2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

Yeah, Andrea Bargnani of all people has haters. Spare me, for real. I don't care about the draft pick or his contract in this situation. I'm strictly talking about him as a player. I'm not expecting all-star #s, I don't want him to live up to his draft billing or whatever else and I've said "realistically" that you would consider the option, I'm just tired of no effort having MF'ers on this squad and quite honestly even with his strongpoints he isn't really a positive. This is the same ish we said with J.R. (we got one good year out of him) and countless other players and rarely does it pan out. The only saving grace would be he'd be getting paid his worth (Vet's minimum).

He's habitually injured, inefficient (as a role player, second option and a first option), doesn't move the ball, plays defense decently in post up situations but aside from that is also a negative...so why are we trying to save him? Sometimes you just have to realize when to cut something loose, Bargs needs to not be here. We've seen what he can do. He's not changing. Gallo can stay his *** in Denver too, the man has severe knee issues I rather not waste my time with. Good role player aside from that.

Y'all want an Italian baller so bad? Find a way to bring Bellineli here, he can play and would fit perfectly in the offense. Other than that, I can't believe y'all are falling for the contract year swindle. FOH with that BS.

http://www.nba.com/2010/news/features/scott_howard_cooper/03/22/bargnani/ (Admits to being lazy on the glass and losing focus)
http://forums.realgm.com/boards/viewtopic.php?t=1314869 (First post contains article quotes in which it states he has a questionable drive/mentality)
http://www.sportsnet.ca/basketball/...a-bargnani-development-raptors/#__federated=1 (Sam Mitchell says it seems Bargs doesn't have passion for the game and was asked to go easy on him)

Sean Deveney [emoji]10004[/emoji] @SeanDeveney
Talked w Raps source this spring abt Bargnani. Had elbow inj in '13, calf in '12. Real problem though: "He was never in shape. He didn't care" taken from here: (http://forums.realgm.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=1259716&start=600#start_here)
Random thought but: If Chris McCullough falls to the 2nd round, Knicks should really try hard to trade for/buy a pick and draft him..

High upside pick if he could bounce back well from his ACL injury and obviously low risk if he doesn't quite pan out.

But he was projected to be a lottery pick this year when he was playing well at the beginning of the season, even as high as top 10, and NBADRAFT.net had him at #5 for the 2016 draft before he surprised everyone and declared for this draft despite still rehabbing from ACL surgery that will also keep him for working out at the Combine. 

However, just because of his upside I think McCullough still would be a first round pick in most other drafts. However, because of the risk of devoting a first round pick/guaranteed contract to a high risk player like McCullough in such a deep/loaded draft class in which a lot of other less risky options will be available, I don't think McCullough will be drafted in the first round unless he has some sort of promise lined up.

But like I said about Bargnani, the Knicks need to get creative and look to find value anywhere they can. McCullough could prove to be great value later on if his rehab goes well. Before the injury I thought he would be somebody the Knicks should at least consider with their first rounder this year depending on where we winded up in the draft. He is tall at 6'10, very athletic, a good defender, and I believe he could be a great fit for us in the triangle as he displayed a smooth mid range jumper before getting hurt. He is a New York kid from the Bronx who played at Cuse and im sure getting drafted by his hometown Knicks would ignite even extra motivation for him to make it in the league.

I think that his potential upside is 10x higher than Cleanthony Early's. I think that best case scenario with Early is that he develops into a versatile and reliable tough scorer off the bench who could come in and play at either guard position. However, I think McCullough definitely has the kind of upside to develop into our starting 4 down the road, and earlier in the season I would have even told you that I thought it be possible for him to develop to an all-star level double double averaging kind of player. 

Sure there is also the chance he fades into obscurity but that is the beauty of 2nd round draft picks. I think that it would be a great savvy move by Phil to try and acquire a 2nd round pick again (with or without McCullough honestly because this draft is so deep and the 2nd round could provide other solid options such as RJ Hunter, Cliff Alexander, Rasheed Vaughn, Jarnell Martin, Rakeem Christmas, Ryan Boatright, and the Harrison twins amongst others) especially if McCullough becomes available because I think that Chris would be the ideal/perfect 2nd round pick for this team. He is the highest upside player who could potentially be available, a hometown NY kid (and everyone loves the story of an underdog making it big with his hometown squad), and a good fit for this team/system.

A move like this would could only be positive and would add to Phil Jackson's resume of taking small risks and finding potential value in the 2nd round (I still believe that Early could become a solid player despite his up and down season, I think that Thanasis has serious defensive stopper off the bench type potential, and I have actually heard a lot of good reports about the French big man we took in the 2nd round in addition to Clea/Thanasis).

Man, what a waste trade on Camby. At first, I was excited that we got Camby, but I hate the part where we had to give up TWO second rounders. One of these picks is no. 31 in this year's draft.
Wow speak of the devil. Would have been the ******* perfect spot to potentially land McCullough 
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i think we hate Bargs because we gave up a 1st for him.

if we only gave up Camby & Novak it'd be alright.

Man, what a waste trade on Camby. At first, I was excited that we got Camby, but I hate the part where we had to give up TWO second rounders. One of these picks is no. 31 in this year's draft.
Goran Dragic To Review Every Offer In Free Agency
APR 17, 2015 12:54 PM

Goran Dragic confirmed Friday that he will opt out of his contract and become a free agent in July.

Dragic has said he hopes to stay with the Miami Heat, but he will review offers in free agency.

"Every offer, we're going to go through," Dragic said. "I like this organization, this basketball style."

Are you guys still interested ?
My gut instinct keeps telling me that DMC is coming here. I don't know why, but I believe it. I think if he is available (which George Karl's dumb *** just indicated he is), Phil gives up the draft pick.

They have dropped numerous hints. First was that they would consider trading the top pick if they got the right player in return. Now Melo says he wouldn't mind playing 2nd option. Well that is BS. Carmelo Anthony is no one's 2nd option unless you are playing with a dominant big man like Cousins, in which case it would make sense for him to be 2 or 1B. Like Kobe was for Shaq. Melo wouldn't hand the reigns over to someone else (like Gasol, LMA, or any other free agents), and definitely not one of these players in the draft.

Draft Towns/Okafor, add Caldo and THJr and ship their ***** to Sac for big Cuz. I really hope that happens...
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My gut instinct keeps telling me that DMC is coming here. I don't know why, but I believe it. I think if he is available (which George Karl's dumb *** just indicated he is), Phil gives up the draft pick.

I'm fully prepared to scream like a girl if that occurs.
If we had the 1 or 2 pick, we wouldnt have to throw in THJR, Caldo should be in the package though.

Are Towns or Okafors ceiling higher than Cousins? Cousins is averaging 24.1 points per game and 12.7 rebounds, 25.1per, which is a top 10 per in the league.
He's 3rd big man behind Anthony Davis and Whiteside in per.

He's only 24, same as Greg Monroe, Cousins is only 2 months younger than Monroe. We can still say Cousins havent reached his prime, it's only his fourth season in the league and would be the franchise player when Melo is on his way out.
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^Even better man. Top pick and Caldo...goodbye!

Melo and DMC together just makes my head spin. We get that top draft pick and I believe it happens. Will be crossing my fingers on that :lol:
when does boogie become a free agent?

i dont want to hear you guys saying trade the pick for him and then complain that we could've signed him for free and added him to the pick in a year. ala the melo trade.
yes to dragic. hell yes

also, hell yes to cousins, but no to giving up draft pick. gotta stop putting the team in debt like that
Cousins is a free agent in 2018. Cousins and Melo would take about $36M in cap space with another $28M in cap space available.

The current salary cap for the 2014-2015 NBA season is set at $63.1 million, with the luxury tax line set at $76.8 million. The cap is projected to jump to about $66.3 million in 2015-2016, and with this news, explode to near $80 million in 2016-2017. This news is very good for every NBA team, because per the current version of the collective-bargaining agreement, it would give every team the ability to add a max-level contract to its cap sheet.
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DMC is not considered a debt. He's a sure thing. Saw the guy play in person at a Nets game, guy is even better in person. A lottery pick is still a risk.
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