2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

Could've traded down to the #7 got Ty Lawson and Winslow.....
Here's some disconcerting thoughts since I'm bored:

If Zinger is such a great potential prospect, why did Hinkie, who is notorious for going best player available, best upside possible, why did he pick Okafor instead?
Because like you have said 100000x, GMs dont always make smart decisions. Why did Khan take Rubio and Flynn before Steph Curry? The argument works both ways. What makes Hinkie right but Phil wrong?

But thank god he did :pimp:
Totes but it's interesting when you look at it through that lens.
45 win ceiling with a first round exit. What an upgrade.
I'll take 45 wins in year one with that foundation/ceiling

Porz is a worse defender than Amar'e
This dude is the most blind hater I have ever seen. Like what is that even based off of?  :rofl:

You're an *** clown. I did my homework. The guy is a terrible defender, poor rebounder and can't play the 5. He can't protect the rim for ****. He will get abused if he even attempts to play the 5. The NBA 4s are quicker than him. If he puts on weight, he will slow down. He's a 2-3 year project, is he so good that we're gonna keep him away for 2-3 years? **** no. He has no clue how to play defense and he's too weak. It's not blind hate, it's ******* homework. I don't know if you're from the same country as him or what but you're **** slurping *****.

Wait if someone supports him they must be Latvian...

Which means if someone is vociferously opposed to him....

They hate Latvians.

Don't be simple minded, that's not what I'm saying at all. This guy has been trolling hard for this kid the last few days. Everyone has made excellent points why he's a problem and the flaws in his game. He ignores them and keeps saying we're all being racist and it's not fair and those countries play better ball. So I'm asking if he's from there, it's a fair question.
Don't even know what to think anymore. I was shaky on Phil coming in. Even shakier when he brought in Fisher as our coach. This pic doesn't feel good. Our situation doesn't feel good. Can't do anything but hope for the best.
Us trying to be a "win now" team year in and year out got us in this hole to begin with. If we gonna rebuild, minus whale do it right.

I agree, Knicks don't seem to be interested in building a team and only winning now. However, with Melo's contract and age we kinda gotta go in the win now direction.
Could've traded down to the #7 got Ty Lawson and Winslow..... :smh:
We've got a 6 seed ceiling as well now.


That's nothing special. It really isn't. West is solid but he's 34, 0 interest in paying him anything significant for a contract longer than 1 year.
Knicks are going to overpay to fill the voids at 2 and 5, plus the bench needs work. I just don't like the future.

Sure it's wrong to expect a championship, but the goal is to put the best potential championship contender out there and that's not happening anytime soon.
45 win ceiling with a first round exit. What an upgrade.
I'll take 45 wins in year one with that foundation/ceiling

Porz is a worse defender than Amar'e
This dude is the most blind hater I have ever seen. Like what is that even based off of?  :rofl:

You're an *** clown. I did my homework. The guy is a terrible defender, poor rebounder and can't play the 5. He can't protect the rim for ****. He will get abused if he even attempts to play the 5. The NBA 4s are quicker than him. If he puts on weight, he will slow down. He's a 2-3 year project, is he so good that we're gonna keep him away for 2-3 years? **** no. He has no clue how to play defense and he's too weak. It's not blind hate, it's ******* homework. I don't know if you're from the same country as him or what but you're **** slurping *****.

Wait if someone supports him they must be Latvian...

Which means if someone is vociferously opposed to him....

They hate Latvians.

Don't be simple minded, that's not what I'm saying at all. This guy has been trolling hard for this kid the last few days. Everyone has made excellent points why he's a problem and the flaws in his game. He ignores them and keeps saying we're all being racist and it's not fair and those countries play better ball. So I'm asking if he's from there, it's a fair question.

Nah I was just messing :lol:
Don't be simple minded, that's not what I'm saying at all. This guy has been trolling hard for this kid the last few days. Everyone has made excellent points why he's a problem and the flaws in his game. He ignores them and keeps saying we're all being racist and it's not fair and those countries play better ball. So I'm asking if he's from there, it's a fair question.
Trolling hard or discussing a prospect that I like and why in a thread in which we are supposed to do so? I apologize for disagreeing with you calling a "foreign bust" 20x last night without him ever stepping foot in the NBA though 

We've got a 6 seed ceiling as well now.
6 seed year 1, championship moving forward 
Can't front I wouldn't have picked Zinger but as in the past, a new face in a Knick jersey gets that past until I got some ammo to fire at him. :rofl: Didn't even research him since I thought PJ was going all Zen trying to play chess etc etc etc, blah blah blah. DID NOT see this pick coming. Guess I got the attitude that SOMETHING has got to go our way eventually. :tongue: GS just rode a 7th pick into a chip after knick years. I guess Im applying that Bama logic from GRDT "Its like when I'm right I'm right, when I'm wrong I could been right, so I'm still right cause I coulda been wrong, you know, and I'm sorry cause I could be wrong right now, I could be wrong, but if I'm right..."
Def don't feel too confident about/ like our options in FA. Honestly wouldn't be upset if we took David Lee of the Warriors hands and take Looney with us too. Just keep stock piling assets I guess. Just don't see us being too good next year since we can't really expect our top pick to contribute as much as we would hope year 1. Tbh we don't even know if he will be capable of even starting depending on what we do in FA which to me is unacceptable.

Right now we are looking at

PG: Grant/Calderon

SG: ??

SF: Melo

PF: Kris P

  C: ??

That looks a **** of a lot less appealing than a Grant Winslow Melo foundation. But at these point we are stuck with Kris so I won't keep harboring on how we could have used that pick better. With what we have right now though I don't think we can attract a Tier 1 player at all so we literally need Kris to put up at LEAST 13 & 6 his rookie year and I fee absurd just typing that out let alone actually believing that'll happen. 

David West would be a good pickup but then that locks Melo in at having to play the 3 for a majority of the time which isn't in our best interest imo. But I guess drafting Kris kind of already locked us into that fate 
. Also I wouldnt offer West anything more than 2 yrs 10 mil. Also I think I'm in the obvious minority but I absolutely DO NOT want Greg Monroe. Specially on a 5 yr max contract. Doing that contract imo is just handing out money just because we have it. I don't see that as building a solid foundation that can reach a championship one day but like I said I'm in the obvious minority. I rather sign Lopez or another defensive center to a short deal that still leaves us with flexibility for next year while still giving us a talent boost this season. Tbh, and I know this won't go over well, but instead of ssigning Greg Monroe to that long *** contract that will lock us in to a perennial 6 seed with a potential 4 seed as our ceiling I honestly rather just take on Hibberts contract for that one year and get that defensive presence we thought Tyson would provide and didn't. Now I know everyone's gunna **** on my opinion which is fine but I think if you guys really look at this objectively having Hibbert for one year is better than being locked into a Melo/Monroe 1-2 punch for the next 4 years. That just sounds terrible. I think if you get someone like Hibbert it'll actually make Kris's rookie year that much easier on him as he won't just be able to get bullied down there. If I'm Phil I'm calling Bird right now and telling him I'lll take on that contract for someone like Early and a future second. Idk but get it done Phil. If we get Hibbert and use the money on someone like Affalo who is a person I would actually like on this team beyond just this next year to come, I think would actually be useful and allows us to be better than that 4-6 seed ceiling Monroe locks us into.

PG: Grant/ Calderon

SG: Affalo

SF: Melo

PF: Kris/David West

  C: Hibbert

That could be a pretty decent squad next year while still giving us TONS of flexibility next year in FA when Hibberts contract comes off the books as well. Tell me what you guys think.
Wait.... So y'all were expecting a championship run a year after winning 17 games? LOL

Making the playoffs directly a year after winning a franchise low games is a HUGE upgrade. You guys must've really thought Mudiay was the answer to all our problems. We filled TWO needs this draft. Big man & a guard. It all made sense one I saw that Phil traded for Jerian Grant
Jerian Grant is MUCH better for this team than Ty Lawson. And cheaper. Zinger is MUCH better for this team than Justise is. Win, win IMO. This team has 0 ceiling with Ty Lawson at point and Justise has nowhere near the ceiling that Zinger does. And it will be easier for us to replicate Justic in free agency than it would be for Zinger.

Stop putting Zinger as a 4. Dude is a center in this league. Sign David West and a 2 guard and save $ for next summer is the way I see it.
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Throw Zinger into the lions den year 1 as our starting center and I guarantee the kid becomes a solid rim protector by year 2.

And I agree... Hard pass on Monroe. Would rather the tough/defensive minded veteran in West who also helps space the floor.

We could have shooters all over the place and still be solid defensively 
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Def don't feel too confident about/ like our options in FA. Honestly wouldn't be upset if we took David Lee of the Warriors hands and take Looney with us too. Just keep stock piling assets I guess. Just don't see us being too good next year since we can't really expect our top pick to contribute as much as we would hope year 1. Tbh we don't even know if he will be capable of even starting depending on what we do in FA which to me is unacceptable.

Right now we are looking at

PG: Grant/Calderon
SG: ??
SF: Melo
PF: Kris P
  C: ??

That looks a **** of a lot less appealing than a Grant Winslow Melo foundation. But at these point we are stuck with Kris so I won't keep harboring on how we could have used that pick better. With what we have right now though I don't think we can attract a Tier 1 player at all so we literally need Kris to put up at LEAST 13 & 6 his rookie year and I fee absurd just typing that out let alone actually believing that'll happen. 

David West would be a good pickup but then that locks Melo in at having to play the 3 for a majority of the time which isn't in our best interest imo. But I guess drafting Kris kind of already locked us into that fate :rolleyes . Also I wouldnt offer West anything more than 2 yrs 10 mil. Also I think I'm in the obvious minority but I absolutely DO NOT want Greg Monroe. Specially on a 5 yr max contract. Doing that contract imo is just handing out money just because we have it. I don't see that as building a solid foundation that can reach a championship one day but like I said I'm in the obvious minority. I rather sign Lopez or another defensive center to a short deal that still leaves us with flexibility for next year while still giving us a talent boost this season. Tbh, and I know this won't go over well, but instead of ssigning Greg Monroe to that long *** contract that will lock us in to a perennial 6 seed with a potential 4 seed as our ceiling I honestly rather just take on Hibberts contract for that one year and get that defensive presence we thought Tyson would provide and didn't. Now I know everyone's gunna **** on my opinion which is fine but I think if you guys really look at this objectively having Hibbert for one year is better than being locked into a Melo/Monroe 1-2 punch for the next 4 years. That just sounds terrible. I think if you get someone like Hibbert it'll actually make Kris's rookie year that much easier on him as he won't just be able to get bullied down there. If I'm Phil I'm calling Bird right now and telling him I'lll take on that contract for someone like Early and a future second. Idk but get it done Phil. If we get Hibbert and use the money on someone like Affalo who is a person I would actually like on this team beyond just this next year to come, I think would actually be useful and allows us to be better than that 4-6 seed ceiling Monroe locks us into.

PG: Grant/ Calderon
SG: Affalo
SF: Melo
PF: Kris/David West
  C: Hibbert

That could be a pretty decent squad next year while still giving us TONS of flexibility next year in FA when Hibberts contract comes off the books as well. Tell me what you guys think.

I dig it.
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