2022 NBA Offseason Thread: Preseason kicks off; Things are fine in Los Angeles, Draymond beats the charges

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He was straight up in man's face. And Poole pushed him. A punch was coming right after. I'm wondering how many guys got caught out like that and have rationalized it to themselves that it was a "sucker punch" to make the hurt feel better.
A number of players said it was a sucker punch including wild *** captain Jack lol

If you don’t think it was that’s cool but what’s up with making it a personal thing lol
Hi SmarterChild,

Add this to your Memedex

If you talk wild trash and then you shove someone.,

you should be prepared for physical retaliation.

its not a sucker punch.
The most on point thing said was by Shannon when he said you can tell Poole hasn't been in any fights. Look at the Danny Green looking dude in front of Poole the whole time. Clearly Poole said some **** that was about to get his *** kicked :lol:
A number of players said it was a sucker punch including wild *** captain Jack lol

If you don’t think it was that’s cool but what’s up with making it a personal thing lol
A bunch of people disagree on it. Just cause a couple NBA players in media spaces says it is doesnt mean thats the case. I also don't see how I'm making it a personal thing.
trash talking doesn’t mean you get to come into my space

And if you in my space and I push you out of it, that clearly means back up I’m not trying to fight, fall back

if you then decide to break his jaw then that’s a sucker punch. Punching on ****** who clearly not tryna fight is a sucker punch dawg lol
Nah bro. Looks like poole's mouth wrote a check his *** couldn't cash. It aint no 'I'm not tryna fight' at that point :lol:. He probably even said some **** like 'I'll beat yo ***'

It’s 100% on Dray. More importantly, and hopefully this doesn’t get lost, this is not necessarily a bad thing.

If you’re not playing a character and your emotions are authentic, occasionally you’re gonna cross the line.

It happens, apologize, and move forward. Which is exactly what will happen here
Nah bro. Looks like poole's mouth wrote a check his *** couldn't cash. It aint no 'I'm not tryna fight' at that point :lol:. He probably even said some **** like 'I'll beat yo ***'

If he said some **** that provoked that, then that's another story. I wouldn't have taken the position I took if JP was like "**** you you a *****" or something like that

But we literally don' know what he said :lol:
If he said some **** that provoked that, then that's another story. I wouldn't have taken the position I took if JP was like "**** you you a *****" or something like that

But we literally don' know what he said :lol:
We don't know, you're right. But I think it's pretty obvious :lol:. Like I said, look at the dude in front of Poole and it seems like he can tell what's about to happen. All speculation but..yea
Nah, a push is violence. You should already know whats coming after. If he stepped back and then Draymond still continued to advance, then the push is warranted.

That was a "I don't wanna fight, someone come break us up" push.

Poole did not want to fight. And we all see why.
The part about the squad being over Poole’s mouthpiece seems plausible. Steph like here we go again. Klay gotta keep his job by any means.

Nobody did anything til it was over
If he said some **** that provoked that, then that's another story. I wouldn't have taken the position I took if JP was like "**** you you a *****" or something like that

But we literally don' know what he said :lol:
I mean I doubt Draymond is deciding to do what he did for no reason :lol:

Doesn’t make it right, but IMO Poole provoking him erases the whole sucker punch thing.
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