2018 NBA Playoffs Thread

Who will win The Finals

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I still like our chances tonight w no Tony Brothers lol Ben still gonna get his. Expect a lot of post ups from Ben instead of driving
Sn: If Embiid takes a "strong" elbow to the face, he can suffer permanent eye damage......I do not trust that with Whiteside and Kelly *** in there.....nope

Don’t listen to that dumb *** tweet from Keith bum *** Pompey. Please tell me when in the history of basketball that somebody wore a mask after this injury, took an elbow to the eye and had permanent damage done. I just want ONE example and I bet nobody can even give me one.
If I'm not mistaken, the same injury Embiid has was the same one Conley had in the playoffs. He got clocked in the face again by Draymond wild *** during a loose ball, so I don't blame the Sixers for sitting Embiid out. Some guys will go that far to try and mess you up.
Don’t listen to that dumb *** tweet from Keith bum *** Pompey. Please tell me when in the history of basketball that somebody wore a mask after this injury, took an elbow to the eye and had permanent damage done. I just want ONE example and I bet nobody can even give me one.
Chances may be low but not with Whiteside and Kelly *** who are known to flair and do dumb ****. Hell Whiteside slapped himself trying to do the same thing. JoJo has a target on him that you know they'll "unintentionally" look for

I'd err on the side of caution against the Heat alone because of that. Any other opponent with non flailing bigs and its the complete opposite
If I'm not mistaken, the same injury Embiid has was the same one Conley had in the playoffs. He almost got clocked in the face again by Draymond wild ***, so I don't blame the Sixers for sitting Embiid out. Some guys will go that far to try and mess you up.

You need to move on from Mempis. Conley, Parsons, and Gasoline all bad contracts. Jerseys are ugly. Front office is trash.

Free BHZ

Have a hard time beliving the NBA is gonna let Philly lose tonight. Heat gonna have a hell of a time
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