Who Will Win the 2017 NBA Finals?

  • Cleveland Cavaliers

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  • Golden State Warriors

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Not only that but just think of the fan bases for the average teams. You think the Magic, Kings, Nets, Pistons, Bulls, Hawks etc are going to be able to get invested into next season when they know damn well they don't stand a chance at competing for a title? After a while these fan baaes are going to stop caring and stop going to games unless the Cavs or Warriors come to town. Lol but those will be the games when all those stars rest and don't play.

I have a couple friends who are season ticket holders. They sold most of their tickets unless they are playing the Cavs, Spurs, and OKC this year... One of them hasn't gone to any playoffs game this year yet. Try to make his money to pay for his next year's tickets... I don't even see the point. Both of them are hoping for game 5 cause that's the money game right there.
A team with Westbrook, PG13, and Cousins would give these Warriors all they can handle.

You just named 3 very dysfunctional players. I'm not even sure they can even play an entire together :lol:

Watch the Cavs pull something from out of their rear ends. They will find a way to land a big name. I just know it.
And you have to take out last year because people gave that to Steph.

Anti claiming 10years but was on the Curry's World train last year.

So that would be 7, if you give him the 2009 Season, which I don't.
Gave what to steph? Do you people have your own thought process or do you just willfully allow the media to manipulate you? Steph Curry never was and never will be better than LeBron until LeBron turns 35+. He never was and never will be better than Kevin Durant either. LeBron James has been the best player in the NBA for at least the past 8 years. Anyone with minimal basketball knowledge can tell you that steph never was and never will be comparable to or better than LeBron, or Durant for that matter.

a) Is/was Stephen Curry the best basketball player in the world?

b) Is Stephen Curry a better basketball player than Klay Thompson?

Only one of the above questions can actually be debated, and it is not question 'a'.
Even as a Warriors fan I found the playoffs pretty boring... The finals has been half boring for me. Don't get me wrong, I want to win. But I like watching competitive games.

I think ratings will drop next year.

Not only that but just think of the fan bases for the average teams. You think the Magic, Kings, Nets, Pistons, Bulls, Hawks etc are going to be able to get invested into next season when they know damn well they don't stand a chance at competing for a title? After a while these fan baaes are going to stop caring and stop going to games unless the Cavs or Warriors come to town. Lol but those will be the games when all those stars rest and don't play.

Personally I care about seeing my fav team compete and not get blown our every game. If they make the playoffs good, if they can comPete for a championship great. If they get a high draft pick with the potential to be a star excellent. Most of the winning teams have huge amount of bandwagoners and always win. If you like winning and winners you usually follow a winner or a great player... Maybe you're lucky enough that it happens to be your hometown team
it can also be argued that starting in the '01 playoffs, Kobe may have supplanted Shaq as Best in the L and what Kobe did in the regular season and the playoffs from '06-'12 is nothing short of astonishing and is why he was generally known around the NBA during that time as the best player.

Kobe's playoff numbers:

'01 - 29.4 ppg 7.3 reb, 6.1 asts
'02 - 26.6 / 5.8 / 4.6
'03 - 32.1 / 5.1 / 5.2
'06 - 27.9 / 6.3 / 5.1
'07 - 32.8 / 5.2 / 4.4
'08 - 30.1 / 5.7 / 5.6
'09 - 30.2 / 5.3 / 5.5
'10 - 29.2 / 6.0 / 5.5
'12 - 30.0 / 4.8 / 4.3


Say it loud.
Has that slysniper dude posted at all during this series? :lol:

nah, we're a better place without slysniper. and if you miss him, no need to worry, geno has replaced him.

3rd quarters are killing the Cavs damn Bogut would have really helped

wait wait wait.. I've been told time and time again by cavs' fans that bogut wouldn't have made a difference even if he was healthy in last year's finals. fast forward a year later, and now cavs' fans are saying that he'd be a factor in this year's finals if he could play?

so with this new form of logic and math, i'm guessing 1+1 = 0?
The world was still considering kobe the best player on the planet at the '12 olympics..

That man vs spain..ay dios mio :smokin

Dude shhh'd a whole country
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And you have to take out last year because people gave that to Steph.

Anti claiming 10years but was on the Curry's World train last year.

So that would be 7, if you give him the 2009 Season, which I don't.

Gave what to steph? Do you people have your own thought process or do you just willfully allow the media to manipulate you? Steph Curry never was and never will be better than LeBron until LeBron turns 35+. He never was and never will be better than Kevin Durant either. LeBron James has been the best player in the NBA for at least the past 8 years. Anyone with minimal basketball knowledge can tell you that steph never was and never will be comparable to or better than LeBron, or Durant for that matter.

a) Is/was Stephen Curry the best basketball player in the world?

b) Is Stephen Curry a better basketball player than Klay Thompson?

Only one of the above questions can actually be debated, and it is not question 'a'.
You could have just said Steph was never better than Lebron and capped of the post with Lebrons been the best for at least 8years.

Even then, it's 8 years not 10 years which was the point of the post you quoted, not who Curry is or isn't better than.

All that other stuff, well start all over, it belongs in a seperate post altogether.
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U really need 4 All Stars now smh

Damn GS ruined the league

Even as a Warriors fan I found the playoffs pretty boring... The finals has been half boring for me. Don't get me wrong, I want to win. But I like watching competitive games.

I think ratings will drop next year.

you all the way trippin fam. boring?? just because the score is lopsided as hell doesn't mean we're not watching some of the greatest, fastest paced team ball in the past two decades.

blud idk but me and my patnas were still going stupid when dudes like ian clark and mcadoo were gettin buckets in the 4th quarter with the game well out of reach. after all that **** cavs fans/warriors' haters were saying after last year's finals, there aint nothing better than watching steph and KD take turns cookin Bron on defense. not to mention my boy klaydagawd finally decided to wake up and join the party? idgaf how un-competitive these finals appear i'm going on full on homer-mode.

them days in which the warriors were perennial losers aint too far in the rear view mirror, my G. enjoy this ****** run while it lasts instead of trippin over the competitiveness of games.

And you have to take out last year because people gave that to Steph.

Anti claiming 10years but was on the Curry's World train last year.

So that would be 7, if you give him the 2009 Season, which I don't.

Gave what to steph? Do you people have your own thought process or do you just willfully allow the media to manipulate you? Steph Curry never was and never will be better than LeBron until LeBron turns 35+. He never was and never will be better than Kevin Durant either. LeBron James has been the best player in the NBA for at least the past 8 years. Anyone with minimal basketball knowledge can tell you that steph never was and never will be comparable to or better than LeBron, or Durant for that matter.

a) Is/was Stephen Curry the best basketball player in the world?

b) Is Stephen Curry a better basketball player than Klay Thompson?

Only one of the above questions can actually be debated, and it is not question 'a'.

steph might not be better than bron but he's the unequivocal leader of a team that's about to sweep a lebron-led team out of the finals. being the greatest player in a team oriented sport doesn't always translate to winning.
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Going to be hard for Cavs to make any moves unless they trade 2 of their main pieces... Lebron is stuck with Kyrie, Love, JR, TT, Shump, Frye, Jefferson for another year... Just those 8 guys already equals to $125mil and way over the cap... They need 7 more players to fill the roster... Not sure how much more they can get better.

Cavs really are stuck. They can't really do anything to acquire another star unless they trade Love. And whoever they get for Love still won't be enough. They also won't get anything of value by trading Shump and JR either. Signing TT to that 5-yr $82 million was a bonehead move as well and ain't nobody in the league trading for that Mozgov-like salary.

I think Lebron opts out as soon as he can and eventually leaves the Land

I said from day 1..love would be a muuuuuch better fit on gsw. Gsw gonna scoop him when he opts out. Hell fit in perfectly.
And you have to take out last year because people gave that to Steph.

Anti claiming 10years but was on the Curry's World train last year.

So that would be 7, if you give him the 2009 Season, which I don't.

Gave what to steph? Do you people have your own thought process or do you just willfully allow the media to manipulate you? Steph Curry never was and never will be better than LeBron until LeBron turns 35+. He never was and never will be better than Kevin Durant either. LeBron James has been the best player in the NBA for at least the past 8 years. Anyone with minimal basketball knowledge can tell you that steph never was and never will be comparable to or better than LeBron, or Durant for that matter.

a) Is/was Stephen Curry the best basketball player in the world?

b) Is Stephen Curry a better basketball player than Klay Thompson?

Only one of the above questions can actually be debated, and it is not question 'a'.

Calm down bae
you all the way trippin fam. boring?? just because the score is lopsided as hell doesn't mean we're not watching some of the greatest, fastest paced team ball in the past two decades.

blud idk but me and my patnas were still going stupid when dudes like ian clark and mcadoo were gettin buckets in the 4th quarter with the game well out of reach. after all that **** cavs fans/warriors' haters were saying after last year's finals, there aint nothing better than watching steph and KD take turns cookin Bron on defense. not to mention my boy klaydagawd finally decided to wake up and join the party? idgaf how un-competitive these finals appear i'm going on full on homer-mode.

them days in which the warriors were perennial losers aint too far in the rear view mirror, my G. enjoy this ****** run while it lasts instead of trippin over the competitiveness of games.

No need to explain yourself... That remark wasn't meant for the homers. I know where you coming from brah...
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If you think a Warriors game is boring just because they're winning by a lot then you should probably switch to watching another sport. They're playing team basketball at possibly the highest level in the history of the game at an extremely fast pace and Durant and Curry are putting on insane performances every single game. Durant, Draymond and Iguodala each have ridiculous blocks at the rim every game. Watching Klay shoot when he starts getting hot is basically basketball porn. And anytime Javale is on the court it's entertainment as is :lol:
OKC blowing a 3-1 lead is the worst thing that could've ever happened. Durant has single handedly ruined the NBA. F**k him and f**k the 3 point chucking Warriors. :smh: :smh: :smh:  
Yall are so irrational man

KD singlehandedly ruined the NBA? :lol:

KD did.

Not the GMs.
Not the CBA.
Not the owners

But KD
If you think a Warriors game is boring just because they're winning by a lot then you should probably switch to watching another sport. They're playing team basketball at possibly the highest level in the history of the game at an extremely fast pace and Durant and Curry are putting on insane performances every single game. Durant, Draymond and Iguodala each have ridiculous blocks at the rim every game. Watching Klay shoot when he starts getting hot is basically basketball porn. And anytime Javale is on the court it's entertainment as is :lol:

No one wants to see a blow out every game... Unless you a Warriors homer or Lebron/Cavs hater... Not saying what the Warriors are doing is not remarkable. I already know how great Curry and KD are... But it's kind of expected when you put a team together that no one has seen before. This **** ain't rocket science, you put a bunch of great players together like that. The game becomes easier, specially when there are no competition. Last year's team was more fun to watch, a bunch of underdogs coming in the league. They were breaking records with pretty level competition.
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