2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

I can't watch this game with all the former Knicks in this....it's sad lol

Seeing Mozgod is killing me as a knick fan
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so JR stil is this mythical great creature right?

podcast is uploaded for anyone that cares :lol: appreciate the consistent love nick.
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Now with Kyrie possibly out and unless Earl is a reincarnation of himself from the Atl series, Dubs in 4.....
I was always heated that we threw in Moz in the Melo deal. And I think Donnie was too.
I was always heated that we threw in Moz in the Melo deal. And I think Donnie was too.
At the time I didn't care because D'Antoni wasn't even giving him consistent PT and he definitely hadn't adjusted to the NBA game yet. He's flourishing now though, turned into a real good big man. NYK international scouts known what they doing....who would've thought :lol:
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THJR / Mudiay / Greek = fast break

Emmanuel Mudiay Sets Lakers, Minnesota Workouts; T'Wolves Express Consideration For No. 1 Pick
JUN 5, 2015 1:54 AM

Emmanuel Mudiay has scheduled only two predraft team workouts so far: the Los Angeles Lakers on Saturday and Minnesota Timberwolves on June 20 and possibly sooner, with the T’Wolves convincing the 6-foot-5 guard that he’ll be under serious consideration with the No. 1 overall pick, sources told RealGM.

Minnesota recently reached out to Mudiay and its front office laid out a vision for a roster with him, Andrew Wiggins and Zach LaVine, sources said.

Mudiay spent the season in the Chinese Basketball Association, averaging 18 points in 12 games while sitting out for a stretch due to an ankle injury.

Mudiay has no workouts scheduled yet with the Philadelphia 76ers or New York Knicks, but is willing to visit every team in the top five, including the Orlando Magic. The Sacramento Kings have the No. 6 pick.

Mudiay, 19, went to high school in Texas and had committed to SMU before leaving to turn pro in China.

If T'wolves do not select a big, we have a shot at Towns.
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**** you JR. Hope for more of the same this series. ******* mental ****** 

Read an interesting theory once that including Moz in the Melo deal cost the Knicks CP3. Maybe it was in here even but idk so figured id bring it up in case it wasnt spoken about in here although im sure I have mentioned it in one rant or another if it hasnt been brought up elsewhere.

Basically was about how CP3 had a lot of interest in the Knicks esp due to his relationship with Melo but the Knicks didnt have the cap for him when he hit the market because we spent it on Tyson. If we didnt include Moz in that deal we likely wouldnt have had to go after Tyson thus we likely could have gotten CP3 

At the end of the day it was always Amare who truly held us back. Its hard to pin it all on him because he was the first of the bunch to come aboard and its tough to have that kind of foresight when you have no big fish on the roster, but its sad but true. Injuries + lack of defense + inability to coexist with Melo (even though we didnt even have Melo at the time) made STAT a disaster here.

CP3, Melo, Tyson could have realistically beat the Heat and competed for a title. They probably would have won the East this year TBH. 

And about Monroe, still dont like it. I will admit he is an intriguing talent, likely would do flourish offesnively in the traditional triangle, and is only 24, but he is not what is needed next to Melo especially if we draft Mudiay, which would require getting out on the run and pushing the confines of the prototypical triangle. 

I could rant all day about why/why not I like him or not, but at the end of the day, it would be a similar type of signing to what Amare was to me. A big fish for the sake of catching a big fish.

At the end of the day, your end game should always be a title, no matter how far fetched that might seem at the time. Do you honestly think even at their highest ceiling, Melo and Greg Monroe would ever be able to win a championship playing together making a combined close to $200 million??

I don't see any possible way that can possibly happen. Getting Monroe is a great way to get back into the playoff picture in the weak East, but never truly compete for a title IMO. So I will pass on Greg.
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I remember I was not very happy that we used our amnesty clause on Billups after picking up option on him. I liked Chandler, but I didn't want to waste our amnesty clause on an expiring contract.
I remember I was not very happy that we used our amnesty clause on Billups after picking up option on him. I liked Chandler, but I didn't want to waste our amnesty clause on an expiring contract.

You know what got me really tight was when we used the amnesty clause on Billups because we picked his option up the week before we amnestied him so if we didn't pick up his expensive option which we shouldn't have anyway we could've just signed Tyson with no issue.

If we didn't use the amnesty on Billups we could've amnestied Amare whenever we wanted..... :smh:

Knicks front office blunders at its finest....
I remember I was not very happy that we used our amnesty clause on Billups after picking up option on him. I liked Chandler, but I didn't want to waste our amnesty clause on an expiring contract.

that really pissed me off too. we shouldve used it on STAT. can you imagine what we couldve done with that 20mil these last 3 years. damn man :smh:
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