2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

Boogie is a guaranteed 18 & 8 every night, most nights he exceeds those numbers tho.

also, we wouldn't be trading 6 guys to get 1 star in return.
how would you guys feel about Hibbert for the low? doesn't sound like he'll be back with the Pacers.
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Eww. I'm disgusted you guys would want that overrated herb in dragic. Dude is straight cheeks. He literally made Miami worst. He barely showed up in any games. He's a player that needs the ball 100% of the time to even be remotely effective.

I'm hoping dragic ruins Miami for the next 8 years.
how would you guys feel about Hibbert for the low? doesn't sound like he'll be back with the Pacers.

Maybe it's just me, but sometimes he just doesn't seem with it upstairs, but when he is engaged he can be a problem, Melo and Tyson know.
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Knight gets destroyed by everyone (Deandre, Kyrie, etc), its only right for him to be a Knick :lol:

Also literally the ONLY guy i'd trade our pick for is Cousins.
Not interested in Hibbert. Guy doesn't show up every game. If we were one player away, I'd be willing to take the chance. But I don't think he's worth the risk.
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Not interested in Hibbert. Guy doesn't show up every game. If we were one player away, I'd be willing to take the chance. But I don't think he's worth the risk.

I concur. Sometimes he's in it, and sometimes he is just there. Starting to think that the season that they so effortlessly bounced our sorry a**es was fool's gold.
Hibbert is a decent center. His size and body just can't handle big minutes. He's mostly famous for his name more then his skill set. He's a center who would be gold as a backup on a legit playoff team.
At the very least Hibbert eats up a ridiculous amount of space in the paint. Even when he isn't doing anything he's doing something just standing there :lol:

Verticality game on 100
I concur. Sometimes he's in it, and sometimes he is just there. Starting to think that the season that they so effortlessly bounced our sorry a**es was fool's gold.
Its ******* bull **** also. That team was ******* amazing. PG looking like an MVP candidate, Lance and Hibbert easily both playing at an all-star level, David West and George Hill doing David West and George Hill things.

You know I could live with us ending our most successful season losing to a team that is truly better than us. Like if we battled the Heat in the ECF and lost it would have stung but it would have been expected. And honestly, that Pacers team was truly better than us. They showed that by taking the Heat to 7 and then starting the next season on a ******* tear.

Also we were probably playing as bad as we had all season because somebody (no names, JR) decided to extend the Celtics series longer than it should of causing Tyson to lose the rest he so badly needed and Melo to teat his laborum running into a KG screen. Also; Jason Kidd's disappearance and losing Sheed, Kurt, and Camby to season ending injuries didn't help; basically costing us the veteran advantage that had been so essential to that team's success all year long. But still the Pacers cost us a shot at the king in the playoffs. We had been waiting for that ******* shot all year long. All season long I drooled at the mouth every time the prospect of a Knicks/Heat ECF got brought up and those ******* Pacers ****** with destiny 

But then to add insult to injury, all of a sudden Hibbert starts to look like Erik Dampier or some **** and Lance starts to become the head case that we all knew he ******* was (come on, we're from NY, we have been watching/playing/reading about you since you were in 6th ******* grade. You aint fooling anyone). Like that **** couldnt have inevitably happened back in 2013? **** 

Anyway, no to Dragic. I wanted him on the Knicks BAD in 2012, but with him being 29, and the king's ransom it will take to get him to leave Miami, thanks but no thanks.

Basically as far as PGs go for this team my top choice is and will always be until the Knicks dont draft him - D'Angelo Russell.

After him, if we don't end up drafting him, I want to make a run at Restricted Free Agent Brandon Knight. Throw some of that money at him and make Phoenix come up with a decision on whether to match or not.

If we don't draft Russell and then miss out on Knight, IMO you go after option #3 Reggie Jackson. I honestly wasn't too into Reggie but he is only 25 years old and I got a glimpse of his #s to end the season and then a first hand look at him at the Garden the other night and thought that he could definitely be a solid option for the Knicks. IMO he would fit in with the triangle because he is tall, can shoot, can defend when he wants to, and is a solid passer. In addition to that he is extremely athletic, which is only a good thing although not necessarily a necessity for a triangle PG, even though it is becoming more and more important in 2015 so im with it. 

IMO Jackson is the most readily attainable FA option. I think that he has played himself out of Detroit's price range, especially considering that he was sort of a stop gap PG while Jennings was injured. I don't think he will end up back in Detroit and I don't really see any other team with cap space competing with us for his services. So if we miss out on Russell and Knight, **** Dragic, go after Reggie Jackson...

Plus it would be kind of cool to see a dude named Reggie Jackson on the Knicks. Wonder if he would wear #44 
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not interested in reggie. his attitude turns me off. type of dude that is talented but mentally wants to do too damn much and it'll hurt the team as a result. could see him butting heads with melo. leave him in detroit and let svg deal with him.

knight would be a good look but it'll cost.

that pacers series was some bull. tyson getting his salad tossed nightly against hibbert :smh:
the gr8est the gr8est I think we're saying the same thing, that run that the Pacers had was impressive, but since that run in which they ran us over , I haven't seen Hibbert play the same way and I don't think it'll get better.
not interested in reggie. his attitude turns me off. type of dude that is talented but mentally wants to do too damn much and it'll hurt the team as a result. could see him butting heads with melo. leave him in detroit and let svg deal with him.

knight would be a good look but it'll cost.

that pacers series was some bull. tyson getting his salad tossed nightly against hibbert
I see what you are saying but IMO you gotta have a last resort PG option this summer.

We can't go into next season with Calderon/Galloway/Shved again. Like I said I want to draft Russell and if we don't draft him I think we should turn our attention to B-Knight.

But either Russell or Knight are far from guarantees. You gotta have a Plan C and D. No, I dont think Reggie is perfect. If Reggie was perfect he would be option A or B instead of C or D, and like I have said, I spent the majority of the season against bringing him into NY.

I understand his attitude could be tough to deal with sometimes, but at least his problem is wanting it too much as opposed to being lazy and/or soft. Sort of like a Westbrook mentality where you respect how much he wants it, but sometimes it gets in the way with playing smart basketball.

But if we miss out on Russell/Knight and we need a PG I still think that we should look his way. He just turned 25 (literally 2 days ago) and sometimes you need guys with a little dog in them and you know Jackson has got that. He is young and he shouldn't cost us so much, and he is one of the few free agents with a franchise PG level ceiling if we could adjust his attitude for the better and only use the positives.

Those kind of players often work out in NY. The players that often don't make it in NY because of attitude are the Eddy Curry/Bargnani types who are lazy and don't want it enough, yet for some reason we think we could turn them around. On the other hand it is the dudes like Starks or Spree or Oakley or whoever else that were known to be "head cases" in other cities, that often find success in NY. Often times their respective attitudes endeared them to this city and this fan base. 

Maybe Reggie can be sort of like that. After all, like I have said in the past, I am unsure if there is a better basketball mind at dealing with bad attitudes over the course of NBA history than Phil Jackson. Once Phil gets his Zen Master paws on him anything can happen. And IMO in order for this Knicks team to reach their ceiling, we need a young PG who could connect with ex-triangle PG Derek Fisher and become an extention of what Fisher wants on the court. Fisher and Reggie used to be teammates in OKC and I could see the 2 forming an unlikely type of bond, and I think we need our PG to do that in order to be successful. I could definitely see Fisher forming that type of connection with D'Angelo Russell but I could see it in Jackson as well.

NY is the kind of place where we take in outsiders who the rest of the world turns on for having a "bad attitude" or being a "head case" and makes them one of our own. We are going to need a PG and I think Reggie could be a good option here. At least a better option than anyone I can think of after Russell and Knight. After all like I said dude is 25 and will play all of next season at 25 years old. He still has a lot of growing left to do. In addition to that over the last 16 games of this season he averaged 19.9 points, 4.9 rebounds and 10.9 dimes, while shooting 48 percent from the field, 39.1 percent beyond the arc and 75.3 percent at the stripe.

Keep in mind that this was Reggie's first chance as a starter. He has always been stuck behind Westbrook in OKC throughout his entire career and he might be ready to break out. Idk, just possibilities, my point is that I don't think we should cross Reggie off this summer just because of a "bad attitude." Many Knicks of the past have found success here despite a "bad attitude" and we need a ******* PG. Its the same thing with Demarcus Cousins, if you could ball you could ball and hopefully you mature as a person along the way.

Idk maybe I am reaching, all I am saying/asking is that if we don't get Russell or Knight, who would you prefer we realistically go after this summer than Reggie Jackson?

@THE GR8EST  I think we're saying the same thing, that run that the Pacers had was impressive, but since that run in which they ran us over , I haven't seen Hibbert play the same way and I don't think it'll get better.
100% man. I was agreeing with you, just emphasizing how that makes it all the more frustrating.

Like why the **** couldnt that **** have happened in 2013 as opposed to them looking like the next dynasty in waiting the NBA has to offer?

Especially because if you had followed Hibbert his entire career, you kind of knew that his play during that series was a fluke. And if you are from NY you DEFINITELY knew that Lance was a ******* head case just waiting to happen 
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