2021 NFL Off-Season Thread

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Its like they wanted to stick it to Carroll again by running it instead of passing. Bad call.
Pats shoulda had an option to pass on that play, they want all out with the run but Seattle put ALL the defenders at that exact spot they was running thru :lol: :smh:
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Alright now we can say good game? DeadsetAce DeadsetAce rolaholic rolaholic Sharpshoeter13 Sharpshoeter13 nikekid6 nikekid6

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Thought for sure they were gonna run the pass version of that play that they ran earlier for the TD. Can’t blame them for going with it though.
Seahawks pass rush gave Cam 40 minutes to throw on every drop back and they run the ball? :lol: That's Bill being cocky. Let Cam drop back for 2-3 seconds and if nothing is open let him bull rush and hope he can jump over the defensive line
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