2019-20 NFL thread: Thread's dead. Move into spacedoodoo's

Giants replacing Odell with...Chris Hogan?


Hogan deserves better :frown:

that said, his wife and kid live down in the NY area as she's a doctor there. so good for him. closer to home
Agreed. Who will Browns role with tho assuming Hunt is out for 6-10 games max?

to be honest, i think browns should keep the 3.. and then move duke when it gets closer to the deadline and closer to whenever hunt will return

but as an eagles fan who went to miami, i hope they let him go to us for a 4th or 5th
Yes... but that’s not it.

Dude has the worst attitude.
Makes beyond terrible decisions. (UCLA).
He’s not a leader.
He’s not good.

I have no interest in seeing any picks go in exchange for him.

He kinda has that dumb, rich surfer LA attitude Goff seemed to have especially his rookie year that made people lose hope in him when he was on Hard Knocks. And it did seem like a decent amount of his teammates didn’t really like him at UCLA.
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