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Sensationalist interpretation.

Even ALA is clowning our age. This ain't back-to-back DPOY & Dunk champion Dwert. This is known. This ain't hoodie Melo.

That's all I'm saying, and that's fax.
I never said otherwise. Just saying it's ALA overreactions, too... and some of those over reactions actually contradict
each other.


There are literal years that go by in-between my visits to NT so I'm unfamiliar with the ALA term. Half the inside jokes and nicknames you guys have, I (and I'm sure many other newer posters), have zero idea what they mean. :lol:

With that said, I like how you left out the part of my post where I said that older players are viewed as still able to produce in my eyes. That context would pretty much cover the "this ain't DPOY & Dunk" Dwight and "hoodie Melo". I already know that those guys aren't what they used to be. But that doesn't mean that they still can't be productive in properly adjusted roles. Same exact thing I said about Craw.

You dudes been watching sports long enough. Come on now. Ain't no Laker averaging over 35 mpg this year. The plan will be to rotate the **** out of the lineups so that everyone stays fresh. Frank will tinker with the lineup throughout the season like he ALWAYS DOES to make sure the old-timers stay healthy.

And the fact that he can rotate a Melo/Dwight/Monk/Nunn instead of Kuz/KCP/Trez/Kostas is a major upgrade in my view. :lol:
To suggest that they are young, young-ish or any other words is just false.

No one did that though or at least not what I mean. I said they have experience and youth. Meaning a combination or range. Their signings today somewhat leveled out what was sizing up to be one of the oldest rosters ever, which was a smart move.
There are literal years that go by in-between my visits to NT so I'm unfamiliar with the ALA term.
What?! I thought you were a co-founder!

(Anti-Laker Association)
I like how you left out the part of my post where I said that older players are viewed as still able to produce in my eyes. That context would pretty much cover the "this ain't DPOY & Dunk" Dwight and "hoodie Melo". I already know that those guys aren't what they used to be. But that doesn't mean that they still can't be productive in properly adjusted roles. Same exact thing I said about Craw.

You dudes been watching sports long enough. Come on now. Ain't no Laker averaging over 35 mpg this year. The plan will be to rotate the **** out of the lineups so that everyone stays fresh. Frank will tinker with the lineup throughout the season like he ALWAYS DOES to make sure the old-timers stay healthy.

And the fact that he can rotate a Melo/Dwight/Monk/Nunn instead of Kuz/KCP/Trez/Kostas is a major upgrade in my view. :lol:
In essence, I don't disagree with any of that.

Still gotta protect my squad. 😆😬🤷‍♂️

No. both

But keep playing with me...

Tasha and her ole bowling ball head.
Educate me on Georges
If anything else great locker room guy. By all accounts he seemed like the most well liked player on the team

He's slow af so can't really attack closeouts even though he's a good shooter. Honestly he should have flourished even more with the Jazz with how many open looks he got in that offense. Seems like a good 8th 9th man for your team, I feel like he is seasoned enough to play in the Playoffs now.. you could do a lot worse. He was *** against LAC tho
Have no clue how the new LAL guys are structured but def feel like they gonna tinker and drop some of these new guys/swap some in once they find out what's what

Between Monk, Ellington, Nunn, Bazemore-- seems pretty redundant. Whomever is the weakest defender prob gonna be gone for someone who can
If anything else great locker room guy. By all accounts he seemed like the most well liked player on the team

He's slow af so can't really attack closeouts even though he's a good shooter. Honestly he should have flourished even more with the Jazz with how many open looks he got in that offense. Seems like a good 8th 9th man for your team, I feel like he is seasoned enough to play in the Playoffs now.. you could do a lot worse. He was *** against LAC tho
Sounds like a perfect backup for Tobi if -name redacted- ain’t on the roster

Have no clue how the new LAL guys are structured but def feel like they gonna tinker and drop some of these new guys/swap some in once they find out what's what

Between Monk, Ellington, Nunn, Bazemore-- seems pretty redundant. Whomever is the weakest defender prob gonna be gone for someone who can
they're all pretty bad defenders :lol:
whoever doesn't "fit in"
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