Who Will Win the 2017 NBA Finals?

  • Cleveland Cavaliers

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  • Golden State Warriors

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rings actually do matter if your one of the greats. it adds to your legacy you know your work. a prestigous kind of thing.

but a guy like robert horry? not so much

most of the guys who say they dont matter are the same guys that make fun of mello for having a blank all star jacket
It's not black and white.

Rings matter, but they don't a complete story.

Stats matter, but don't tell a complete story.

The words of teammates matter, but don't tell a complete story.

The words of opponents matter, but don't tell a complete story.

SOOOO many other things matter, but not one of these things isolated by itself tells a complete story.

Anyone who separates one thing and says "So here's what this one thing all by itself means" has a narrative and should not be taken seriously.
agreed.... to say rings dont matter is silly tho because they do. like i said they arent everything but they clearly matter. 
To a certain degree, yes.

As a complete measurement, no.

Dan Marino is one of the greatest QBs of all time, and the early 90s Bills are one fo the greatest teams of all time. Rings don't matter in a sense of "Nope, Dan Marino and those Bills were straight garbage," just because they don't have rings. They belong in the all time greatest discussions.

But if the Bills had won all 4 of those Super Bowls, obviously people would be talking about them as arguably the single greatest team of all time. Four... IN A ROW... in the TOUGH 90s?!

But they don't have rings... but that doesn't mean they are straight buns. Not at all.

Rings ADVANCE your position, they don't solely create it. Anyone who uses rings alone as a measuring stick is straight ignorant.

It's a LOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTAAAAA folks in sports and on this forum and in this thread who are straight ignorant.
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rings actually do matter if your one of the greats. it adds to your legacy you know your work. a prestigous kind of thing.

but a guy like robert horry? not so much

most of the guys who say they dont matter are the same guys that make fun of mello for having a blank all star jacket

Exactly If your a superstar that wins rings it matters a lot. Not so much for winning multiple rings as a role player on different teams. Take 2 of Jordan's rings away. Would we all still consider him the GOAT? Say Melo won 3 rings and Bron has zero. How would they be looked at? I can go on and on with examples lol.
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its all subject to opinion no right or wrong answers

i know some people who think koala is the best in the game right now
To a certain degree, yes.

As a complete measurement, no.

Dan Marino is one of the greatest QBs of all time, and the early 90s Bills are one fo the greatest teams of all time. Rings don't matter in a sense of "Nope, Dan Marino and those Bills were straight garbage," just because they don't have rings. They belong in the all time greatest discussions.

But if the Bills had won all 4 of those Super Bowls, obviously people would be talking about them as arguably the single greatest team of all time. Four... IN A ROW... in the TOUGH 90s?!

But they don't have rings... but that doesn't mean they are straight buns. Not at all.

Rings ADVANCE your position, they don't solely create it. Anyone who uses rings alone as a measuring stick is straight ignorant.

It's a LOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTAAAAA folks in sports and on this forum and in this thread who are straight ignorant.
agreed.... well put. 
Wade may have been the best.

This is the same argument with Bron from earlier. They had comparable numbers:

Kobe 09 & 10; 27/5/5/2 on 46%

Wade 09 & 10: 28/5/7/2 on 48%

But one guy was winning b2b chips and putting up 30/6/6 on 46% shooting in the playoffs those 2 seasons in a stronger conference while the other guy was going out in the 1st round twice in a row. Stop the disrespect.
Duncan stretches past 05.
Dirk gets one of those 06-11 years.
Kobe was NOT the undisputed best in the league for no damn 5 years.

I mean in totality. I'm not measuring the best player by every single year. That fluctuates. But those guys were at the top of their games, won the most, and dominated their "eras" for those time periods.

When we look back...those guys are the most accomplished, and at the height of their individual powers during the years I listed.
but that's the difference in these two teams
iggy and livingston can do more than just depend on steph and kd to get them open looks

and ppl are still saying the cavs bench loaded up. lol i dont wanna throw them under the bus they are great when lebron can facilitate for them but theyre not iggy or livingston. they also got the length to play respectable D. 
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How was Duncan the best in 08? Kobe won MVP and the Lakers washed them in 5 in the WCF H2H.
The disrespek for steve nash. Yeah, he pulled a fast one on kobe and timmy withe mvps but he was running things for a minute
How was Duncan the best in 08? Kobe won MVP and the Lakers washed them in 5 in the WCF H2H.
wb going to win mvp and aint even top 5 . nash won mvp twice in a row  and wasnt the best player in the l . i think its debatable duncan and kobe those late 00 years. it wasnt lebron tho 
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Series probs over friday. We'll see tho. I penned in cavs win on weds. But not really sure how they dont get swept now.
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