2021-22 NFL Off-Season Thread | Training Camp

Will any teams be forced to forfeit games due to COVID-19?

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Rich white men suffered consequences for the first time in their lives, what you thought was going happen?

I hope you ain’t black saying this when you see how much it takes for the public to believe stuff we know damn well be happening.. they even went as far to make it illegal to record police certain places
I am black saying this. One has nothing to do with the other. And I find it weird how people like you always use the plight of black people to try and justify your stance. The me too movement lost credibility because believing all women is an illogical position. Were we to automatically assume that the women who accused Deshawn were credible? Even without the proper court proceedings? He went through the process and no criminal wrong doing was found. With that said, there should be no reason for there to be any backlash to this decision.
After Trevor Bauer I really thought Watson was done man.

I remember posting it here when I saw Bauer’s punishment :lol:
I am black saying this. One has nothing to do with the other. And I find it weird how people like you always use the plight of black people to try and justify your stance. The me too movement lost credibility because believing all women is an illogical position. Were we to automatically assume that the women who accused Deshawn were credible? Even without the proper court proceedings? He went through the process and no criminal wrong doing was found. With that said, there should be no reason for there to be any backlash to this decision.

Well said.
I am black saying this. One has nothing to do with the other.

I never said it had a damn thing to do with the other

However if anyone should be well aware of lengths certain folks will go to not believe some blatantly painfully obvious shh it’s us

Their is a reason rape victims are reluctant to come forward with their tragedies
I am black saying this. One has nothing to do with the other. And I find it weird how people like you always use the plight of black people to try and justify your stance. The me too movement lost credibility because believing all women is an illogical position. Were we to automatically assume that the women who accused Deshawn were credible? Even without the proper court proceedings? He went through the process and no criminal wrong doing was found. With that said, there should be no reason for there to be any backlash to this decision.
Wanna get clarification, do you think the women WEREN’T credible?
I never said it had a damn thing to do with the other

However if anyone should be well aware of lengths certain folks will go to not believe some blatantly painfully obvious shh it’s us

Their is a reason rape victims are reluctant to come forward with their tragedies
It always brings me back to the question of “Why is it that almost every woman knows another woman who has been raped/sexually assaulted (or has survived it herself) but no man knows a rapist?”
It always brings me back to the question of “Why is it that almost every woman knows another woman who has been raped/sexually assaulted (or has survived it herself) but no man knows a rapist?”

Empathy shouldn’t be this hard

Unless you’re a specific class of white dude, you should be well aware of things your family has personally experienced in either your parent’s lives or grandparent’s lives that should make you well aware of how messed up shh can get
The NFL is such a joke. Zeke got accused by 1 person and never settled.
How do they get the same suspension?
If your mother/sister/cousin/girlfriend/wife came to you and said she was sexually assaulted, would you tell her "Well let's go through the legal process and see what happens."?
Ask the family members of Tawana Brawley and Crystal Mangum that very question. Let's see if you still hold the same stance.
A NFL owner participated in sex trafficking crimes and got no sort of punishment, and the dude that was sexually coercing masseuses to put fingers in his *** while jerking him off became the highest paid player in the league and got a slap on the wrist.

I know where the NFL stands when it comes to women.
Just showing once again celebs and athletes get preferential treatment opposed to everyone else

What should have happened? jail? suspended longer? sure, seems light when you consider other suspensions......but most others are clear wrong doing

not you, nor me, nor NY times knows for sure what happened in these rooms. Do I think its possible he did acts that could be a jailable offense ,sure.


its possible that a group of these woman got together and hatched a plan for payback...payback to a man that hit and quit, got what he wanted and maybe paid less than what he said he would, maybe lied about using them 3-5 times a month....... over 20 woman.....you're telling me that none of them are friends or know each other through friends/clients? def possible that 5-7 of these woman got together and said lets get payback from this guy.....from there? if you're a woman that can prove to be in a room with watson for same activity, you can join as well....snowball effect

I know this is not a popular, but anything is possible!!

its he said she said......no criminal charges.....and these woman settled, gotta ask why? money now is better than money 12-36 months from now, sure.....but what if the defense calls witnesses? maybe one witnesses is a woman who is willing to state that these other woman tried to get her to lie......maybe its men willing to testify to what went on when they saw these women. what services these women offered.

glad this is over.....he may or may not have done the actions accused of.....but one thing is for sure....he paid a PRICE(that he will keep paying over the next few seasons) and I know he is not losing money on this sseason but all this did cost him.....one of the best QB talents in the NFL....this will def hurt his off field $ for at least a few years

and one more thing, athletes do get preferential treatment for sure....but to arrest someone you need a bit more than he said she said


are you telling me that if I hire a woman to come massage my ailing back and next week a different woman and week after a different woman.....I 100% do not do anything wrong morally or legal and if they decide to ban together and make a claim I go to jail? lose all my money defending myself? again 100% didnt do anything wrong.....but since its only 3 woman and not 22 that makes me less likley to have commit the act than watson?

this line of work is tough, I feel bad if any woman got violated(or gets vioalted which happens daily i'm sure!!).....I hope watson didnt do anything wrong, I just dont know for sure. this and seeing a former coworker lose everything due to what was found to be lies accused of a woman at work makes me have this mindset.....women AND men lie.....
If your mother/sister/cousin/girlfriend/wife came to you and said she was sexually assaulted, would you tell her "Well let's go through the legal process and see what happens."?

You just hit on the key difference.

Do you want your judicial system to punish off of emotion or facts?

The “if this was your” “if this happened to you” doesn’t play in the courts.
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