2019-20 NFL thread: Thread's dead. Move into spacedoodoo's

AB think everybody is a snake that don't agree with him 100%.

And whats funny is AB wasn't even responding to something Juju said. He let a fan get under his skin. You tryna beef with a dude that's 8 years younger than you. Just clown ****. :lol:

Reads just like a 45/Huckabee Sanders response tbh :lol:

Guess the Packers pres who told him not to be the problem must be bitter too
AB just needs to let that **** go man. He’s with his new team, he got everything he wanted. Stay in his lane.


Lol damn he ain’t holding back. Good for him.

7 years this has been going on for him to finally address it. He has finally had it.
After AB went on his early season tirade on Twitter about potentially being traded, JuJu showed his maturity and told everyone to remain calm.

But yea, that must’ve been a shot at AB too.

A corn ball goes to your team and y’all automatically on your knees deep throating him. Hilarious.

It's wild :lol:

And I'm a fan of both players, but Juju def wasn't taking shots at AB. Antonio was ****ting on the whole steelers org on his way out. Then people said Juju would be fine as a #1 and AB got in his feelings.
AB is clearly a psycho.

**** like this gets him off.

He has that ******* Michael Jordan energy, it just so happens he plays football so his fate is not in his hands necessarily.
AB looks MAD crazy brings up old IG messages and blaming playoff loses, but JuJu’s looking like a cornball company man. He’s trying too hard to push the pro-Steelers, next man up narrative, with the IG picture of him and Ben, and the “next man up” post. AB tweeted before and warned him, that it’s all good until those contract negotiations come and they show you what they really think of you.

JuJu might paint himself in the locker room like Russel Wilson did, where the players thought he was a front office darling.

Full quote.

Aggressive A-Rod :pimp:

god damn. this is kind of wild because dude has been taking the high road with all this **** for so long not saying a word. i expected him to continue to do that but he is not holding back at all and i love it. Have never seen him like this. I hope this attitude carries into next year too.

btw Jeff Janis response who was apparently one of the "bums aaron would target"

the amount of ex packers coming out to defend Rodgers AND McCarthy is hilarious at this point. I saw Jayrone Elliot along with Bostick and other dudes who were just random guys that used to be with the Packers for a short amount of time. People who hate Rodgers are going to continue to hate him so whatever. But the numbers supporting him and mccarthy by saying they didnt see any of this **** in the locker room are piling up and its totally backfiring on that writer, Jennings, and Finley. These are REAL sources and the words coming right out of their mouth who were apparently involved the entire time.

Jennings and Finley were the only real sources that article had and they havent been on the team since 2011. How do they have any idea whats been going on in the locker room the last 7-8 years. There's no way this **** was happening between Rodgers and McCarthy when they were winning 19 games in a row with a super bowl in the middle. Like i said the day that report came out. The Packers were far too successful and running way too tight of a ship for there to be that much dysfunction. If Rodgers had that big of an issue with McCarthy the entire time he would have been out a while ago.

and Davante directly addressing the Saint Brown play is funny too. From the man who was literally in the huddle. When the report said Rodgers was changing McCarthy's plays in the huddle out of spite.

ok im done. for tonight.
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I’m convinced AB started doing coke over the past few months.

Dude has always been super competitive but he’s never been out there like THIS. Something changed for him outside of football.
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