Who Will Win the 2017 NBA Finals?

  • Cleveland Cavaliers

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  • Golden State Warriors

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If CLE gets swept, the offseason will really be interesting considering Lebron can opt out. He's already fulfilled his promise of bringing a chip to CLE, and if he feels that the Cavs have nowhere else to go from here but downhill, who knows what his mindset will be like or if he'll seek to relocate elsewhere on a more promising (or younger) team that can give him enough firepower to help prolong his career while still giving him chances to get back in the Finals.

After this year, I don't see the Cavs retooling enough to allow James to have a better team than he has now. It may be time for James to switch jerseys for the last 5-7 years of his career.
He ain't going nowhere
You never know what the King is thinking. We already saw frustration from him this season as far as the Cavs not making any significant moves to upgrade their roster since Lebron knew what he was up against with GSW adding Durant. I think Lebron knew going in that the role players on his team as it was constructed at the trade deadline probably wasn't going to be enough. That reality has begun to set in.
But but according to NT, it didn't matter

Like I said, some people will only accept caveats that support their narrative.

Losing Draymond game 5, Iggy 6 and Bogut 7 hurt the Warriors. Cavs winning 5 and then taking momentum back to Clev was HUGE. People people refuse to acknowledge this. Game 7 was a toss up, but at that point Iggy was still hobbled, Curry played hobbled all series and Harrison Barnes not being able to hit the broad side of a barn.

It really was the perfect storm for Clev. I really don't think we'll see this again, unless someone like KD or Curry get's hurt.
Bron just gotta get that new shipment and tie this b!tch up
I deleted a post of your earlier when you told someone "F off."

And now this reply.

If you can't post in the thread without using edited profanity, I can help.

If CLE gets swept, the offseason will really be interesting considering Lebron can opt out. He's already fulfilled his promise of bringing a chip to CLE, and if he feels that the Cavs have nowhere else to go from here but downhill, who knows what his mindset will be like or if he'll seek to relocate elsewhere on a more promising (or younger) team that can give him enough firepower to help prolong his career while still giving him chances to get back in the Finals.

After this year, I don't see the Cavs retooling enough to allow James to have a better team than he has now. It may be time for James to switch jerseys for the last 5-7 years of his career.

Lebron can't opt out until 2018...
I don't know cap wise if they can pull it off but S&T Blake for Melo, get rid of Austin, Crawford, Wes Johnson and use that cap space to sign Bron, go over the cap to resign CP0.

EDIT: Nevermind. Thought he was on a 1+1.

Cavs are screwed for next season as well. No mobility with those contracts.
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If CLE gets swept, the offseason will really be interesting considering Lebron can opt out. He's already fulfilled his promise of bringing a chip to CLE, and if he feels that the Cavs have nowhere else to go from here but downhill, who knows what his mindset will be like or if he'll seek to relocate elsewhere on a more promising (or younger) team that can give him enough firepower to help prolong his career while still giving him chances to get back in the Finals.

After this year, I don't see the Cavs retooling enough to allow James to have a better team than he has now. It may be time for James to switch jerseys for the last 5-7 years of his career.
Lebron can't opt out until 2018...
You're right. Forgot he signed a three year deal back in '16.
A team with CP3, Melo, and Lebron still doesn't beat these Warriors.

But a team with Kyrie, Lebron, Anthony Davis, and [enter name of bonafide 3&D player here] does
He still wasn't the best player in the league though. He was definitely on the best TEAM, but individually he was well behind Jordan. From an individual statistical standpoint, Dominique had better numbers than Zeke in the late 80s as well.

Well by the lists I've been seeing its like only guys that won titles during that year got the nod. What up with Iverson or Mcgrady? In their primes they were 2 of the best scorers to ever play the game. The problem is they played for average teams. In 2000-2002 Iverson in my opinion was the top player in the league. Yeah Shaq was doing his thang at the time winning 3 rings but he also had a squad around him. Iverson had nobody. He single handily carried his team to the Finals in 2001. In 2002-2003 McGrady was ballin averaging 32.1 pts 6.5 rebs and 5.5 assists a game. While Duncan was averaging 23.3 pts and 12.9 rebs a game. Duncan won a ring that year so obviously he gets picked over McGrady. Another example is this season. In my honest Opinion Westbrook is the best player this year its just that he plays on an average team and if you take him off the Thunder they would of been bottom feeders this season. Lol so based on titles that is why I gave my man Zeke the nod for 89-90 over Jordan.
A team with CP3, Melo, and Lebron still doesn't beat these Warriors.

But a team with Kyrie, Lebron, Anthony Davis, and [enter name of bonafide 3&D player here] does

Going to be hard for Cavs to make any moves unless they trade 2 of their main pieces... Lebron is stuck with Kyrie, Love, JR, TT, Shump, Frye, Jefferson for another year... Just those 8 guys already equals to $125mil and way over the cap... They need 7 more players to fill the roster... Not sure how much more they can get better.
A team with CP3, Melo, and Lebron still doesn't beat these Warriors.

But a team with Kyrie, Lebron, Anthony Davis, and [enter name of bonafide 3&D player here] does
Going to be hard for Cavs to make any moves unless they trade 2 of their main pieces... Lebron is stuck with Kyrie, Love, JR, TT, Shump, Frye, Jefferson for another year... Just those 8 guys already equals to $125mil and way over the cap... They need 7 more players to fill the roster... Not sure how much more they can get better.
Cavs really are stuck. They can't really do anything to acquire another star unless they trade Love. And whoever they get for Love still won't be enough. They also won't get anything of value by trading Shump and JR either. Signing TT to that 5-yr $82 million was a bonehead move as well and ain't nobody in the league trading for that Mozgov-like salary.

I think Lebron opts out as soon as he can and eventually leaves the Land
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U really need 4 All Stars now smh

Damn GS ruined the league

Even as a Warriors fan I found the playoffs pretty boring... The finals has been half boring for me. Don't get me wrong, I want to win. But I like watching competitive games.

I think ratings will drop next year.

thats it.... kg and dirk had very good seasons

but those 4 players are the only ones since mj retired that you can say was the leader of their respectful time
Going to be hard for Cavs to make any moves unless they trade 2 of their main pieces... Lebron is stuck with Kyrie, Love, JR, TT, Shump, Frye, Jefferson for another year... Just those 8 guys already equals to $125mil and way over the cap... They need 7 more players to fill the roster... Not sure how much more they can get better.

Thompson, Smith, and Shumpert could be packaged together to land another superstar. Or just dumbed to a team like the Nets to clear cap space. lmao Who knows. Jefferson might retire. Then that should free up enough cap for them to make a run at somebody.
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not if they try to break the 73/9 record , lol

Still will be mostly down and boring... Rating will probably go up a couple weeks if they are close to breaking it.

I just dont see any teams making a significant move this off season to challenge the Warriors... Maybe CP3 to Spurs but I think they have to dump Gasol to make it happen. Paul George to Celtics, Raptors, or Blazers won't be enough... For sure not the Lakers.
not if they try to break the 73/9 record , lol
Still will be mostly down and boring... Rating will probably go up a couple weeks if they are close to breaking it.

I just dont see any teams making a significant move this off season to challenge the Warriors... Maybe CP3 to Spurs but I think they have to dump Gasol to make it happen. Paul George to Celtics, Raptors, or Blazers won't be enough... For sure not the Lakers.
Lakers will be back in the mix sooner than later. Magic gonna make things happen for sure.

And it starts with PG13 to the Lakers, with Westbrook to possibly follow in the near future. And if Ingram and whomever they draft at #2 this month end up becoming star material....watch out, things can change drastically and quickly.

Plus we all know the NBA and ESPN love it every time the Lakers are the talk of the town. 
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Even as a Warriors fan I found the playoffs pretty boring... The finals has been half boring for me. Don't get me wrong, I want to win. But I like watching competitive games.

I think ratings will drop next year.

Not only that but just think of the fan bases for the average teams. You think the Magic, Kings, Nets, Pistons, Bulls, Hawks etc are going to be able to get invested into next season when they know damn well they don't stand a chance at competing for a title? After a while these fan baaes are going to stop caring and stop going to games unless the Cavs or Warriors come to town. Lol but those will be the games when all those stars rest and don't play.
Still will be mostly down and boring... Rating will probably go up a couple weeks if they are close to breaking it.

I just dont see any teams making a significant move this off season to challenge the Warriors... Maybe CP3 to Spurs but I think they have to dump Gasol to make it happen. Paul George to Celtics, Raptors, or Blazers won't be enough... For sure not the Lakers.

Cousins signing with the Spurs or Celtics could make things interesting but besides that I agree its going to be boring next season unless Lebron or one of the big 4 from Golden State go down with a season ending injury.
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