2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

Oh God, picking up the Chanucey option and amnestying him a week later. How could I foget? 

Knicks literally used that amnesty up like Chauncey was signed to a non guaranteed ******* contract. Between that and using the amnesty on JYD instead of Houston, the Knicks ******* suck at amnestying.

So much misplaced loyalty and short sightedness. The amnesty was literally nicknamed the "Allan Houston rule" when it came out and we ******* used it on JYD. God damn Dolan ******* sucks 

EDIT: and that still is not as bad as amnestying a player whos option they picked up weeks earlier. It would have been ******* stupid even if Chauncey was on the books from the start, as he was an expiring contract, but the fact that we picked up his option weeks earlier makes that historically dumbfounding.

And its not even like the Knicks had to use the amnesty that summer. Thats like some **** you would do in 2k after pressing the wrong button 
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Oh God, picking up the Chanucey option and amnestying him a week later. How could I foget? 

Knicks literally used that amnesty up like Chauncey was signed to a non guaranteed ******* contract. Between that and using the amnesty on JYD instead of Houston, the Knicks ******* suck at amnestying.

So much misplaced loyalty and short sightedness. The amnesty was literally nicknamed the "Allan Houston rule" when it came out and we ******* used it on JYD. God damn Dolan ******* sucks 
Completely forgot about that. 
 These ****** really can't do **** right. 

How do you get two shots at resetting one of your mistakes…and you go and **** that up too? HOW?!

I hope the good Lord blesses all of us one day with a championship after all the pain and misery we've had to endure. One thing after another...
And its not even like the Knicks had to use the amnesty that summer. Thats like some **** you would do in 2k after pressing the wrong button 
I laughed. 

But I really feel like crying tho'.
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the knicks gon knick guys. we know this. at least we have phil now that wont make the same stupid bone head mistakes. i mean who picks up an option and then amnesties them like a week later. thats just plain stupidity.
You know what got me really tight was when we used the amnesty clause on Billups because we picked his option up the week before we amnestied him so if we didn't pick up his expensive option which we shouldn't have anyway we could've just signed Tyson with no issue.

If we didn't use the amnesty on Billups we could've amnestied Amare whenever we wanted..... :smh:

Knicks front office blunders at its finest....

My mind was truly boggled. :stoneface:

Same ol JR those buckets last night :lol:

:smokin #knickstape back
The worst part is that option was $14 mil....

Why would you have picked up that option? WHY???????
I know right. I feel like that even took Chauncey off guard. And then he ended up getting the $14 mil without having to do **** 

Like I feel like if Knicks management went up to Chauncey and said "We want to keep you but not pick up your $14 million option" he would have gladly accepted that and reworked some sort of $2 million deal. Chauncey has made his $ in the league and knew as well as anybody that he wasnt a $14 million player and that point and the Knicks also had every ******* right to try and do that since it was a TEAM ******* OPTION.

**** we fail SO HARD 
The worst part is that option was $14 mil....

Why would you have picked up that option? WHY???????

I am not sure. The only thing I know is that it has something with CP3.

I supported the idea for picking up the option on Billups. We expected to see him gone since CP3 hit FA.

CP3's agent told the Hornets that he will not sign an extension contract and wanted to get traded to the Knicks. The Knicks didn't have any good pieces to offer. We had no picks. The Rockets had our 2012 first round pick. The Nuggets had our two first round picks.

There was a rumor that CP3 would get traded to the Lakers for Pau Gasol, Bynum and some picks. The Knicks' front office felt like they knew CP3 would probably sign an extension contract with the Lakers. He got traded to the Lakers on December 8. Tyson Chandler officially signed with us on December 9. That was probably why the Knicks decided to use the amnesty clauses on Billups.

The reason why I wasn't happy with it. Chris Paul wasn't the only big named player who would be available in the summer of 2012. Deron Williams and Dwight Howard were expected to become free agents in the summer of 2012 as well. Deron Williams tested FA. DH12 picked up his ETO.
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The worst part is that option was $14 mil....

Why would you have picked up that option? WHY???????
I know right. I feel like that even took Chauncey off guard. And then he ended up getting the $14 mil without having to do **** :lol:

Like I feel like if Knicks management went up to Chauncey and said "We want to keep you but not pick up your $14 million option" he would have gladly accepted that and reworked some sort of $2 million deal. Chauncey has made his $ in the league and knew as well as anybody that he wasnt a $14 million player and that point and the Knicks also had every ******* right to try and do that since it was a TEAM ******* OPTION.

**** we fail SO HARD :smh:
Bro that is what we should've done but thinking about all the fails in my lifetime is mind boggling:

1.) Traded prime Mark Jackson for Charles Smith/Doc Rivers
2.) Traded an expiring Ewing contract for bloated contrats that set us back years and disrespected the franchise player that gave his all to NY
3.) Traded prime Camby and newly drafted Nene to Denver for McDyess
4.) Howard Eisley trade
5.) Allen Houston max deal and not amnestying him
6.) Trading two draft picks for Eddy Curry who turned out to be Noah and Lamarcus
7.) Signing Eddy Curry to a Max Deal
8.) Stephon Marbury
9.) Isiah Thomas
10.) Giving Jared Jeffries way more than his bum a** was worth
11.) Giving Amare a max deal wtih shakey knees (this can be debated though)
12.) Billups Fiasco
13.) Bargani Trade

This is off the top of my head too..... Hopefully Phil can bring some good luck our way.... :smh:
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Jerome James as well.

We had two terrible MLE players in James and Jeffries. Jeffries played well, but it didn't live up to his contract.
1.) Traded prime Mark Jackson for Charles Smith/Doc Rivers
Always overlooked to me.

The 1992 Knicks (took MJ to 7 with Mark running the point and getting the best out of Ewing) win the 1994 and 1995 championships IMO.

Especially considering that the 94/95 verseions of the Starks/Mason/Oakley trifecta were much better overall players than they were in 92. That team needed a PG like Mark.
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the knicks gon knick guys. we know this. at least we have phil now that wont make the same stupid bone head mistakes. i mean who picks up an option and then amnesties them like a week later. thats just plain stupidity.
Yeah, Phil's really been able to rile the troops and inspire confidence with his moves thus far...

Let's see what he does this offseason first before we completely dismiss him from that category. He's still gotta prove he can cut it at the operations side of basketball.
Im legit upset right now that y'all brought up that Billups mess. :lol: I can't wrap my mind around that decision. No wonder we're a laughingstock. :smh: [emoji]128546[/emoji]
Also another random misstep I realized yesterday thinking about the JR/Shump trade...

How the **** did the Knicks NOT get Waiters in that deal? I mean he is hardly a game changer but definitely an asset, especially since we gave up 2 ******* 2-guards in that deal to Cleveland. We could have either moved Waiters this summer as bait or even tried him at 6th man behind THJR and sort of solved our 2 guard issue internally.

I mean the Thunder were SUCH an unnecessary third party on that deal looking back on it. They gave up 3 non-guaranteed contracts (Amudson, Thomas, and Alex Kirk, who all went to NY and Kirk was waived).. The Cavs got NOTHING in return from OKC, yet they got Dion and not us. How the **** does that happen? It is almost like Reggie Jackson was supposed to go to the Knicks in that deal and he was just forgotten about unnoticed.

I mean I get that the Knicks were done a "favor" by having the Cavs take on JR's deal. And then we gave them Shump as well because Shump is an asset and was not resigning here anyway and we were tanking this season. All that makes sense to me, no matter how much better the deal has played out for the Cavs. But they were already getting rid of Dion. How the **** did OKC slime their way into that deal? How does Phil not get Dion? Why is this never spoken about? The ONLY logical solution I can think of (besides Reggie Jackson being taken out at the very last minute for some reason) is Phil optionally ******* choosing Amudson/Thomas over Dion, which is just RIDICULOUS if true.

The Cavs got NOTHING (unless they sent a first rounder or something to them which I dont know about) back from OKC in that deal. They were already trading Dion so how the **** did we not get him back? Is anybody as confused/pissed about this as I am?
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rather get nothing than waiters. guy is a locker room cancer.
Not true. Waiters was the 4th pick in the draft and far from a locker room cancer. Maybe he can be a little "cancerous" on the floor due to his ball dominating style of play, but dude couldnt be more of a worker who is very soft spoken. I went to Cuse when he was there and I remember dude wouldnt even drink at the bars when he would go out with drunk off his *** Fab Melo and the crew. People used to try and buy him drinks all the ******* time and he would always politely decline. Dion is the kind of guy who knew where he came from and where he was going and wanted nothing to do with anything that could get in the way of that. Unless he has changed his ways since Cuse and I don't know about it, he is far from a bad locker room presence. He would definitely be more of an asset to have than Amudson/Thomas. At the very least he would be some sort of trade bait to float around.
0 desire to have him around. if he couldnt play with lebron what makes you think he could play with melo?
Because Melo is a ************* gangster and Cuse alum, obviously. Bron was probably too soft for Dion's style.

But realtalk he would have also been a better fit in NY BECAUSE of his ball dominating style and ability to run some point. This couldnt work in Cleveland because they already have enough facilitators, including Lebron, the best one in the game. Knicks dont have enough. Dion would have definitely been an asset. **** makes 0 logical sense to me.

EDIT: I wholeheartedly agree with the points above and below this post as well. Dion could have gotten some nice burn on this Knicks team. Some ******* excitement. Could have at least boosted his trade value for us. You dont turn down a 22 year old ******* asset/former top 5 pick (even if he was reached on) when he is staring you right in the face in favor of Lance ******* Thomas and Lou ******* Amudson.
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I forget about Dion being traded to the Thunder. I really wish we got Dion.

Surely, Dion had some problems with Cavaliers players. The problem is that Dion admits that he wants to be a scorer. He doesn't want to be a spot up shooter or anything. LeBron wanted Dion to be a spot up shooter. That isn't Dion's game. Scoring is what Dion does best.

We needed a second option so badly. Dion would be our perfect second option. Melo complained that none of his teammates can't score at all. We need someone to take burden off Melo in offense. Dion is that kind of player who can take pressure. He's cocky and arrogant just like Kobe and Jordan. You have to be cocky and arrogant when you are a scorer. Dion went to Cuse just like Melo did. I am sure Melo would love to play with Dion.
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I want no parts of Dion in a NYK uniform. 
 He could've rocked a suit on the bench until Phil figured something out. You get rid of JR to grab the younger but less versatile version of him? No thanks.

The thing is...you could've easily scooped him up to then flip for a 1st rounder or 2 2nd's or whatever. GR8 made a good point.
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