Who Will Win the 2017 NBA Finals?

  • Cleveland Cavaliers

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  • Golden State Warriors

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If I altered it a bit, I guess I could go





And go from there.
Whats funny is IF lebron wins game 3 he'll be happy to do a post game interview :lol:

Ol sore loser *** boy

Even when they win he's out there embracing the opponent giving high fives and hugs, when they lose he walks with his tail between his legs back to the locker room :lol:

Lebron give hugs in the playoffs?
I owe this a rep. 

I can't even believe how after last year...we really going to sit up and try to front on Lebron's running mates 

As great as Lebron is...Kyrie was CLEARLY the equalizer in that series. If he doesn't black out...it's 2015 all over again with Lebron putting up historic numbers and still taking a L.

Trying to sell the idea of them not being ELITE on a false narrative of them being "0-8" in the regular season might be the worst "Lebron needs more help" narrative out of all of them.
im just tired of the more help/carrying bums narrative period. at what point does this storyline end? the last time he carried bums was clearly 09 at the latest. by the time he left miami they said miami was full of bums he was carrying. he arrives in cleveland with kyrie and love. gives himself some cushion to lose by saying its a process and will take time.

they lose, but the narrative is they wouldve won if kyrie wasn't hurt. lebron improves the team even more. they win the next year as underdogs. the kyrie > steph arguments last from then all the way up until finals game 1 a week ago. now all the sudden lebron has no help again? with love dropping nearly 30? kyrie dropping his career average numbers of 19? (this was kyries best season, finally raising his career numbers from 19ppg to 21)

when the cavs got smacked earlier this year by the warriors the excuse wa "but JR didnt play" ... now jr is playing and its "hes drunk." when lebron was in that losing streak this year "we need a better playmaker"

understand the cavs steamrolled the east once again just now. none of that "needs more help" stuff was a factor. nobody was being carried just 2 weeks ago. on paper the cavs are a stronger team. its not KD's fault tyronn cant implement a better system or gameplan. lebron tucking his tail in whenever he guarding kd. hell even steph made it a point to kill him when they matched up. yall need to stop with the excuses. the cavs are the same super team weve seen all year long kill almost everybody all year long.

the only difference is, now you see the difference between super saiyan 1 and super saiyan 2 and u dont like it.
John Wall is more of an Elite PG than Freak is in thr SF position.

So if you have Freak as Tier 2, Wall should be there
Blake Griffin has gotten hurt so much to the point where he can't even be considered elite anymore. Durability matters especially since he's getting old now.
Whats funny is IF lebron wins game 3 he'll be happy to do a post game interview :lol:

Ol sore loser *** boy

Even when they win he's out there embracing the opponent giving high fives and hugs, when they lose he walks with his tail between his legs back to the locker room :lol:

Lebron give hugs in the playoffs?

He's more embracing when he wins, wants to be a "good sport" but only knows how to be a sore loser when he loses
Does Anthony Davis and Demarcus Cousins not being able to come close to a playoff spot matter in terms of where we rank them?
I thinks it's disrespectful towards Westbrook harden and CP3 to put guys like cousins AD Blake and Giannis on the same tier as them. The former 3 have accomplished far more than the guys who don't make the playoffs let alone get home court.
Giannis was 25/10/42/2 as head honcho in his first playoff series as the man. No Jabari and Middleton was hobbled

He's already there
I thinks it's disrespectful towards Westbrook harden and CP3 to put guys like cousins AD Blake and Giannis on the same tier as them. The former 3 have accomplished far more than the guys who don't make the playoffs let alone get home court.

Let Giannis do it for a longer period of time before we put his name in that crew.

Years of Service HAS to be considered
I can't rank AD/Blake lower until their play is clearly affected by injury. If they're top 10 while on the floor then they're top 10
outside of playmaking I don't think there's anything Giannis does better than AD on the floor & that's not a Knock on Giannis.
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