2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread






This doesn't look terrible

edit: doesn't look that great either, actually
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We can spend an extra mill and gamble on Wes Matthews **** Afflalo
This. I was against spending big bucks on an injury risk but I would MUCH rather pay for what Wes can be than what Afflalo is. **** I'd rather give Wes $15 mil than Afflalo $12 mil, if that is where the market is heading. Idc where the market goes, Wes aint making more than $15 mil. 
We can spend an extra mill and gamble on Wes Matthews **** Afflalo
This. I was against spending big bucks on an injury risk but I would MUCH rather pay for what Wes can be than what Afflalo is. **** I'd rather give Wes $15 mil than Afflalo $12 mil, if that is where the market is heading. Idc where the market goes, Wes aint making more than $15 mil. :lol:
seriously this is ridiculous.
I want Jerian Grant to start year 1 more so than I want Zinger to start year 1. I would like for both of them to start, but **** starting Caldo again. JG is 23 years old, dude is ready. No point in having him sit on the bench behind ******* Calderon.

I get the whole "winning the job" mentality as opposed to handing it over to a rookie. But Knicks need to get Grant out there from the jump. Calderon belongs in a vet off the bench role right now.
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gotta remember Grant's 22 years old with an NBA ready body..

he could average 10/4/5 on 43/36/81 with starters minutes
Oladipo never ran the point at IU. Yogi Ferrell was their PG. Jerian Grant was probably the 2nd best PG in the NCAA this season after Russell. Grant has great court vision and is exceptional at running the pick and roll. Grant's team was also much better than DLo's.
I don't expect him to have a great career by any means, but he can be a solid 10 year pro you never have to worry about. Type of guy you know will do his job and make the right play. Won't excite you, but he'll hit a big shot here and there.
I don't expect him to have a great career by any means, but he can be a solid 10 year pro you never have to worry about. Type of guy you know will do his job and make the right play. Won't excite you, but he'll hit a big shot here and there.
Sounds pretty much like the exact description of the type of PG Phil goes after 
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