2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

I would rather go out on a limb on a high upside pick and/or trade down than draft Jahil.

Melo + Jahil = very little upside, IMO

Like I have said, "settling" for Okafor at #4 would be pretty much the only thing the Knicks can do on draft night (realistically) that would upset me initially.

I would obviously be thrilled with any of my top 3 (Towns, Russell, Mudiay) and If the Knicks took a flier on Porzingis, lets say, I would have to just be like "**** it" and trust Phil on it, knowing that he understands all that is at stake with the pick. For the Knicks future AND Phil's legacy.

And dont give me that "Phil doesnt give a ****" about adding to his legacy or the Knicks talk. I mean Phil is gonna walk out of NY just fine regardless how his Knicks tenure plays out, Im not gonna argue with that. But dont be naive and act like Phil doesnt have the ego to want to turn around the organization that gave him his first championships under his coach/mentor Red Holzman, and add to his legacy that he was able to build a winner from the ground ******* up as opposed to just riding the coattails of great players for 11 rings as a Head Coach. You KNOW he gives a **** about that. A lot of ***** probably.

Porzingis would basically HAVE to become trhe Latvian KG after that + the boos 
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In a draft loaded with franchise changing potential, I think we can do better.

The league has become a drive to the basket or launch from behind the line game.

Just look at the Finals, there is no feeding the ball to the post and waiting for a post player to burn 13 seconds off the clock establishing position and trying to out-footwork, athletic and super intelligent defenses.

LeBron is quick hitting a serviceable 7 footer for swoops to the basket or open jumpers...and that's that. Golden State has no significant post scoring to speak of, neither did the Heat.

Big men need to be able to quickly overpower defenders and turn back the army of lightning quick guards dominating the league right now a la DeAndre Jordan/Dwight Howard...Okafor does neither.

I'd rater an elite post defender with a weak offensive game than the other way around.

Monroe is a great post scorer, passer, average defender and below average athlete for his position....look how quickly super athletic, less skilled, better defending Drummond took his minutes.

Okafor would be a great pick if we already had an elite guard to break down defenses (a la MVP candidates Curry, Westbrook, Harden) and solid post defenders. He'd be the final cog in a championship team but we have none of that now and drafting him at this moment will ensure mediocrity for a long time to come imo....unless we hit a homerun in free agency.

Just my opinion.

thats why if we end up with okafor at 4, we trade back to get WCS and offer monroe the max. its the best of both worlds IF okafor is our last option. guarantee that everyone outside of the top 4 want okafor, so we can get whomever else we want in the draft, plus extra. WCS can be the defender we need to cover for monroe and melo.
Lakers fan here. Come in peace. Did you guys watch the clips of Mudiay's workout with the Lakers? His shot is legit broken. Obviously, can improve it, but it's definitely concerning. 

He's working out with the Knicks on Tuesday. 

I'm not too high on Mudiay for a few reasons. He definitely doesn't have the athleticism of a Wall who people compare him to. Not sure where exactly that came from. He's definitely athletic though, and he has great size for a PG. Reminds me somewhat of Tyreke. 

A red flag for me regarding Mudiay was his performance in China. China probably has one of the worst basketball leagues in the world in terms of talent, yet Mudiay wasn't that great there. You have older NBA players who can't make it on a roster killing it out there right now. Mudiay had one of the lower FG% on his team too. His injury could have possibly hindered him? Maybe he didn't try that hard there? Who knows. 

I'm pretty big on WCS. His defensive versatility is ideal in today's NBA. With the amount of screens teams use these days, switching has become a big part of defense. A team that can switch effortlessly gives teams problems. Riley said this a while ago he believes the NBA will turn into a league where everyone is 6' 9'' and can do a little bit of everything. We're seeing that. Perimeter players shot 22% on WCS. He has DPOY potential. 
no brace on the knee is encouraging

Melo gonna start the season at 120% healthy with all this time off
Mudiay is the guy you guys have convinced yourselves you want. He's not who you really want. I just don't see it. If that's who we end up I pray it works out but when them lights hit in the garden you need a guy who can fill it up when necessary. Russell is the better option.
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