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Jerry West had no business being on that top 75 list.

It was all politics I don’t care what anyone says. I don’t think Jerry could keep up with Cameron Payne.
Jerry West lost eight ( 8 ) Finals series
Jerry West doesn’t belong in the same conversation as Kareem.

Kareem was 7’2 with arguably the most unstoppable shot in NBA history he can play in todays NBA.

Jerry west would be a slow unathletic guard.

Y’all gotta stop putting Jerry West in the same conversation as folks like Wilt, Kareem and Russell. One of these are not like the others.

lolwut? Jerry West and Wilt same conversation? they were literally on the same team.

Jerry West was a better offensive player than Wilt for most of his career.

He led the league in TS% as a guard, with no 3 point line and no spacing.

In league were the average TS% was like sub .500
He was 560-590.

You think Jerry West is "unatheltic", why?
Based on what? Because there were no dunk contesta back then? :lol:

He played against these dudes who you say we shouldn't question and was more impactful on offense than all of them.

You just look at the way they play and since it looks old times you assume these dudes couldn't play.

The greatest players could play in just about any eta for the most part.
If only there were a present-day precedent for a slow, unathletic white guard dominating basketball games and being one of the 5 most dominant offensive forces in the league… 🤔🤔🧐

If you’re tryna say Luka is unathletic I’m not rolling with that.

And his bag is 100x deeper than Jerry’s.
Damn, I gave it my best effort earlier today but you win the most ridiculous take of the day

my take is accurate and true.

the most ridiculous take of the day goes to...

Jerry West had no business being on that top 75 list.

It was all politics I don’t care what anyone says. I don’t think Jerry could keep up with Cameron Payne.
I hope the social studies teacher who taught OKB about lead-poisoned water knows how much of an impact he had.
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I hope the social studies teacher who taught OKB about lead-poisoned water knows how much of an impact he had.
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I've had to repeat if 50 times because you guys seem to be convinced human evolve like pokemon

and people in the 1960's are like malformed homunculi compared to us. :lol:
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