2016 Official NBA Off-Season Thread: Former Greatness

dude has the dumbest opinion on lots of things. just cause someone sounds intelligent and like they know what they are talking about doesnt mean they do,. 

from harden is better then kobe to  westbrook is the greatest passer ever. dude uses a calculator to form basketball opinions

 his opinions are laughable 9 times outta 10.  
You're the bro and all but you do realize awwsome is banned from this thread right? Going at his neck when he can't be here for the rebuttal 

That explains why he's in the NFL thread spamming it with bot like posting.
Theres no mask fam. Im good. The team i wanted to win, lost, in f boy fashion. The team i wanted to lose, won. Oh and kobe retired. Yada yada. It is what it is. I aint trippin. It really doesnt matter to me at all. Lemme know how your ring comes out tho.

Love how you try to mask that hurt with logic. Explaining your self over and over.
We can see you are still in pain. It will be alright. Just sucks you will have to go through this year after year.
I'll leave this convo alone tho. Don't want you to go into depression over the nba finals. [emoji]128514[/emoji] [emoji]9996[/emoji][emoji]127998[/emoji]️

"Let me know how your ring comes out tho"
[emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] if that isn't the most hurt thing I've heard all night. [emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]

I wonder if the lakers will make it to 25 wins this year? Mozgov ring is the closest thing that laker team will sniff to having any kind of ring associated with them for years and years to come
If you listen to the radio you should know the modern day pop stars. I haven't listen to the radio in over a decade.

i'm sure i heard a bunch of their music, but never knew it was them. I see people dropping the titles of their favorite songs and I'm impressed. I never cared to know the name of songs.

Music is just something i listen to to pass the time. It doesn't inspire me or anything like that.

Weird, I know
Lowkey upset I missed this music conversation earlier.

Shoeking still hasnt come back? Wild. People shirk bets in here left and right and post like nothing ever happened, I'm sure he's not avoiding posting over this.
i'm sure i heard a bunch of their music, but never knew it was them. I see people dropping the titles of their favorite songs and I'm impressed. I never cared to know the name of songs.

Music is just something i listen to to pass the time. It doesn't inspire me or anything like that.

Weird, I know
nah not really weird at all. Lots of people don't like music much. Some people like video games. Others are movies buffs or TV show addicts . I'm a die hard music addict. Got to know all the info about the music I like . movies and TV shows I like but not love. Can't watch the same movie or show twice. Music my first love other then football and basketball.
its not like Shoe got caught doing something sketchy. Gave his opinion about a player and thats about it. Can't be that embarrassing for him.
Yeah shoe the homie. Not that serious. We all wrong sometimes or forget ish we say I guess

I remember when the dude photoshopped my Rams logo onto a twitter account and made it sound like i said Cousins would be in prison in 5 years. I remember sitting there for 5 minutes wondering if I actually said that! I knew it wasn't me but still had me wondering.
yeah man. i stopped acknowledging my bday after 28. im 33 and i dont like it. i cant imagine what 40 feels like. 
I remember when the dude photoshopped my Rams logo onto a twitter account and made it sound like i said Cousins would be in prison in 5 years. I remember sitting there for 5 minutes wondering if I actually said that! I knew it wasn't me but still had me wondering.
Nah. My 30s were fantastic. Got married, had two kids. Hell, 40's are great too. With age comes more success, but more stress though

I do envy you 25 and under folks though. Hopefully you guys are working towards what you want to do in life. Now is the time you can make things happen, even if you have to grind like crazy. Once you get a certain age, and you have kids, its hard to start over towards a career you love. You get stuck doing something that pays well but not something you enjoy, so you're trapped!

I've become that older head i said i wouldn't become as a youngster! I wish i knew back then what i knew now.

Make it happen young fellas!
its not about success or any of that ish. just the fact of getting old. 20s were the best. thats your prime years. at about 25-26 you realize. this is the best im gon look , this is the best my body is going to be. its all down hill from here. i mean i work out , lift weights eat super clean , run 5 miles a day but i still looked better at 26  then i do at 33 . that ish gets me sad af, realizing im not young anymore . 
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i actually look better now than i did 25. I was smoking weed, eating King Taco every other day. Just being lazy and eating like I was going to prison. Than i quit the weed and life got much better in all facets.

Flame suit on
Yeah shoe the homie. Not that serious. We all wrong sometimes or forget ish we say I guess

I remember when the dude photoshopped my Rams logo onto a twitter account and made it sound like i said Cousins would be in prison in 5 years. I remember sitting there for 5 minutes wondering if I actually said that! I knew it wasn't me but still had me wondering.

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