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just for arguments sake. why does a high IQ basketball player like Draymond Green unable to exploit a low IQ basketball player like Robert Williams?
Lol, Robert Williams is not a low IQ basketball player bro. Far from it. Dude is always in good position in the paint both on O & D cause he has a great feel for the game
If only Dray had a decent shot. A DECENT shot, nothing crazy but enough where someone HAS to guard you on it and not leave you alone. Would do WONDERS. Man should stop podcasting and get lethalshooter to help his 3 instead.
Not just decent shot but atleast do a lay in. But I guess his IQ is just too high to even make an attempt from 5ft being manned by a Low IQ player.
Disclosure: I will most likely not be posting anything that hasn't been posted in here already.

-Steve Kerr was out coached and no I don't mean just the 4th
-Curry was out WAY too long in the 4th
-Looney HAD to come out, this was apparent early on, you have to adjust mid game
-Bejilica is non-existent defensively but he should have gotten clock last night while curry was out
The history of the Draymond Green jumpshot will always be a mystery.

But yea they’re asking too much from him to start making those shots.

He hasn’t made those shots in years.
Curry was only out 2.5 minutes in the fourth.
2 and a half too long to let some tell it, but if he comes in and starts leaving shots short and getting blown by on defense they'll be screaming to pull him.

Yeah I'm super out on Draymond


what about now
Curry was only out 2.5 minutes in the fourth.

seven point swing in that 2.5 minutes. no excuses tho.. warriors still had plenty of opportunities to regain momentum.

the overreactions by folks are absurd. the way the celtics switched their defense in the 4th and played the screens was game changing, on top of the avalanche of threes they were hitting. rob williams blocking steph 24’ away from the hoop is just impressive. if you’re steph, you can’t settle there. if boston’s gonna switch, attack the big. we always hear coaches say “you can’t get it all back on one shot” but that’s exactly what the dubs tried launching threes.

i trust kerr and his staff to make adjustments. if they can play time lord off the court in game 2, it’s gonna be huge moving forward. we’ve seen the dubs down 2-1 before, series far from over.
If I didn't watch the game last night and just read this thread, I'd think GSW got destroyed with Steph on the bench. GSW was -9 with Steph on the floor and -3 when he sat. Gotta harp on the non-Steph minutes over and over though, like that's what lost them the game. :lol:

The beginning of the end came with Curry sitting to start the fourth. He sat the first 2:25. That’s all it took for the Warriors to lose control of the game and ultimately home-court advantage in the series.

This is ridiculous. :lol: GSW was still WINNING the game by 5 when Kerr subbed him back in at the 9:35 mark. Steph was ON the floor during the 20-point onslaught from the point Steph checked in until both teams emptied their benches with 48 seconds left.


Kerr already being scapegoated for the loss :smh:

Kerr told Steph to score 0 points in the last 6 minutes of the game. Just a horrible coaching decision.
2 and a half too long to let some tell it, but if he comes in and starts leaving shots short and getting blown by on defense they'll be screaming to pull him.
Blah blah blah. Kerr was out coached, and his substitutions made no sense. Besides, Curry had sat out 1/3rd of the first half with foul trouble. He can't play 40 minutes in the finals now?

I get it, hard to sub out Looney when theres no big behind him but Williams isn't exactly Tim Duncan on the offensive end.
If only Dray had a decent shot. A DECENT shot, nothing crazy but enough where someone HAS to guard you on it and not leave you alone. Would do WONDERS. Man should stop podcasting and get lethalshooter to help his 3 instead.
Believe it or not Draymond does have a decent shot. He used to shoot more years ago but now he just looks to facilitate the ball instead.
If I didn't watch the game last night and just read this thread, I'd think GSW got destroyed with Steph on the bench. GSW was -9 with Steph on the floor and -3 when he sat. Gotta harp on the non-Steph minutes over and over though, like that's what lost them the game. :lol:

This is ridiculous. :lol: GSW was still WINNING the game by 5 when Kerr subbed him back in at the 9:35 mark. Steph was ON the floor during the 20-point onslaught from the point Steph checked in until both teams emptied their benches with 48 seconds left.


Kerr told Steph to score 0 points in the last 6 minutes of the game. Just a horrible coaching decision.
Bro nobody talking about the entire game, we talking about the 4th quarter. You know, the most important quarter there is? My question is why sit Curry at all in the 4th? He would have still played less minutes than Tatum.

Additionally, a 10 point lead is better than a 5 point lead no? Who knows what happens in that 3 minutes with him on the floor, completely different game

So is Kerr blameless? Nothing he could have done?
seven point swing in that 2.5 minutes. no excuses tho.. warriors still had plenty of opportunities to regain momentum.

the overreactions by folks are absurd. the way the celtics switched their defense in the 4th and played the screens was game changing, on top of the avalanche of threes they were hitting. rob williams blocking steph 24’ away from the hoop is just impressive. if you’re steph, you can’t settle there. if boston’s gonna switch, attack the big. we always hear coaches say “you can’t get it all back on one shot” but that’s exactly what the dubs tried launching threes.

i trust kerr and his staff to make adjustments. if they can play time lord off the court in game 2, it’s gonna be huge moving forward. we’ve seen the dubs down 2-1 before, series far from over.
Curious, as a Warriors fan, what adjustments are you expecting/hoping for? Hard to play Tatum any better. Just curious outside of substitutions and the lack of offensive creativity I saw what would you change?
How is Rob gonna get played off the court? :lol:

Every Warriors lineup has like 2 guys you don’t really have to worry about offensively. He’s not just gonna be on an island against Steve or Pool at all times.
hard to sub out Looney when theres no big behind him but Williams isn't exactly Tim Duncan on the offensive end.
That's why you give Kuminga more run when Looney rests, I don't care if he's young and inexperienced.

Kuminga is the perfect counterpunch to Rob Williams
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