2017 NBA Playoffs Thread - CLE @ BOS Game 5 on TNT

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Alright we get it Warriors blew a 3-1 lead last year..... can we please stop hanging from the Cavs nut sack a little and stop bringing up old **** that has been brought up probably literally 100's of times in this thread? Got damn :lol:  

Nah, As soon as people stop making excuses as to why the cavs won last year, the better it will be fore them. That 3-1 lead will never go anywhere, no matter what happens.
These are the same guys who cheered the warriors after they only beat the cavs in 2015 because Kyrie and Love were injured. these dudes have lost it.They cant stand bron winning, and I'm here to watch them cry about it. :rofl:
Alright we get it Warriors blew a 3-1 lead last year..... can we please stop hanging from the Cavs nut sack a little and stop bringing up old **** that has been brought up probably literally 100's of times in this thread? Got damn 
Nah, As soon as people stop making excuses as to why the cavs won last year, the better it will be fore them. That 3-1 lead will never go anywhere, no matter what happens.
These are the same guys who cheered the warriors after they only beat the cavs in 2015 because Kyrie and Love were injured. these dudes have lost it.They cant stand bron winning, and I'm here to watch them cry about it.
I skipped over a lot of posts but if Warriors fans making excuses for why they lost you gotta drop that knowledge and facts b. 
I skipped over a lot of posts but if Warriors fans making excuses for why they lost you gotta drop that knowledge and facts b. 

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Thats all man. I love watching them cry about it, but I'm always going to give my 2 cents whether they like it or not. If they dont like it they can block me. Its not like wont see the mesg anyway, they will keep clicking the white tag too see what i say anyway, just to trigger themselves even more.

Let them cry. they deserve to.
You literally think about the Warriors more than Warriors fans themselves. You gotta be one of the most annoying dudes on this entire site by far.

I hope the Warriors destroy a 100% completely healthy Cavs team in the Finals this year so you can shut the **** up already about this 3-1 **** forever.

just block him and dont reply ***** when you reply it shows his garbage posts to everybody else that already got um blocked
Man get out of here, The warriors won in Jan after getting beat 4 times in a row to the cavs. they were bound to have a blow out game. You cant just keep taking L's from the cavs at that point.
And they locked up bron? Why didn't they lock up bron like that in the finals? Better for Bron not to give and and dambs about a regular season game in Jan, than to play like that in the finals.

You warrior fans make up anything to make your self feel better about that 3-1 L. No matter what you say or what happens it will never erase that 3-1 lead faster than the Cavs did.:rofl:

Triggered! Ha ha ha
My only problem with the Oubre situation is that the ref got in it before he could knock Olynyk's head off his shoulders...I'm never letting him dislocating Love's shoulder go.
I'm as big of a Warriors hater as anyone else but even I can't bring up 3-1 everyday..Its basically emotional abuse at this point they can't do anything to fix it and they will never get over it.
Too bad that wont happen.
And i was going off of the post that were posted.
Hope the Cavs wash the Warriors again, like they did in the 2nd half of the finals, just so you can be upset all over again, and come in and complain about me talking about them winning.
I like this guy...
If u going to hit a man, hit him
That struggle shove going to cost him some money lol
I'm as big of a Warriors hater as anyone else but even I can't bring up 3-1 everyday..Its basically emotional abuse at this point they can't do anything to fix it and they will never get over it.


If the Warriors win this year then the 3-1 **** would be over and done with. Yeah, years from now when people bring up LeBron's legacy and he has his HOF speech and **** it'll be brought up how he brought his team back from a 3-1 lead in the Finals but in 2017 nobody is going to care whether or not the Warriors lost the Finals last year if they win it this year.
Oubre ain't really do nothing. Should of punched him. Not just go run into him.
Someone does something dirty to me like that during pickup they getting punched in the mouth.

Yup. If warriors win, the 3 and 1 jokes will be done with and lame af to even attempt. Winning cures all.
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That olynik wall play isn't dirty. That was the result of wall wanting that block too badly and I can't blame him I'd wanna punch Kelly's **** too. Dude didn't even have control of the ball and you're already in the air lol. He wanted that bad
I'm as big of a Warriors hater as anyone else but even I can't bring up 3-1 everyday..Its basically emotional abuse at this point they can't do anything to fix it and they will never get over it.


If the Warriors win this year then the 3-1 **** would be over and done with. Yeah, years from now when people bring up LeBron's legacy and he has his HOF speech and **** it'll be brought up how he brought his team back from a 3-1 lead in the Finals but in 2017 nobody is going to care whether or not the Warriors lost the Finals last year if they win it this year.

I sort of agree with this. Even though Warriors choked worse than Jenna Jameson.

If they happen to beat Cavs this year, it'll be 2-1 Warriors, and years down the line people will probably say Cavs got lucky and should've been 3-0 Warriors.
My only problem with the Oubre situation is that the ref got in it before he could knock Olynyk's head off his shoulders...I'm never letting him dislocating Love's shoulder go.
I doubt he was trying to dislocate his shoulder. He definitely grabbed and pulled him (which happens in every game). But to think he consciously grabbed and pulled him with the intention of popping his shoulder is nuts.
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