not.

I admit that I didn't like Bargnani. It was probably because we gave up a first round pick. It was easy to hate Bargnani.

I don't mind bringing Bargnani back.
bargs at that contract and for that stupid pick was a mistake. bargs at the min as a role player off the bench is tolerable. id take shved back at the min. he's like a homeless man's pistol pete.
^ Yeah I included him somewhere in the midst of that rant (Thanasis) 

To simplify it for the people that wont read everything I wrote (and all the explanations for the players I chose). The current Knicks I want brought back next season are:

Melo, Bargnani, Hardaway, Early, Galloway, Shved, Ledo,  Aldrich, Thomas, Acy/Amudson (one or the other, probably Acy by a slight edge), Antentokuombo.

That is 11 players meaning that we would have at least 4 open roster spots to fill with our draft pick and 3 free agents/potential trades (cough, Jeff Green, cough). I think that is a very realistic expectation for this summer.

And if the Knicks do decide to go with 4-5 free agent signings instead of 3 (even though 3 is probably the max amount of players we could sign for the amount of cap space we will have, for not minimum contracts) or we make a trade or 2 getting us more players abck in return (always a possibility), its not like every player we decide to bring back is guaranteed to make the final roster.

Far from it actually. Besides Calderon, who will hopefully be traded, the only players on the Knicks right now who are basically 100% guaranteed to be on the roster next season if they arent traded are Melo and Hardaway Jr. Anybody else in that list of players could easily be cut without having to worry about any significant financial backlash.

We could/should always keep an open competition going for the final roster spot or two, leaving the possibility of someone like Antenokuombo or Acy or Ledo or Aldrich or Thomas or even Bargs or Early to be cut before the roster has to be trimmed to 15 officially. Basically who ever doesnt perform in training camp/preseason should be liable to get cut.

Open competition for final roster spots is almost always a good thing because usually there is at least 1 player who isnt performing up to standards and the LAST thing we want especially after this train wreck of a season is for ANYBODY to get complacent.
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the roster currently is not bad if its just used on the bench

keep gallo, thjr, bargs, shved, jason smith, cole, early, shane , lance, melo
throw away acy, lou, jose, ledo, shane

pay smith, shved and bargs the minimum if not then they can go too
guy plays hard and has a soft touch. for your 3rd or 4th big man off the bench at the vet's mininum, that's good value. expecting bargs to start or play a significant role is foolish, but as a role player who's job is to be a body and hit open shots, he's worthwhile.
^ exactly.

id like to keep thjr, gallo, shved, bargs, smith, and cole. our current roster would be a pretty good bench. gallo a back up, thjr MAYBE our starting 2, depending on if he improves on the defensive end, shved is our poor mans ginobli off the bench, and bargs our like 4-5 scoring option. i like smith and cole bc they play hard and smith can hit the mid range jumper. i like lou and thomas too, but we can upgrade.
i know why yall hate bargs, but hed would be a pretty good off the bench role player. hes by no means a starter in this league.
lol @ animated gifs.

Carmelo Wants Knicks To Keep Lottery Pick

Apr 16, 2015 11:57 AM

Carmelo Anthony believes the New York Knicks should keep their high lottery pick.

The Knicks finished with the second worst record in the NBA.

Anthony explained that the Knicks have enough cap space to sign veterans in free agency.

Anthony also said he hasn't lost any faith in Phil Jackson.
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