2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

Knight gets destroyed by everyone (Deandre, Kyrie, etc), its only right for him to be a Knick :lol:

Also literally the ONLY guy i'd trade our pick for is Cousins.

I'd imagine DMC would enjoy NYC, but hopefully not too much. And if we're sticking to this triangle thing, he's arguably the best fit in the league at the 5.
I don't want wes Mathews coming off injury and won't feel bad if he gets it together on a small contract elsewhere. Can't afford to add broken players. If all the Monroe rumors are true, Id be happy to give him the current max (which, after the cap goes up in a year won't be that much). He's a legit 2nd or 3rd scoring option, just have to hope he can be good enough at rebounding a defense, where he doesn't always show up unfortunately. Even so, we'd be lucky to add a young starter in his prime. I'd also love to add Danny Green and would be willing to overpay for him. Great shooter and defender in his prime, local guy, and shouldn't cost a lot.

the biggest challenge this offseason imo, besides hitting with a good draft pick, is what happens w calderon. He's still owed like 3/25 after this season and I can't image were going to shed that. That's a lot to pay a backup, so I'd have to imagine unless we can somehow swap his bad contract for another, we might just have to hope he can get his game together here. Have a feeling he will be immovable until his last year, unless there's a horrible contract out there someone wants to dump on us. I think he'll always be useful on offense but the problem is he can't guard anybody.

It's probably wishful thinking but I'd like to imagine that Thanasis can provide what shump did wo the flashes of competent offense and probably more hustle and energy. If he can lockdown 2/3s that'd be huge for us.

If our lineup next year is:
Monroe/Smith/ [any rim protector]
[Towns or Okafor]/Aldrich/ [any rim protector]

This is an ok team, obviously heavily dependent on Melos aging and the draft pick, but it's still probably only a big upgrade on Calderon away from being somewhat competitive in the east. We'd also probably still have cap room for another max if all we sign are Monroe, Green, Larkin, Smith, and guys on close to minimum deals. Either way we need to fill 4 starting spots, and in FA ill be happy w Monroe and a 2 that plays defense and can shoot. And we can get a PG or Big if we're drafting in the top 4. Which would ideally only leave the team one major piece away. At least we should be watchable next yr
How is Katy winning tho? :lol:

Whoever voted for Katy, plz tell me why you chose her over the others

It's not too absurd but I just want to know the reasoning
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White girls with dark hair are my favorite type of white girl.

It was a struggle between her and Britney, cause Britney had a nice shape on her but Katy ended up winning out.
voted Katy just because i was waaaaay too young to know anything about Britney or Mariah
If our lineup next year is:
Stopped reading at this point 

If that is the Knicks PG trio at the start of next season, ill be the real life version of @nickmaz96  avi 

Forreal though, this team needs a MF PG. IDC who the **** we have, this team isnt winning **** with Jose Calderon starting at point.

Plus that PG trio would mean that the Knicks failed to accomplish 2 of the 3 biggest things we need to do this summer (with the third being finding a legit rim protector) IMO:

Fail to upgrade/address the PG situation. And fail to find a way to turn Jose Calderon into additional cap space by either waiving him or trading him or turn him into a player we could use here (@ Jeff Green 

Plus I think Galloway has done enough to earn that 3rd PG spot over Larkin even if we do end up doing nothing, no?

But that is a major reason I am very hesitant on signing Monroe. If we do sign Monroe we really need an athletic rim protector like Towns to pair him with, meaning that I only want Monroe here if we draft Towns and then sign a competent PG not named Jose Calderon to run the point.

I love that scenario but my primary but IDK how realistic scenario would be to draft D-Russell and sign Marc Gasol to be our franchise center/rim protector, then trade Calderon along with THJR to Memphis for Jeff Green and sign a 2 like Danny Green or Khris Middleton or Wes Matthews if he is cheap and Paul Allen for some reason doesn't want to keep him (unlikely, I know,)

PG: Russell/Galloway/Shved

SG: Danny Green or Middleton/Ledo/Antentokuombo

SF: Melo/Cleanthony/Lance Thomas

PF: Jeff Green/Amudson?/Acy?

C: Gasol/Bargnani/Aldrich

A little work on the bench, maybe go after a defensive minded 4 to either start in between Melo/Gasol (and move J.Green to 6th man) or come off the bench, but that roster looks nice to me.. 

#Russell/Gasol2k15 (praying hands)  
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Am I the only one who likes Melo at the 4 rather then the 3?

Defensively, he has held his own and offensively, well, we all know very well how great Melo is down low on the block.
If we had the 1 or 2 pick, we wouldnt have to throw in THJR, Caldo should be in the package though.

Are Towns or Okafors ceiling higher than Cousins? Cousins is averaging 24.1 points per game and 12.7 rebounds, 25.1per, which is a top 10 per in the league.
He's 3rd big man behind Anthony Davis and Whiteside in per.

He's only 24, same as Greg Monroe, Cousins is only 2 months younger than Monroe. We can still say Cousins havent reached his prime, it's only his fourth season in the league and would be the franchise player when Melo is on his way out.

Everything you wrote after that first sentence contradicted your point. 
And it's exactly why the Knicks don't have enough, even with the #1 pick and THJR.

Boogie might not finish out his deal in Sacramento, but he's not getting shipped here for a 1 or 2 in this year's draft + our worst contract.
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Am I the only one who likes Melo at the 4 rather then the 3?

Defensively, he has held his own and offensively, well, we all know very well how great Melo is down low on the block.
Definitely not the only 1. Its one of the major reasons I want to get Marc Gasol. Because Gasol is one of (if not the) only players available to us this summer good enough offensively and defensively to hold down the center spot in the triangle. It is this reason that I want him so much.

Because at the end of the day I am skeptical in the Knicks bringing a true power forward like Greg Monroe here to pair with a center like Towns. This is why I like the idea of drafting Russell and signing Gasol. This way Gasol's defensive prowess would allow for us to play Melo at the 4. Considering that Memphis is already a top notch defensive team with Gasol holding down the center spot next to defensive bum Z-Bo, figure he would be fine next to Melo, especially in the East.

Figure that Gasol would be like a MUCH better offensive version of Tyson Chandler. The Knicks were fine with DPOY Tyson at center next to Melo at the 4 in 2013. We need that kind of defensive impact out of our center again if we want to play Melo at the 4. But at the same time, Melo and Gasol in the front court together would be a triangle offensive dream come true, unlike Melo and Tyson.

In my scenario I still listed Melo at the 3, but you know if it were him and Jeff Green, they would be able to switch off between the 3 and the 4 depending on different match ups. If we bring Marc Gasol here, the Knicks could pair Melo with another forward, not necessarily a true power forward, and still be fine defensively.

I guess the same could be said about Karl Towns, but I would be a little skeptical of handing total rim protecting duties to a 19 year old right off the bat, which would be the case if he played center next to Melo at the 4. He picked up a **** load of fouls playing 20 minutes per game in the SEC, I could only imagine what it would be like to start at center next to someone like Melo at the 4. He is also still mad skinny for the NBA. His true defensive impact wont be felt for at least another 2-3 years IMO.

This is why IMO if the Knicks have ANY shot at Marc Gasol this summer, we need to pursue it. Hard. He is THE best player potentially available for the Knicks this summer. Phil needs to sit his *** down and say "8 years ago I was in a similar place with Kobe and the Lakers as I am now with Melo and the Knicks. I brought your brother in and we went to the Finals that year before winning the next 2 in a row. Come and join me in New York just like Pau left Memphis and you will not regret it."

And like I said before, I have a friend semi-close to the situation who told me that Gasol would strongly consider signing here. I think that it is in the best interest for all Knicks fans to seriously root against Memphis making a run in these playoffs. 

Another early exit would only help our chances of Gasol wanting to potentially abandon ship and join the coach who won his brother 2 rings with a proven #1 scorer like Carmelo Anthony, a top 5 pick, a chance to play in the much weaker Eastern Conference, and also play in a major marketing city that would immediately do wonders to his marketability (NO WAY Gasol wouldn't be a top MVP candidate right along with Curry and Harden if he had the season he had playing in NYC).

Obviously that Memphis team is better than the Knicks right now but you gotta consider their championship ceiling. Z-Bo is old and on the decline and Conley has reached his ceiling, sure the addition of Jeff Green helped and Tony Allen is still an elite defender but this team's ceiling in the Western Conference is NOW. A first or second round exit this year, don't be surprised to see Gasol thinking about other options this summer.

Sure we would also have to compete with the Spurs and Lakers amongst others but with a chance to play in Phil's famed triangle, NYC, the Eastern Conference (I don't see Gasol leaving Memphis to play in the Western Conference unless the Spurs can sway him), and Melo, I would have to consider us to be the frontrunners to land him if he opted to leave Memphis behind just like Pau.
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Stopped reading at this point :x

If that is the Knicks PG trio at the start of next season, ill be the real life version of @nickmaz96
 avi :lol:

Forreal though, this team needs a MF PG. IDC who the **** we have, this team isnt winning **** with Jose Calderon starting at point.

Plus that PG trio would mean that the Knicks failed to accomplish 2 of the 3 biggest things we need to do this summer (with the third being finding a legit rim protector) IMO:

I'm not happy about it either, and I mention in the rest of my post that we would need to upgrade on Calderon in the future to be competitive, but it's naive to be thinking that we're winning anything next year or that it's going to be easy to move Calderon's contract when it has 3 more yrs and about 26.5m left. I can't think of any contract that a team would want to shed so badly that they'd take his. Keep in mind that we had to give up Shumpert just to get rid of JR Smith, who had one less year and over 11M less left on his contract. In return we got nothing.

Jeff Green has 1/9 left, so I can't imagine why memphis would want to make that deal. Maybe there's another bad contract out there to swap, but I just don't see it being possible to move Calderon until after next summer when the cap goes up bc the new TV deals kick in, or 2 years from now when his contract is expiring AND the cap is higher (he'll be making 11M in 2016-2017) unless we take back an even worse contract.

The best case scenario is that he plays competently while the knicks pick up 1 or 2 starters and a top draft pick this summer who gel with Melo, and when the cap goes up w/ the new CBA, or in 2 years from now when his contract his expiring (summer of 2017), you may be able to trade him then. The better he plays the easier he is to move too. He's selling low right now turning 34 next season and having only played 42 games this year. I'm not saying the knicks can't or shouldn't take Mudiay or Russell, we might be forced to based on the lottery, but I think we're stuck with him for at least one more season, and given next year should be all about getting a few starters and a 19 yr old rookie to develop a style and learn to play w/ Melo, I'm ok w/ that.
^ Also I'm rooting hard for Portland to sweep Memphis in the most embarrassing way possible :lol:. but i don't see Marc leaving
I'm not happy about it either, and I mention in the rest of my post that we would need to upgrade on Calderon in the future to be competitive, but it's naive to be thinking that we're winning anything next year or that it's going to be easy to move Calderon's contract when it has 3 more yrs and about 26.5m left. I can't think of any contract that a team would want to shed so badly that they'd take his. Keep in mind that we had to give up Shumpert just to get rid of JR Smith, who had one less year and over 11M less left on his contract. In return we got nothing.
Yeah I didnt ACTUALLY stop reading your post. Just felt like writing that after reading that atrocious PG depth chart 

Just so yall know, I read every word of every single post in here (except during my hiatuses). I mean come on, who am I not to read **** that yall write? So don't think I am some hypocrite coming in here writing essays and not reading a couple paragraphs from the rest of yall 

Anyway on to Calderon. He needs to be gone. IMO theres nothing he could contribute to this team that we can't get out of Galloway and Shved in the unfortunate event that we aren't able to significantly upgrade our PG position through the draft or free agency.

The way I look at it, if we do strike out this summer finding a PG, I would rather save a buck or 2 and add some excitement into the mix in seeing if young guns like Galloway and Shved can take us anywhere as opposed to seeing an old worn down Calderon in the mix.

And I say that the Knicks need to rid themselves of Calderon this summer regardless of what happens, because although the ideal situation would be to trade him and get him 100% off of the books, the Knicks could still save A LOT this summer from releasing him. IMO Calderon is not nearly good enough to keep around for next season for what he costs ($ that could and should be spent on players who could help this team win ball games) when we could always just release him if we can't find a trade partner.

But personally I don't think it would be impossible to trade Calderon. I bring up the Memphis/Jeff Green scenario only because Memphis would probably resort to blowing up their current roster if they lost Gasol and they would most likely have no need for Jeff Green, a player who I believe would be a perfect compliment in the trinagle offense next to Melo and Marc Gasol in the front court. I figure a Calderon/Hardaway trade for Jeff Green could make sense because this would help Memphis kind of tank next season and I think that acquiring a potential young starter in Hardaway would entice them into the deal.

But even beyond that Memphis trade, Calderon possesses a lot of favorable traits for a back up PG on a contending team. He is unselfish, a good veteran presence, and usually a dead eye three pointer. There might be contending teams out there who, unlike the Knicks, aren't necessarily worried so much about cap space with their core roster already set. A team like that might be willing to take on Calderon if they don't have to give up anything. 

If we can't work out something with Memphis/Jeff Green (if we sign Gasol) and we can't dump Calderon on a contender, we could always try to move him and a young piece like Hardaway Jr. to a team building up young talent with lots of cap space they do not plan to use, like Philadelphia. This would be similar to when the Sixers were willing to take on Amar'e or Bargnani from us if we included Hardaway in to the deal.

The Sixers are in the process of accumulating a lot of young talent. They currently have Noel/Embiid in the front court, Dario Saric abroad, maybe a couple of players currently on their roster they see developing into a rotational player, and as many as 1-3 lottery picks in this draft. However, it has become far more likely than unlikely that the Heat will finish with a top 10 pick (they currently sit at #10 and would only fall out of the top 10 if one of the 4 lottery teams behind them leap frog them into a to 3 spot, which is unlikely) and the Lakers will finish with a top 5 pick (the Lakers currently sit at #4 and would only fall out of the top 5 if 2 teams behind them leap frog them into the top 3 so that 2 of the top 3 selections in the draft this year would come from teams ranked 5-14 in the lottery seedings, also unlikely, I believe the Lakers have an 81% chance of keeping their pick at #4), giving the Sixers only one pick in this draft. Having recently sent MCW to Milwaukee and having their front court occupied, I consider it likely that the Sixers end up with a PG in this draft either Mudiay or Russell. 

If that is the case and the Sixers wind up only getting Mudiay/Russell from this draft and having him join Saric (when he returns from Europe), Noel, and Embiid as well as probably Jeremy Grant and maybe some others in players the Sixers are building around, there would be a glaring need for a young swing man to add to that roster. If this is the case, a player like Hardaway Jr. would be all the more attractive for what Philadelphia is trying to do.

The Sixers have a **** load of cap space but no immediate plans to use it, so I am sure they wouldn't mind eating up Jose Calderon's contract if it brought them a young 2 guard like Hardaway Jr. in the process. They could then waive Calderon and not have to pay him all that much anyway.

I think that with this and the other trade scenarios mentioned along with the possibility of just waiving Calderon ourselves and sparing Hardaway Jr. from leaving us this summer, the Knicks could easily turn Jose Calderon into cap space or a player who could help this team a lot more next season. IMO there is no reason that Jose Calderon should be a Knick next year besides Phil Jackson having too much pride to dump his prize acquisition next summer for nothing in return, which I hope is not the case. Calderon is not nearly good enough to warrant the financial burden he would cost this team. There are other point guards we currently have who would be more exciting to watch than Calderon in the event we strike out with PGs this summer, and the $ spent on Calderon should be much better spent elsewhere regardless of what happens with the rest of the roster this summer.


The ONLY scenario in which I could bare us keeping Calderon in NY, is if my whole draft Russell/sign Gasol scenario comes to fruition under the guidline that Jose Calderon be on the team in order for Gasol to sign here.

If that is the case and if Memphis won't listen to the Jeff Green for Calderon/Hardaway Jr. trade scenario that I came up with, then I guess it wouldn't be the worst thing to keep Calderon around as a savvy veteran back up PG for Russell/good friend of our new franchise center.

Plus we would still have enough $ in that case to spend around $10 million on another free agent, which we could use on a forward to play in between Melo/Gasol or a guard to join Russell in the backcourt. Even though it would be nice to cut/trade Calderon and have enough for both but whatever.

If we drafted Russell, signed Gasol, and traded Calderon/THJR for Jeff Green, we would have a lineup of Russell/Melo/JG/Marc Gasol set up and still have $10 million or so to spend on a 2 guard. **** does that sound nice 
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Sidenote: there's a lot of former Knicks players (10 to be exact) that are currently in the playoffs :lol: :smh:

+1 if you count former head coach :lol:
Why the hell would Millsap leave Atlanta for our bum team. Atlanta isn't letting him go either.
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