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need to see wiseman for a full season of ~25mpg before i can make judgments on him. warriors shown that they’ve got solid player development. kid is so damn athletic and long, it’s hard not to imagine that he can’t stumble into 10 rebounds and a block. team needs his defense and work around the rim more than his offense, let him just grow on that end first.

All the player development in the world can't give a big hands 21 years into his life.
The coaches don’t matter statement will never make sense. Some people just don’t understand the intangibles
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Hypothetically, even if jokic went to management and said, "get me to golden state"... It would take nothing less than a Klay Thompson and maybe Draymond package to get him there.

Who says no?

with the way money is rn, i think they’d have no choice but to find a way to trade klay or dray’s contract, too. hate that i love this core so much that i irrationally wouldn’t want to see this happen if it meant losing either of them
Couches def matter. I need a new couch, this one just sinking and sinking more. Back be aching all the time.
need to see wiseman for a full season of ~25mpg before i can make judgments on him. warriors shown that they’ve got solid player development. kid is so damn athletic and long, it’s hard not to imagine that he can’t stumble into 10 rebounds and a block. team needs his defense and work around the rim more than his offense, let him just grow on that end first.

He’s just not on their timeline, and doesn’t have the reps. The raw numbers don’t matter. He’s farther defensively, than he is offensively. Best thing he has going is he’s a vertical lob threat, and a quick jumper/long…but he doesn’t know how to set screens or catch. So that makes it even harder.

And defensively, the game is just too advanced for him. He can’t play in space, and will just be lost on that end.

If he was Dwayne Dedmond right now, that would be more than enough. But he’s not even close to being there.

And that’s just a timing, injury, and experience thing. The little things, he never learned.

The thing with the development of JP or even Kuminga & Moody is they got reps and an understanding at different levels. And those guys outside of Poole are still far away from cracking a rotation.
with the way money is rn, i think they’d have no choice but to find a way to trade klay or dray’s contract, too. hate that i love this core so much that i irrationally wouldn’t want to see this happen if it meant losing either of them
Most definitely... If that's the scenario, you will prob have to move Klay and dray, and get wiggins off the books. Unfortunately, it will change the whole identity of the team. Fortunately, it might open the window for another 3-5 years.
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Jokic seems loyal. These euros built different

Also he’s signing a super max. 300 mill
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