2017 NBA Playoffs Thread - CLE @ BOS Game 5 on TNT

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samething I see.
Ive read On other sites people expect him to get fined or some extra punishment. No way in hell.
That's be wild. Not like he walked him. When you're late / slow and trying to contest a shot, your foot placement is going to look a lot like Zaza's as you plant, turn and go the other way like he did.
Ive read On other sites people expect him to get fined or some extra punishment. No way in hell.

The only way you going stop dudes from doing dumb or unnecessary mess is if there are ramifications for their actions

Draymond doesn't seem to be coming into contact with the male anatomy this postseason.. yet

Was garbage when Bruce Bowen does it.. garbage when zaza did it.. and garbage when anyone else does it
That's be wild. Not like he walked him. When you're late / slow and trying to contest a shot, your foot placement is going to look a lot like Zaza's as you plant, turn and go the other way like he did.

The shot was gone before the second slide/hop, which placed his foot underneath the shooter

He's looking directly at kawhi.. after the ball is gone, he continues towards him.. never attempted to square up or jump

Zaza ain't the first to pull the move.. he won't be the last

The lowest/youngest levels of basketball training practice closing out drills.. this is nothing new
The shot was gone before the second slide/hop, which placed his foot underneath the shooter

He's looking directly at kawhi.. after the ball is gone, he continues towards him.. never attempted to square up or jump

Zaza ain't the first to pull the move.. he won't be the last

The lowest/youngest levels of basketball training practice closing out drills.. this is nothing new
1) The second slide/hop is him trying to slow down. That's where the 2nd slide/hop is coming from. His foot being underneath the shooter is a product of him slowing down, planting his left foot to turn and run the other way, a pretty natural basketball motion. 

2) He doesn't attempt to jump because he's challenging late. Would be pointless to lunge himself into kawhi via jumping towards him, and taking himself out of the play in the process.

3) As kawhi is shooting, zaza's head is turning, watching the flight of the ball, and is running the other way.

I mean I can see it both ways, and I've seen times before where players walk under shooters. This isn't one of those times to me.
That's be wild. Not like he walked him. When you're late / slow and trying to contest a shot, your foot placement is going to look a lot like Zaza's as you plant, turn and go the other way like he did.

The shot was gone before the second slide/hop, which placed his foot underneath the shooter

He's looking directly at kawhi.. after the ball is gone, he continues towards him.. never attempted to square up or jump

Zaza ain't the first to pull the move.. he won't be the last

The lowest/youngest levels of basketball training practice closing out drills.. this is nothing new
LOL no **** zaza is still looking at him as the ball is released, youre watching that **** in slow motion
These GSW _'s something else :lol:

Working with them is a-whole-nother level, man. My co-worker said Steph is a better player than LeBron because Steph was the first unanimous, back-to-back MVP. You can't tell these dudes anything :lol:.

I kid you not someone used WAR as a stat to try to prove to me Steph was better than Bron last season :lol: Just blindly googling whatever **** they can throw and hope sticks :lol:
I kid you not someone used WAR as a stat to try to prove to me Steph was better than Bron last season
Just blindly googling whatever **** they can throw and hope sticks
Lol I mean last season steph was better than Lebron but ol boy didn't need WAR to prove that he's just being OD
Going be interesting to hear/see the opinions of some if the spurs decide to bring Bruce Bowen in to give master lessons on certain techniques

I mean I know some warriors fans just popped up the since 2015.. but maybe they're not aware of the ankle issues steph had prior to that
Zaza - Wow, what a scumbag. What a bag of scum. That one replay from the side was disgusting, where you could see him keep sliding his leg closer to the area where Kawhi would land, inch by inch. Totally changed the momentum of the game.

There is nothing more annoying to see than a disposable role player injuring the opposing team's best player on purpose and taking him out of the game. It wasn't enough for them that Parker was out, they had to take out Kawhi as well. Goes along nicely with Draymond Green's quest to prevent Steven Adams from having children last playoffs.

It's amazing to see how NBA calls all these BS flagrants, but they let this **** slide. They should treat it like the NFL did the horse collar tackle. It should be an automatic flagrant 2, with the possibility of further suspension.

When you are the defender, it should be YOUR responsibility not to have your legs under the opposing player's landing area - this should be the rule. Simple as that. No player who is shooting the jump shot is going to seek contact and risk serious injury, and that is why the entire benefit of the doubt should be given to the jump shooter.
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What point did the 2nd slide serve?

Exactly! That second slide is such a blatantly obvious attempt to have him land on his foot. If you look closely, Kawhi let go of the ball, which was in the air and half way towards the basket before that scumbag even initiated that second slide with his foot.
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Zaza is guilty by reputation.
It's that simple.

If all I bang is fat chicks I'm not going to be confused when the homie assumes I'm taking the fatter of the two chicks coming home with us from the club.
Zaza is guilty by reputation.
It's that simple.

If all I bang is fat chicks I'm not going to be confused when the homie assumes I'm taking the fatter of the two chicks coming home with us from the club.

Guys like Ron Artest can empathize with this sentiment. The video posted above reflects poorly on Zaza, but anyone can make a compilation of videos trying to prove a point and it may resonate. That's what propaganda is all about.

IMO I thought he was trying to get positioning and playing his man tough. Tripping Haslem was egregious, but I thought the rest were him playing physical. You can look at the Kawhi replay over and over and you'll take a hardline stance no matter what on either side of the fence.

I don't think it was intentional, because he was sliding his feet and had to adjust his weight. Someone that big doesn't have that much control of his body and weight when moving at a fast speed.

I do believe most people who dislike the Warriors will see it as intentional because of their already colluded personal sentiment of the team. Objectively, I think he was closing out on the guy Kawhi's foot rolled on Zaza's foot. We've seen far more intentionally malice acts before and this doesn't commensurate. But I can see why people would see it the other way. Nothing should happen, because again it because it wasn't malice.

SAS still has 6 more games left and they will make it tough for the GSW either way, it's just how Pop teams are disciplined. I expect a close game 2.

LMA is still on the team and the Spurs can still exploit the GSW biggest weakness which is interior defensive presence. If LMA plays aggressively in the post, the SAS will make it close.
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Zaza is guilty by reputation.
It's that simple.

If all I bang is fat chicks I'm not going to be confused when the homie assumes I'm taking the fatter of the two chicks coming home with us from the club.

His rep and prior conduct is what speaks volumes about his intent.. I could see if dude was running from under the rim to close out and in stopping his momentum took him underneath kawhi

But you can clearly see he wasn't out of control.. he very easily could have stopped prior to the 2nd slide/hop or even squared up and got 'tall'

If Bruce Bowen had done the same damn thing, his prior actions would have spoken to his intent for me as well..

Dude saw kawhi clearly in the air, made zero attempt to try and get his leg/foot out of his landing area

A well known dirty player did something dirty, shocking
His rep and prior conduct is what speaks volumes about his intent.. I could see if dude was running from under the rim to close out and in stopping his momentum took him underneath kawhi

But you can clearly see he wasn't out of control.. he very easily could have stopped prior to the 2nd slide/hop or even squared up and got 'tall'

If Bruce Bowen had done the same damn thing, his prior actions would have spoken to his intent for me as well..

Dude saw kawhi clearly in the air, made zero attempt to try and get his leg/foot out of his landing area

A well known dirty player did something dirty, shocking

Seeing Bruce Bowen rolled jump shooters ankles is very different. He's been known to do that intentionally with much greater consideration.

We need to move on from this and talk about why the SAS couldn't protect the ball and rebound. That was the biggest issue for them aside from Kawhi not being in the game. I get that your #1 guy is out, but does that mean the rest of the team no longer can protect the ball, rebound and play through their #2 effectively? LMA is a huge mismatch for the GSW because we all know GS is very weak inside. There should've been more done to exploit that IMO. LMA taking fades from 15+ft isn't smart basketball.

Hell Danny Green didn't do enough to tire out Curry either. You have to make it tough for him and exert energy on the defensive end.
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Somebody tell me the difference between what Zaza did and what Jalen Rose did? Still haven't gotten a rebuttal.
Seeing a dirty player pull something dirty isn't surprising at all to me

I won't be giving those guys the benefit of the doubt.. or assuming they didn't intend to do anything

If draymond goes out and does something stupid or unnecessary, I won't be shocked either
Seeing a dirty player pull something dirty isn't surprising at all to me

I won't be giving those guys the benefit of the doubt.. or assuming they didn't intend to do anything

If draymond goes out and does something stupid or unnecessary, I won't be shocked either

You have every right to feel that way. Reputations resonate in more ways than just basketball. Not going to debate that at all. For me, the act wasn't malice enough to warrant intention. But again, it's just my opinion.
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