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You dudes got ya'll capes on so tight for these warriors.

Who said they don't play for each other? We talking when KD was there and his FA agency. The team had a lot of drama his last year which has been confirmed BY THE PLAYERS ON THE TEAM. That's it. Nobdy said Steph and Klay are bad dudes and selfish.

I swear 2015 warrriors fans have become the worse bunch. :smh: :lol:

Again, purposely ignoring nuance. Not a 2015 Warriors fan either...please continue to cry about things being said that aren't actually being said.

Ego-less does not equate to no drama. This should not be a very difficult concept to grasp but it seems to really be doing a number on you
Again, purposely ignoring nuance. Not a 2015 Warriors fan either...please continue to cry about things being said that aren't actually being said.

Ego-less does not equate to no drama. This should not be a very difficult concept to grasp but it seems to really be doing a number on you

Yeah you musta got hit in the head or wasn't around here.
Yeah you musta got hit in the head or wasn't around here.

I was on here before you :smh::lol:

You keep ignoring the actual argument because what you are saying, is a lie. Not a single soul said there was no drama. YOU said that bs to keep arguing a bad point. All your rebuttals to everyone revolves around what only KD and Dray said. Those two people are not Warriors fans and until you can actually show some fans saying what you are implying they said....your entire argument revolves around what you feel about the fans, not the truth. Get out of your feelings or just claim your hate with your chest.
I was on here before you :smh::lol:

You keep ignoring the actual argument because what you are saying, is a lie. Not a single soul said there was no drama. YOU said that bs to keep arguing a bad point. All your rebuttals to everyone revolves around what only KD and Dray said. Those two people are not Warriors fans and until you can actually show some fans saying what you are implying they said....your entire argument revolves around what you feel about the fans, not the truth. Get out of your feelings or just claim your hate with your chest.

My _ people on here remember that time. :lol:

I ain't the only one that pointed this out. Like I said to the other dude ya'll can keep playing dumb and naive. I don't know what "feelings" you talking about dawg. I said what I said and hit dogs will always holla.
My _ people on here remember that time. :lol:

I ain't the only one that pointed this out. Like I said to the other dude ya'll can keep playing dumb and naive. I don't know what "feelings" you talking about dawg. I said what I said and hit dogs will always holla.

People including me, because I was active before, during and after the Warriors rise. Just like I was active on here 3 years before you. Only year(s) I haven't been active here were 20-21. That's exactly how I know you've been saying dumb s*** about the Warriors since then. You know, exactly like the people that are "pointing this out" and agreeing with you.
People including me, because I was active before, during and after the Warriors rise. Just like I was active on here 3 years before you. Only year(s) I haven't been active here were 20-21. That's exactly how I know you've been saying dumb s*** about the Warriors since then. You know, exactly like the people that are "pointing this out" and agreeing with you.

And you been lying and defending since then. :lol:

So all these people are making **** up? Only ya'll 2015 warriors fans know the truth. Aight.
And you been lying and defending since then. :lol:

So all these people are making **** up? Only ya'll 2015 warriors fans know the truth. Aight.

Lying about what exactly? No one ever said there wasn't any drama besides YOU trying to make that claim. You backed this up by saying KD and Dray said there was. Wtf does that have to do with NT? Nothing. You are making up things that no one said(a lie). If you aren't, post receipts. If not, shut up
Lying about what exactly? No one ever said there wasn't any drama besides YOU trying to make that claim. You backed this up by saying KD and Dray said there was. Wtf does that have to do with NT? Nothing. You are making up things that no one said(a lie). If you aren't, post receipts. If not, shut up

"If not, shut up"


_ sit down
Not really sure what’s even being discussed anymore. KD left because his expectations/needs weren’t fully met by his experience in Golden State. That’s obvious. The so called “drama” in his last year was a symptom of that more than it was a cause.

Doesn’t mean he’s a bad guy for feeling that way; doesn’t mean the Warriors as a team or any individual Warriors did anything wrong. Some marriages just have a short self-life - that was one of them.

They both moved on (for the most part, until other people bring it up). I personally don’t think there’s anything particularity interesting to rehash.

David West wasn't even on the team KD's last year.

More lies :smh:

I have the receipts

it’s pretty sad that people in here gets so salty about the Celtics championships… that they have to bring up plumbers or the societal climate from half a century to take away from the fact that they are the most legendary franchise in the NBA. Whats next? Those old celtics teams had special springs in their chuck taylors :rofl:Get a grip. You wanna get political ?there’s a thread for that.
you sure do get really defensive when it comes to boston and the celtics. have you ever draped yourself in the american flag and ran around a gay couple's lawn? 🤔
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