2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

As for trading Calderon's contract.. Don't dream about it.

It took the Kings trading Nik Stauskas, and a bunch of pick swaps to get rid of Carl Landry's deal, which is about the same 2 year / $13mil left.
As for trading Calderon's contract.. Don't dream about it.

It took the Kings trading Nik Stauskas, and a bunch of pick swaps to get rid of Carl Landry's deal, which is about the same 2 year / $13mil left.

Most of us know how difficult it will be to trade Caldo's contract we just gotta pray it can actually happen this summer
I am sure we have no problem in trading Calderon.

The problem is NBA teams don't usually give us a fair deal. I assume Phil doesn't want to give up a future pick to get rid of a large contract unless a star is in the deal.
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Caldo gunna troll this year so the knicks can't trade his contract and he can stay doing blow in lofts and penthouses

then we're going to miss out on a marquee FA next offseason because of him

then he's gunna ball in his contract year to help lead us to the 7th seed

we lose out on FAs because of him, our draft pick is middle of the pack and will be a bust, and we get set up for 3 more years of mediocrity all thanks to Calderon 

and then he goes to the Cavs and wins titles
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They wanted to clear the space to get Rondo & Wes Matthews

So unless you ate the $7mil of Jason Thompson too. Then would be pointless.

i forgot about that part. 3 team trade then haha. philly couldve taken caldo, stauskis, and thompson. idrc i just wanna get rid of caldo. his face annoys me.
Caldo gunna troll this year so the knicks can't trade his contract and he can stay doing blow in lofts and penthouses

then we're going to miss out on a marquee FA next offseason because of him

then he's gunna ball in his contract year to help lead us to the 7th seed

we lose out on FAs because of him, our draft pick is middle of the pack and will be a bust, and we get set up for 3 more years of mediocrity all thanks to Calderon 

and then he goes to the Cavs and wins titles
 at all of that.
Considering he opted out of 7.5M, signing Afflalo for 8m over 2 years is actually a pretty solid deal. Even if he's not hte same guy he was in Orlando, he's an ok starter and he didnt kill our cap space.

I'm not that big on Monroe, and am almost thinking that I'd rather try to take Lee/Hibbert for a year to get picks and possibly even shed Caldo in the process. We're not winning or even close to contending this year anyway, why not accumulate assets as much as we can? Not saying they'd definitely do the deal, but hypothetically if GSW was willing to swap a first (since they know they're goin to be good its the end of the first rd so less value to them in win now mode) and Lee for cap rm to keep Barnes, wouldn't that be worth doing? Lee's only on the books for 1 year. Same scenario applies to Hibbert. If Indy would send a protected first just to get Hibbert of their cap this summer, wouldn't that be better than giving a guy who doesn't play defense 80 mil for the next 4 years? I'm not even saying this is a realistic scenario, but if it were possible, wouldn't you rather have a pick or two to essentially lease our cap space than overpay Monroe and have him on the books for 4 years? If i'm Phil, I'd be pushing for moves like that rather than trying to lock up Robin Lopez (who i don't even hate as a player or anything, but this market is ridiculous right now).

If we don't fill all our cap space this summer, I think we could at least get some value out of it by helping someone else clear room for a year in exchange for a pick or picks. Then just wait this market out and let people spend, then use w/e room we have left for cheap, underperforming guys w/ upside (ppl like Thomas Robinson, Ricky Ledo) on short deals (1 or 2 yrs). We're not in a win now mode, just get cheap young assets and if we get lucky and Grant, Porzingis, Thanasis, Early, Galloway and any young guyss we can sign to develop show anything, NY becomes a better location for players who deserve a max to sign. Don't overpay 2nd tier FAs w/ max deals. Unless they really belileve Monroe is the answer at C
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Around $12-18 mill

I pray he's willing to take less money so we can sign another solid rotation player.
I havent watched much of Afflalo since he left Orlando. But I had him in Fantasy during that one season in Orlando, and dude was balling.

And even though he was just putting up good numbers on a **** team, I think that is a decent sign that he can step up and be a scorer if we need him to be. But also take on that role player position / 3 and D guy he is probably better suited for on a winning team, if we are better than expected. 

But even if we dont get to that point until next year or 2 years from now or whatever. If the Knicks arent good this season, Afflalo can probably step up his game and make the team at least a little better if he needs to take on an increased role. He has shown that he is capable of doing that, and that was only last season, so I dont think he has regressed too much since then.
Damn when did everybody start to dislike Calderon so much? :lol:

Minus the D caleron comes to the Knicks and he's no longer a 50/40/90 threat and floor general after playing hurt most of last year? I know he's getting older so that and the defense is my only knock on him.
And at his current contract he's definitely a bargain. I don't wanna trade him away just yet cause lets be real who else we gonna get?

Also I'll gladly take Ed davis
Adrian Wojnarowski ‏@WojYahooNBA 43s44 seconds ago
Free agent Greg Monroe will sign a maximum contract with the Milwaukee Bucks, league source tells Yahoo Sports.
Caldo gunna troll this year so the knicks can't trade his contract and he can stay doing blow in lofts and penthouses

then we're going to miss out on a marquee FA next offseason because of him

then he's gunna ball in his contract year to help lead us to the 7th seed

we lose out on FAs because of him, our draft pick is middle of the pack and will be a bust, and we get set up for 3 more years of mediocrity all thanks to Calderon :pimp:  

and then he goes to the Cavs and wins titles

sounds very plausible... only thing left to add is... THE SKY IS FALLLLING!!!!!111!!!!1!1one!11111uno!
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