2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

Bledsoe is ******* 24 and had one knee injury. Why do yall always have to catastrophize ******* everything? :lol:

Russell has some very slight finishing issues, he is Shumpert. A 24 year old up and coming PG has one knee surgery (and a very productive bounce back season), now hes Amare.

Yall got some deep seeded trust issues :rofl:
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that's the Knicks fan way 
Bledsoe is ******* 24 and had one knee injury. Why do yall always have to catastrophize ******* everything? :lol:

Russell has some very slight finishing issues, he is Shumpert. A 24 year old up and coming PG has one knee surgery (and a very productive bounce back season), now hes Amare.

Yall got some deep seeded trust issues :rofl:

I think Bledsoe would be alright, he didn't have any setbacks. Sidenote: I think would've been alright too.
i think your missing the point... besides trading for a damage goods player whos only 24 why trade a 4th pick for bledsoe? is that really all we can get for a 4th pick? why cant we for the first time keep a home grown player and let him flourish here instead of trading him for some decent player... you make it seem like bledsoe will put this team over the top... there wont be much difference if we draft russell or mudiay record wise plus we save on the cap space... before trading or signing a pg in free agency we NEED to get rid of calderon... it makes 0 sense to have 2 overpaid PG unless 1 of them is a legit Superstar

i was referring to gr8est who is overhyping bledsoe for no reason... hes a good player dont me wrong but he is not worth his contract and definitely not worth trading the 4th pick for... we need to get a superstar for our pick or get rid of calderon before thinking of picking up a pg outside the draft
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What superstar could we POSSIBLY get for a 4th pick and Calderone?! :rofl: Don't get me wrong I'm with rolling the dice on a draft pick but time is of the essence.
i think your missing the point... besides trading for a damage goods player whos only 24 why trade a 4th pick for bledsoe? is that really all we can get for a 4th pick? why cant we for the first time keep a home grown player and let him flourish here instead of trading him for some decent player... you make it seem like bledsoe will put this team over the top... there wont be much difference if we draft russell or mudiay record wise plus we save on the cap space... before trading or signing a pg in free agency we NEED to get rid of calderon... it makes 0 sense to have 2 overpaid PG unless 1 of them is a legit Superstar
No sir, I think you are the one missing my point.

I would never trade Bledsoe for the 4th pick. But for the Bledsoe AND the 13th pick? When the 4th pick is Mudiay? Now thats a different story.

I am on record saying that I love Mudiay. I like him very much and always have. But IMO turning down this trade just to draft Mudiay wouldnt be very smart for a couple of different reasons.

I keep saying, I want to do nothing to put this team's future at risk. That is the last thing I want to do. But you HAVE to consider the fact that Melo is our centerpiece and he is 31 years old. We would be doing ourselves and Melo a disservice not to consider that. It would be irresponsible to build this team "in spite" of Melo as opposed to "around" Melo. I know I keep saying that, but it's true.

We keep talking about how we need to put a team around Melo in his prime while we have him. So lets ******* do it. When building this roster we need to consider winning now around Melo (ESPECIALLY with no first round pick next year) AS WELL as maximizing this team's future. Both must be considered this summer.

I really like Mudiay's potential, but he is as unproven as they come. And he has an eerily similar style of play to Eric Bledsoe. And he may pan out to be better than EB, but he may not. And one thing that is pretty much guaranteed, he wont be better than Eric Bledsoe for the next 2 seasons. Bledsoe would come in and immediately be one of the top PGs in the EC for years to come (barring injury setback).

Its not like I am saying the Knicks should look to trade our draft pick for Steve Nash or some **** because he helps us "win now." This is a trade that is (reportedly) being offered to us. In it, we get Eric Bledsoe. Who is basically an NBA ready version of Mudiay, who is still extremely young and loaded with potential himself. That right there, is an upgrade.

But that alone wouldnt be enough for me to want this deal. The X-Factor is getting that 13th pick back, which a lot of yall are devaluing IMO. The Knicks have multiple needs, and young talent in general is one of those needs. Bledsoe is young talent and the best PG we will be able to find on the market this summer. On the other hand, the 13th pick could fill another major need and still give this team a high ceiling prospect to fall back on. If this team had time to let Mudiay come into his own (like PHX does), I would be more inclined to keep the pick and draft Mudiay no matter what. But in our position, with 31 year old prime Melo and no pick next season, IMO we need to consider all possibilities. And this trade could be a great possibility for us now and in the long run.

Getting a player like Trey Lyles could do wonders for this team. Most mocks have him going past the 13th pick. Phil has been "enamored" in him from day 1 and rightfully so. He could be the answer to our major need of finding a 4 who works both in the triangle and alongside Melo. Phil had been rumored to even considering selecting him at #4 he likes Lyles so much. Thats obviously a reach but I definitely think that Phil thinks that Lyles is a better fit than Mudiay for this team. I would agree with that as well.

I view Lyles as as perfect of a fit next to Melo as we could find in this draft. Maybe even this entire offseason besides the off chance we could land Draymond as a RFA. To me, he is as good of a fit next to Melo/ in the triangle as I see Russell being at PG. In addition to the fit, I think his skillset is often very overlooked because of the reduced role he took at UK. He has bits and pieces of Pippen, LO, and Horry in his game.

So now, I look at this trade a lot differently. Not only do we get a more experienced floor general who will be better in the short term than Mudiay, with similar long term potential, but we also get that "homegrown prospect" who could be a MAJOR contributor/asset for this team moving forward from the get go. A player that Phil might even like more than Mudiay for this team deep down.

I would MUCH rather get the more experienced player to be our floor general and the rookie to be a valuable role player, than handing Mudiay the keys to the whip as a rookie and then overspending on a veteran who will cost as much/more than Bledsoe and be a much worse fit than Trey Lyles to fill our need at the 3/4, like Greg Monroe.
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i never said to package calderon and the 4th pick for a superstar... nobody is dumb enough to accept that trade... im just saying it would be dumb to pickup another pg whos paid a lot unless we get rid of calderon first... the 13th pick is cool but its such a short sighted move.. you have to understand if we pickup bledsoe and most likely keep calderon our cap room shrinks for this summer and next... so your putting all your eggs in 1 basket hoping this bledsoe trade works and pray the 13th pick is not a bust...i rather get mudiay and have that cap space to use on a better player than bledsoe... and why cant we trade the 4th pick for a superstar? its not totally unrealistic because ray allen got trade for the celtics pick
i never said to package calderon and the 4th pick for a superstar... nobody is dumb enough to accept that trade... im just saying it would be dumb to pickup another pg whos paid a lot unless we get rid of calderon first... the 13th pick is cool but its such a short sighted move.. you have to understand if we pickup bledsoe and most likely keep calderon our cap room shrinks for this summer and next... so your putting all your eggs in 1 basket hoping this bledsoe trade works and pray the 13th pick is not a bust...i rather get mudiay and have that cap space to use on a better player than bledsoe... and why cant we trade the 4th pick for a superstar? its not totally unrealistic because ray allen got trade for the celtics pick
Ok I actually understand that argument and somewhat agree with you. Not that it would be a short sighted move, it isnt (especially if Phil is as high on Lyles as people say he is), but that having both Bledsoe and Caldo on the books at the same time might be a bad look.

However, IF Mudiay is the 4th pick, and we could package him along with Calderon for Bledsoe and the 13th pick (assuming its Lyles right now), do you take that deal? Because IMO that is as no brainer as it gets.

I still think we need to wait it out until draft night (we need to by league rules anyway) to see what is left at #4 and #13, but if the picks end up being Mudiay and Lyles respectively, and we can include Caldo in the deal, IMO you need to take it. 2 needs are better than 1, we shed Calderon's contract while getting a player back who should be one of the top PGs in the EC for years to come, and Lyles is a better fit for this team than Mudiay is IMO. Not considering position. Franchise PG is obviously a greater need than a complimentary forward, but both are still needs. And EB would adequately fill the franchise PG role and do it better than Mudiay would for at least the next 2 years, if not longer. Aka Melo's prime.
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Lyles, WCS, Kaminsky wont fall to #13. No thanks.

Unless we go with the 2 PG lineup in Payne + Bledsoe :nerd:

Man i hope Russell falls to our laps at #4.
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I do not want to trade the 4th pick and end up with Bledsoe.

Give me Mudiay. Ain't no cap on what his rookie year can be. PG's are running the game right now and physically/maturity wise he's already ready. I'll take my chances on him not being a bust. I like my odds
I think if we draft Russell we can live with Langston being our starter at the 2. If we draft Mudiay we need to find a SG in FA (Wes, Afflalo, Jimmy).

Also with all this talk about Monroe being a lock to us, I dont see it :lol:
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Zingster is gonna go top 3 so we'll have our choice of Mudiay, Russell, or Winslow

we're in a good spot
I want Mudiay or Russell and then gimme Jimmy Buckets. We need a great defender on the perimeter and he can score. Very impressed with his work ethic. He's tryna win, and he could have this year if DRose was consistent and the offense didn't suck. Him and Melo would be a problem. And he's not looking for a max contract. If he balls out and commands the max later, the new cap will be set and it won't be a problem.

Melo (I want Melo at the 3. I don't want him getting banged up against 4's every night)
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The Butler stuff sucks since he's restricted. We gotta offer him some kind of creative contrastive that screws the Bulls but even then I don't think it will matter.
Gallo is a glorified backup. I know he played well for us, but we can't hope for Jeremy Lin 2.0. Linsanity was short lived too. He ended up not being worth his contract and I'm glad we didn't keep him.

The ONLY way I will accept trading Bledsoe for our pick is IF we already drafted muddy AND Phoenix drafted lyles or whomever else may actually fit our needs (not a big fan of him, but I haven't been looking past the top 7 prospects). We can't just trade the pick blindly and hope for the best. ALSO, Phoenix would HAVE to take caldo. Basically, Phoenix has to already have picked before we make the trade. That way, if no one we want is available, we just keep muddy and the cap space and hopefully trade caldo for a 2nd rounder.
Here's a fun one. Let's say we don't get who we like in free agency, who's against taking back Lee's contract for one year if it means getting a future first rounder or two from the Warriors? Kick the can on the cap space one year while getting a pick or two. Yes the pick will be 25 or later but hey, a pick is a pick.
For sure Langston is a glorified back up but in today's NBA you can get away with your SG being a average 2 way player.

Also lee kinda fell off from the 18-10 guy he once was. I saw him miss more layups this finals than ever. He's usually really good around the rim.
Don't get me wrong, I expect nothing out of Lee, but hey if we can get some picks and we don't have anything to do with this cap space for another year, I'm with it.
Here's a fun one. Let's say we don't get who we like in free agency, who's against taking back Lee's contract for one year if it means getting a future first rounder or two from the Warriors? Kick the can on the cap space one year while getting a pick or two. Yes the pick will be 25 or later but hey, a pick is a pick.

take Lee & a future 1st? sure

anything else? nope
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Id be down for that trade for lee. Again, someone has to take caldo if we make any trades. Also, I hope Phil doesn't just blow money if we can't sign who we actually want this offseason. That would definitely be an Isaiah/Dolan move.
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