2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

definitely sarcasm man lol. I don't know if you followed the knicks heavy back in the day, but there was a nasty rumor that Eddie Curry was bare *** naked in the back of a limo eating burger king in the msg parking lot :rofl: :rofl:
RIP... Never enough of a paper trail 
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I understand what Donnie was trying to do but that Randolph trade always bothered me.
Just like I wasnt fronting about my hatred for Curry im not gonna front like I wasnt thrilled to get rid of ZBos contract that day.

Even though I will also say that even on those ****** Knicks teams I always said that ZBo would thrive next to a center who hid his defensive deficencies, like Gasol has done in Memphis. Not next to Eddy ******* Curry.

Zbo never would have worked here though. We were right to get rid of him when we did. He was a bad fit and his contract was absurd and ran like 3 more years I believe. Who would we have put around him? Not Amare, and that was the only big name player we were able to land that summer. Melo would have never came here to play with ZBo like he did with STAT, and even if he did they wouldnt play well together at all.

It would have never worked for ZBo here like it did in Memphis. Especially as an Isiah acquire. We would have needed to build a team around him through the draft. I dont think we had the picks to do that and even if we did, you coukdnt have convinced anybody at the time that ******* ZBo was worth the effort.

He needed the change of scenery as well. And similar to JR, with that contract + the head case/poor defender he was known to be, we were lucky just to unload him at the time so of course we didnt get fair value in return from a strictly talent standpoint. **** like that gets lost in the mix. Easy to point fingers in hindsight.
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Just like I wasnt fronting about my hatred for Curry im not gonna front like I wasnt thrilled to get rid of ZBos contract that day.
Even though I will also say that even on those ****** Knicks teams I always said that ZBo would thrive next to a center who hid his defensive deficencies, like Gasol has done in Memphis. Not next to Eddy ******* Curry.

Even though Zach's contract was heavy I've always wanted to know how the team would've turned out if we had just gotten a couple solid pieces around him and Jamal.
did you forget about these?

The Knicks completed a wild day of trading on Friday when they sent Zach Randolph and Mardy Collins to the Clippers for Tim Thomas and Cuttino Mobley. The deal comes less than two hours after Donnie Walsh traded Jamal Crawford to the Warriors for Al Harrington.

signed-and-traded David Lee(notes)

 into Ronny Turiaf(notes)
 Anthony Randolph(notes)

 and Kelenna Azubuike

The crazy thing about the David Lee trade was that Golden state wanted us to take Monta Ellis and we told them no!(notes
That was all part of Donnie Walsh's cap clearing pan. I cant fault him for that nor fully assess that, considering that he was intervened and then pushed out the door by Dolan before his plan could develop properly.

Amare signing is still a misfire though.


the 2010 free agent summer had the following players that were up for grabs:
1) Lebron
2) D-Wade
3) Dirk (technically available)
4) Bosh
5) Joe Johnson
6) Boozer
7) Amare
8. Yao Ming
9) Rudy Gay
10) David Lee
11) Paul Pierce
12) Scola
13) Ray Allen
14) JJ Reddick
15) Haslem

I fell for the LeBron hype and actually thought we had a chance at him. We didnʻt. Oh well. Miami ends up with 5 people on that top 15 list. They build a squad and end up making finals and winning multiple championships.

Out of everything on that list we ended up with Amare. I understand that hindsight is 20/20 but everyone KNEW that Amare had injury issues and we still gave him the max money to come in. We build a squad and end up making the playoffs a few times.

So.... looking toward the future: what can we learn from this?

This year we are sitting on a #4 pick, loads of cash, and a potential MVP candidate/scoring champ in Melo. Here would be my solution:

#4 pick) You draft someone that you envision being a Knick for the next 10 years. Regardless of position, you get the player that will remain in that starting line-up and do whatever the team needs to win. You can buy players and build around that.

Loads of cash) Whatever we do, we arenʻt in the position to roll the dice anymore on someone who is recovering from an injury. Wesley Matthews type players should not be in the discussion anymore. Whoever we pay, needs to be healthy, no major previous injuries, and be ready to contribute for the exact need that we are paying them for.

MVP/Scoring Champ) Ideally, if we can draft one of the top 2 PGʻs coming out this year at #4 (Russell/Muddiay) and sign two solid free agents (one being a big) it would take TONS of pressure of Melo and he will be getting great looks at the hoop this season. However, if KAT/Okafor miraculously drops to us, that is fine also, we would just need to then target our free agent signings on a premier PG instead of a big.
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I give u dudes props, but honestly this team isn't doing **** for at least the next 3 seasons
I fell for the LeBron hype and actually thought we had a chance at him. We didnʻt. Oh well. Miami ends up with 5 people on that top 15 list. They build a squad and end up making finals and winning multiple championships.

Out of everything on that list we ended up with Amare. I understand that hindsight is 20/20 but everyone KNEW that Amare had injury issues and we still gave him the max money to come in. We build a squad and end up making the playoffs a few times.
Agreed 100%. There was a champion to be built in 2010. Knicks had a smart man leading the show for once, and he had a plan to build a champion in NY. At least we were finally going for it with real franchise player types in sight. I got caught up in it too. You live and you learn from mistakes. I know think it is short sighted to rely solely on free agency to build a champion. Even the Heat were able to do what they did largely because they already had Wade in place. Free Agency is a great tool to use, but we lived and died by it too much back then.

But back then? I didnt know this. I dont think anyone did. This was just before the "star players teaming up with other star players" era that Lebron basically ******* created. People legitimately thought that just by hiring a coach he liked (dantoni) and offering him the bright lights of MSG/marketing potential of NYC, it would be enough to win Lebron over. There was no reason not to. And we even created enough cap space to offer a second max contract to his potential side kick. That all seemed logical enough at the time to get behind. There was no reason not to think this, especially because Lebron led people on. He never outwardly crossed NY off his list in the slightest. Quite the opposite actually. Nobody ******* thought any team would be able to sign him, Bosh, and Wade because nobody ******* took pay cuts back then. I remember when Miami signed Bosh, everyone thought that was it for them. Bosh and Wade, sounded like a great tandem. When Amare came and we had the potential to offer Lebron the chance to play with him in uptempo Dantoni ball I definitely thought we had a very legit chance to get him. Especially because I never considered the Heat a factor until the rumors came out that day. The plan sounded fine enough until it wasnt.

But after spending a decade watching Layden/Isiah make one short sighted trade after another and run this team into the ground. I didnt know better and was happy to have a plan in place. Walsh hired a coach who the players loved playing for and had his targets in sight. I was happy just to have a plan and if it worked out like we thought it could, there was a championship team that could have been built through the 2010 free agent class. It just worked out that it happened in Miami and not NY. But at least we can say we gave it our best shot.

Building around Jamal Crawford and ZBo? It was never going to work out. Both are very flawed players who had bad contracts and were near 30. Its like what I said the other day about Greg Monroe, your end game should always be a title, 2010 offered that while Crawford/ZBo were never going to be the core that brought the Knicks a title.

And you cant just look at the trade details themselves. The trade netted us Amare and Melo basically. The 2013 Knicks alone were better off than any team we could have built around Mal/ZBo and their contracts. And even though Walsh was pushed out by Dolan and things ended pretty atrociously, at least we still have Melo. Get a couple pieces around him and we could get right back to contending in the East. That would have never happened if we didnt trade Jamal/ZBo. Trying to build around them would have been settling for what we had. There is a difference between striking out and striking out swinging. The Knicks DEFINITELY made a lot of mistakes from 2007-2015. There is no doubt about that. We addressed many of them. However I can not consider dumping Jamal and ZBos contract one of those mistakes. Our eyes were in the right place at the time and I was happy when those deals were made. That tandem had no ceiling with the $ they were owed.
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@chadfordinsider: Emmanuel Mudiay with a crazy off-the-backboard dunk http://t.co/xviPJLY3Dp

@chadfordinsider: Mudiay's jump shot looks much, much better. Watch him stroke NBA 3s here: http://t.co/1HmNzJvKoY

i know it's from Chad Ford but it's just video from his workout today. he's gotta be our guy if he's there at #4
The way I see it... From who is the best fit realistic target for Knicks & Lakers...

Greg Monroe is probably the best guy for the Knicks.

Tobias Harris is probably the best guy for the Lakers.

Harris with Melo just doesn't seem like a good fit. They seem like similar players in so many ways. 3s that can play the 4. Both seem big in weight for their position. Both like to stay on the perimeter, but can actually use their frame in the post. Neither are great defenders, but can be passable when they give a damn. If you play Melo at 3 & Tobias at 4. Or the other way around, it would seem like Tobias would end up standing around and becoming strictly a catch and shoot guy. Tobias doesn't seem like the type of player who can play off of another perimeter scorer. I mean you could always play him off the bench, but that's not what the Knicks should be looking for.

Monroe has defensive questions. But gives you a good low post presence offensively. Which in the triangle would be great to have production from the post and perimeter in the triangle. Also Monroe is more comfortable at the 5, but has had to be the 4 because of Drummond. This moves him to his natural spot. Also, because Monroe is a UFA, you may end up saving a couple million. Whereas, Detroit needs to offer a max to keep him, you may be able to get him for slightly. Then you then have a little bit of cap space to go after an Omer Asik for added rim protection.. Or an Afflalo or Danny Green type 3 & D guy. Also you should like your future post Melo to build with a PG & C, as opposed to a PG & 3/4.

If you went either direction, you'd still need 2016 to completely fill out a team.
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i'd rather pay Monroe if i had to choose between the 2. consistently puts up 18 & 10 and doesn't miss many games. 

also, i have a feeling Mudiay isn't gonna be there at #4
i'd rather pay Monroe if i had to choose between the 2. consistently puts up 18 & 10 and doesn't miss many games. 

also, i have a feeling Mudiay isn't gonna be there at #4

If Mudiay isn't there 4, go Russell.

And if Okafor is there? Get Okafor. And as opposed to trying to make a big splash, use cap space to sign 3 mid-tier guys. So when 2016 comes around, you have a more complete team with your cap space.

Maybe T'Wolves go for a PG if they really are trying to move Rubio.

Lakers are taking a big. It's the Team DNA. And there's not much from the Center position in the next few years in FA.

Sixers have to go small with Noel & Embiid. But if Towns was there at # 3 (he won't be), they could think about that. But that's a 0.0000001% chance they have the ability to take Towns.
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I feel like next seasons goal will just be to make that pick that we don't have as bad as possible to save us some embarrassment :lol:
i'd rather pay Monroe if i had to choose between the 2. consistently puts up 18 & 10 and doesn't miss many games. 

also, i have a feeling Mudiay isn't gonna be there at #4
If Mudiay isn't there 4, go Russell.

And if Okafor is there? Get Okafor. And as opposed to trying to make a big splash, use cap space to sign 3 mid-tier guys. So when 2016 comes around, you have a more complete team with your cap space.

Maybe T'Wolves go for a PG if they really are trying to move Rubio.

Lakers are taking a big. It's the Team DNA. And there's not much from the Center position in the next few years in FA.

Sixers have to go small with Noel & Embiid. But if Towns was there at # 3 (he won't be), they could think about that. But that's a 0.0000001% chance they have the ability to take Towns.
my exact thoughts.

i really don't wanna blow all the cap room this summer if we miss out on the top guys (Jimmy, LMA, Gasol, Dray) 

if we get Towns at #4.........
i'd rather pay Monroe if i had to choose between the 2. consistently puts up 18

If Mudiay isn't there 4, go Russell.

And if Okafor is there? Get Okafor. And as opposed to trying to make a big splash, use cap space to sign 3 mid-tier guys. So when 2016 comes around, you have a more complete team with your cap space.

Maybe T'Wolves go for a PG if they really are trying to move Rubio.

Lakers are taking a big. It's the Team DNA. And there's not much from the Center position in the next few years in FA.

Sixers have to go small with Noel

my exact thoughts.

i really don't wanna blow all the cap room this summer if we miss out on the top guys (Jimmy, LMA, Gasol, Dray) 

if we get Towns at #4.........:pimp: :wow:  

Lakers have him # 1 on their draft board.. So if he's there at 2. He's a Laker.
mudiay, okafor or russell cant be mad at any of them on the knicks...i doubt mudiay gets drafted before our pick and if he does it works out for us either way
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we can't screw this draft up.

take Mudiay, Russell, Winslow, or Okafor if he's there.
^ they said the same thing about john wall and look how good he is now..just like anyone in this draft your banking on "potential"
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