2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

I prefer fourth overall pick over Bledsoe. Don't get me wrong. I like Bledsoe's game. It's just I do not want to see Knicks acquiring another star who had knee surgery again. Dice and Amare.

The reason why I like fourth overall pick better. It's because we can secure that guy for next five years that makes less than only $5 mill a year plus we will have a plenty of cap space. I can see Mudiay or Russell become a star in two or three year. A better long term option.

If we get rid of Calderon and get a higher pick than 13th pick, then I can live with the Bledsoe trade.

Imagine if we get Bledsoe and still have Calderon on the roster.

The total for contracts of Bledsoe, Calderson and Melo is $43,777,812. :x
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i dont want to commit to players that make us a 6-8 seed. sorry. not interested in that for the next 4 years. 1 thing being a 6-8 seed next year, but for the next 4 years? no.
Me neither. Melo/Monroe frontcourt has 6-8 seed written all over it. Bledsoe/Melo/emergence of Lyles (and Tim, I guess), has 6-8 seed at least for next year, with room for growth beyond that. especially with cap space still available for this summer and next. The trade builds a very solid foundation that works, as opposed to just throwing pieces together that dont.
yeah if we had a shot at WCS I can dig the trade but at 13, I'm not interested in any of the players that will be available. if you're not drafting at 4 and trading down, you need to be able to draft WCS.

Lyles is talented but he doesn't fill a need if you're playing Melo at the 4.
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i dont want to commit to players that make us a 6-8 seed. sorry. not interested in that for the next 4 years. 1 thing being a 6-8 seed next year, but for the next 4 years? no.
i think your underating bledsoe.  dude had a borderline playoff team in the west while not even getting to play his position half the time.  bledsoe with a healthy focused melo is something i would be very optimistic about
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here's the thing, if you had a higher pick and could pick WCS, the move fills two needs and gives you just enough cap space to round out the roster. but at 13 you're not getting the center we need so we're sitting there with less cap space and drafting a player that doesn't necessarily fill a void. if you can find a way to trade up and give WCS great, but I'm not crazy about where it positions us moving forward.
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I think everyone against this trade is severely underestimating Trey Lyles.

And I am on record saying that I would rather draft Russell if he is available than do the trade.

But passing on this deal to draft Mudiay instead of getting an immediate better version of Mudiay (with experience and room to grow) AND potentially Trey Lyles makes very little sense to me.

Especially because getting Lyles fills a need that we wont need to spend money on. It's not like we are spending extra money, just spending it differently as opposed to spending the same money on somebody like Monroe, who IMO isnt as valuable as Bledsoe nor as good a fit as Lyles.

But I do agree, that convincing Phoenix to take back Calderon would be huge.
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Lyles isn't a rim protector though and if you're playing Melo at the 4 he's relegated to coming off the bench. Unless you decide to play them together, but at that point, Melo is back to being a 3 since Lyles can't play the 3 in the NBA consistently. i just dont like the value in this trade with the 13th pick. i rather have bledsoe over lawson yes, but i can't justify trading down 9 picks to take on 10 million in salary when theres a guy thats younger with the same upside as bledsoe readily available.
Lyles isn't a rim protector though and if you're playing Melo at the 4 he's relegated to coming off the bench. Unless you decide to play them together, but at that point, Melo is back to being a 3 since Lyles can't play the 3 in the NBA consistently. i just dont like the value in this trade with the 13th pick. i rather have bledsoe over lawson yes, but i can't justify trading down 9 picks to take on 10 million in salary when theres a guy thats younger with the same upside as bledsoe readily available.
Lyles would be a perfect fit next to Melo. And the triangle. I think that is why it got leaked that Phil was "enamored" by him. I am too. He has pieces of Scottie Pippen, Odom, and Robert Horry in him. He isnt any of them, I'm not trying to say that, but he is a very cerebral Phil-like player and extremely skilled.

Like I said before, I love him next to Melo because he is big enough to guard 4s (He is 6'10 but still needs to add some muscle). But at the same time, unlike some of these guys like Monroe, Lyles is versatile enough to space the floor, handle/pass the ball, and basically shift to the 3 offensively. IMO he fills a need and would be a very nice fit next to Melo.

That is why I like the trade. We would be filling a need we would otherwise have to spend money on (on a worse fit), and we would be getting our NBA-ready franchise PG in the process. I definitely view Trey Lyles as a potential major asset/starter on this team for a long time. That 13th pick is huge for me. Taking back Calderon would be huge as well.
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Bledsoe did have an injury, but did play 81 games last season though. Some of you are saying you would do it, BUT the #13th pick is too big of a drop off.

so then how about the trade with Denver?

View media item 1588274

Knicks receive = Ty Lawson + Wilson Chandler + 7th. that 7th pick can be WCS
Denver receive: 4th pick + Calderon + THJR

That would probably allow us to still go after KD or another max type player. LMA, J. Butler if he ever left CHI, Afflalo or even a Brook Lopez,

Brook Lopez
Wilson Chandler
Ty Lawson
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I legitimately think the gap between Lawson and Bledsoe doesnt justify the gap from 7 (WCS) and 13 (Lyles).

I am much higher on Bledsoe than Lawson. Younger, bigger, more athletic, more room for growth.

And while WCS would be nice, his work ethic scares the living **** out of me, and I would LOVE Lyles on this team. If Lyles develops his game properly, I honestly think that he could be the perfect forward to pair with Melo. IMO he has a chance to be one of the steals of the draft if he lands in the right situation. The Knicks could definitely be that right situation.

He does nothing spectacular, but is extremely versatile, and does many things extremely well. Good size and athleticism. Extremely cerebral. Very few actual weaknesses in his game. He is also a tough, gritty player and a true lunch pail kind of guy. Low ego. I like that very much next to Melo.
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Amar'e played 82 games before he signed with the Knicks. What if Bledsoe's same knee gets hurt again. Tough gamble.

I like Bledsoe better than Lawson because of his age and growth & development. Lawson and 7th pick would be nice. To be honest, I don't think the Nuggets will do it. They are rebuilding. They want to get rid of Faried's and Lawson's contracts. I don't think they want to touch Calderon's contract as well.

I like Lyles, but I do no think he would be available at 13th pick. That's why I said we need a higher pick than 13th pick if we acquire Bledsoe.
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I don't think the Nuggets will sell the # 7 on top of Lawson just to be # 4.

That doesn't really make sense for them.
Reason why we throw also throw THJR, young and is an asset. I just remembered that Denver DID NOT hire D'antoni, I was looking at the D'antoni hire as a reason why we would be able to ship Calderon there but forgot they hired Mike Malone.

Im not saying we should, just trying to think of scenarios cause honestly we can still land Russell or Mudiay. Lawson is making $12M
Bledsoe did have an injury, but did play 81 games last season though. Some of you are saying you would do it, BUT the #13th pick is too big of a drop off.

so then how about the trade with Denver?

View media item 1588274

Knicks receive = Ty Lawson + Wilson Chandler + 7th. that 7th pick can be WCS
Denver receive: 4th pick + Calderon + THJR

That would probably allow us to still go after KD or another max type player. LMA, J. Butler if he ever left CHI, Afflalo or even a Brook Lopez,

Brook Lopez
Wilson Chandler
Ty Lawson

im down with that trade. the bottom line for me is if we do end up trading the 4th pick, caldo MUST go along with it. phil is a moron if we trade our pick and still have caldo on our squad.
[h1]Calipari, Phil agree which Kentucky big man perfectly fits Knicks system[/h1]
By Marc Berman

June 18, 2015 | 1:08pm

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Willie Cauley-Stein (left) and Trey Lyles come with solid recommendations from their Kentucky coach, John Calipari.Photo: AP; Getty Images

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Kentucky coach John Calipari cited two of his forwards as good fits for the big-man-starved Knicks: junior Willie Cauley-Stein to shore up the defense and freshman Trey Lyles to shore up the triangle.

Cauley-Stein worked out for the Knicks on Tuesday, and Lyles was to work out for the club Thursday along with Wisconsin’s Frank Kaminsky.

The Knicks have long been intrigued by Cauley-Stein, a 7-foot defensive specialist who Calipari says could be a future All-Star. Knicks president Phil Jackson has said he would prefer adding a defensive big man over an offense-first one, and could even trade down from the fourth pick for Cauley-Stein.

The 6-foot-10 Lyles is projected to go in the early teens, and the Knicks can also trade down to get him — a definite option if they can obtain extra pieces. Calipari cited Lyles as being a good fit for the triangle because of his outside-shooting ability. Calipari said Jackson shared that assessment when he visited a Kentucky practice in March.

Lyles, who could utilize his 3-point shooting to play as a stretch 4 in the NBA, played at small forward for Calipari because of the plethora of big men on Kentucky’s 38-1 superteam.

“When they came in, Phil (Jackson) watched practice, watched shootaround, watched games,” Calipari said. “What I’m hearing is he walked away saying, ‘This is the kind of player in the triangle who has great (size).’ He’s 6-10.

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Kentucky coach John Calipari shows his exasperation during his team’s loss in the Final Four.Photo: Getty Images

“We played him at the 3. He could have scored more and done more, but people that really know the game walked away saying, ‘Wait a minute, the kid can shoot, he can pass. He’s really skilled. He’s got size.’ So I think they really liked him.’’

Calipari said he’s heard teams say Lyles is “not assertive’’ because he’s “soft-spoken.”

“The thing they don’t know about Trey, if that fight breaks out, he’s not moving,’’ Calipari said. “He will not move. That’s in him. In a competitive environment, it comes out and you go like, ‘Oh my gosh.’”

A league source said Cauley-Stein had his best workout with the Knicks, but he’s not the post-up guy or polished mid-range shooter the triangle benefits.

“You get a guy that’s 7 foot – he might be bigger – whose feet and hands are that of a 6-3, super athletic guard, which means he can guard five positions, can guard a point guard or a big guy,’’ Calipari said. “He adds shot-blocking. In the schemes of what I’m seeing in the NBA, which are pick and run to the rim and make them play that guy, putting guys in the dribble drive motion, he can do all that. A lot of these kids have been groomed since they were 6 years old. Willie really started playing when he came with us.’’

Cauley-Stein played football and tennis at his Kansas high school in addition to basketball. Calipari noted even Kansas didn’t recruit him.

“He’s not a diamond in the rough, he’ll come in and do things athletically,’’ Calipari said. “You have to mold him offensively and say: ‘This is who you are going to be offensively.’

“I look at Willie for a team that needs defense now to get them to another level,’’ Calipari added. “You take him, mold him offensively and you’ll have an All-Star. His balance needs to improve offensively, getting to the rim and finish and they’ll get to him in one summer.

“I understand the small ball. Small ball is because a 6-7 guy can move his feet and hands like a guard, but now you’ve got a 7-footer that can do the same. He’s unique that he can fly up and down the court.’’

Calipari has heard the rumblings about Cauley-Stein not being “a gym rat’’ who doesn’t love the game because of outside interests. Calipari has spoken to Knicks personnel director Mark Warkentien extensively about Cauley-Stein. Warkentien is close to the Kentucky program because he’s represented by the same agency that reps Calipari — CAA.

“I remember I had three gym rats: Derrick Rose — you couldn’t drag him out of the gym — Brandon Knight and Michael Kidd,’’ Calipari said. “Those guys were in the gym too much. [Willie] loves to play and is coming into his own. Anthony Davis wasn’t a gym rat and he’s OK. He’s well-spoken and fans are going to love him.’’
Ironically this article just came out today 

**** I am really liking the idea of Lyle on this team. Wish we could just do this trade, unload Caldo, and get both WCS and Lyle. Would be an excellent ******* front court next to Melo. The floor spacing cerebral combo forward and the athletic rim protecting center 
I wish the draft was like the NFL, where either Towns or Okafor could pull an Eli Manning and say "Wolves don't pick me, send me to NY".

Think Steve Francis did something like that when he got drafted. Last I remember it happening in the NBA.
Lol Phil gunna hype up anyone to try duping (Shout out Clyde) a team to screw up pick 1-3.
The minute Bledsoe leaves PHX and their magic water or whatever the hell they use to keep players healthy, his knee will explode. Let him stay there where they can keep him functioning.
^ exactly... amare played a whole season during his first year with us before getting injured in warmups in Boston and it went downhill from there...i wouldnt mind trading for a injured player as long as hes not relying on his athleticism... for example i would pickup livingston from golden state and trade acy for him but a 4th pick for bledsoe nah son we sucked for a whole season and deserve to get more than that
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