2022 NBA Offseason Thread: Preseason kicks off; Things are fine in Los Angeles, Draymond beats the charges

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I don’t totally disagree, but I think you are minimizing a lot here. “Finding it” isn’t equal opportunity. Also, by saying fat people can excel at something so that means it isn’t a sport obfuscates the fact that these people succeeded despite their physical limitations. You take away the intricacies in every sport by doing that. Look at NFL players in the past.
Check out the big brains on lobotomybeats lobotomybeats !

If I had the time to play like that I would become a scratch golfer. I know scratch golfers. Them being that good at golf let's me know it can't be THAT hard. If Donald Trump can't still do it, it's not a sport.

Golf more than any sport is a war of attrition.
While I half way disagree with you regarding this as well, I don't care. I do believe if many of us had the time/resources, we would be able to find would be able to find hidden talents that we had, but most people arent naturals at things. We praise Ant for saying he's the best at everything, so let's keep the same energy here. If this is the character you want to portray on NT, then so be it.
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This reminds me of when an entire thread would be arguing with some user named SillyPuddy or something of that nature. He kept coming back and changing his name to bring up old arguments again, think his last username was FutureMD or some other pretentious ****.
You can master something to the best of YOUR ability and still never come close to those with the best ability
I could dedicate the rest of my life to golf right now, I'm not turning into Tiger, I'm never even coming close
That's not me doubting myself, that's me being objective, realistic and respectful to the craft and other's time and talent
You can master something to the best of YOUR ability and still never come close to those with the best ability
I could dedicate the rest of my life to golf right now, I'm not turning into Tiger, I'm never even coming close
That's not me doubting myself, that's me being objective, realistic and respectful to the craft and other's time and talent

“Nah fam we gotta start believing in ourselves that we can do anything and master it easily, it just takes a few hours. *something something society book quote something something*”



an athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive nature

How does baseball or golf not fit this definition?

Because they don’t watch it or follow it so it makes them lesser. Kind of like the music discussions. Plus I’m sure if they wanted to they could master all of those non sports and make millions instead of being regular dudes on NT
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I did not mean to offend anyone and will do a better job of messaging opinions going forward. Life is hard enough without having to come into a basketball thread and get upset over something someone else said. I am not trying to be that guy to anybody.

Sing 10000 hours worth of Raggytone and become your own Bad Bunny

I did not mean to offend anyone and will do a better job of messaging opinions going forward. Life is hard enough without having to come into a basketball thread and get upset over something someone else said. I am not trying to be that guy to anybody.
Man, why you apologizing. Talk your ****. Everybody in here throwing wild hot takes day in and out and you do it for a couple of days and cats feelings are hurt. Who cares. If they're taking your opinion that serious on here, maybe they need to sign off and address issues with themselves.
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