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she ended up the main villain. although in the beginning of the series it was brewing that she would end up as a villain. the only time that I fell for her was this scene and omg the music, acting and directing in this scene was so amazing that I watch it every now and then.

this made me want that they would do a series about Robert's Rebellion and the love triangle between Jon's parents and Robert. also, Mark Addy is a damn good actor.

Yeah that was some peak GoT right there

Damb shame they made Tyrion and Little Finger mere background noise towards the end. They were the fabric of the series for a long time
People who think Cersei was the villain are the same people who thought Thanos was wrong.

I know you don't watch Marvel stuff but you'd 100% agree with Thanos. He was right.
she was a villain in the making. there was no redeeming factor about her and got her own children killed for her actions. Thanos is different and had to make personal sacrifices to accomplish what is right no matter how cruel it is from others' point of view. Thanos has a point and wanted to have power to accomplish his ultimate goal of righteousness. Cersei just wanted power.
Yu-Gi-Oh Seasons 1 & 2 are all time television. The nonsense, the blatant disregard for the rules of how the game is actually played, the cheating, the insane idea of a children's card game having this much at stake. It made me want to play it and then I was immediately turned off when I found out how complicated the game actually is.

Shout out to the Egyptian God Cards man, they made them joints seem more important than the Dragon Balls:

You perfectly explained why I love it so much :lol: Kaiba is one of the GOAT characters in any medium. Man hijacks a satellite and crashes it into a building to help Yugi win a game, then threatens to commit suicide against Yugi :rofl:

If you think the game was complicated then though you'd hate it now
It was simple as hell back then. Now you gotta figure out how to win in at most 2 turns :smh:
I kept playing the card game after I stopped watching the series but power creep ruined it
Took away all the fun and made it a chore and I was too old to keep learning new useless ****
Meh….there was no moral hero or villain in GOT. That’s what made it great. Cersei was a POS. But her backstory and the time she existed really gave her no options. She maneuvered and bossed up, while people overlooked her.

The hero got murked in Season 1. And even he was foolish and selfish. But honorable.
that's the great thing about it. the characters seem to evolve/devolve into something either to become better or worse. Jon Snow from a nobody to somebody. Tyrion and Jamie from being hated characters to redeeming themselves to become good guys. Daenerys from a pawn, to a pampered queen to a love interest and to a psychopath. even this hated ****** turned into this.....


  • Olly-swinging.gif
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I think his over the top showboating rubs people the wrong way

my dude be flexing when hes down 8 points 🤣

Can y'all please tell me who over 32/33 years old are the young dudes ******* with? I need a list because any SINGLE instance of a young dude saying something to a vet then y'all say "young dudes aren't ******* with <insert player> like that". It was Bron first so of course folks were clamoring to do it to Steph and Ja gave y'all that opportunity last night. Congratulations.

I need to hear names on the contrary at this point, though.

On the record.
As were the rest of them. She just didn't try and act self righteous like the rest of them. As I said yesterday, once you willingly enter politics you're signing up to be a terrorist.
this sneaky bastard is the main villain. he orchestrated everything....


  • branStarkSmall.png
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Can y'all please tell me who over 32/33 years old are the young dudes ****ing with? I need a list because any SINGLE instance of a young dude saying something to a vet then y'all say "young dudes aren't ****ing with <insert player> like that". It was Bron first so of course folks were clamoring to do it to Steph and Ja gave y'all that opportunity last night. Congratulations.

I need to hear names on the contrary at this point, though.

On the record.
i didnt say young guys werent messing with him erupt did.

i just mentioned a reason why some might not like him.

they mught also not like him because ges a multiple time champion
Out of curiosity, what allows you to say that with certainty? IMHO, the thing about something like that or HGH genetically engineered humans is that it wouldn't be for common use by folks like us NTers.

It would be used for war. AKA our tax dollars would be going to government contractors to develop that technology to advance our military.
Well first, I wouldn't say with certainty that I know we are nowhere close to invisible cloaking. When it comes to matters of opinion, I always read them with "In my opinion" as an unspoken preface, so sometimes I neglect to explicitly say "In my opinion" on posts that are my opinion. I'm not certain that by the time we have invisible cloaking, money will be obsolete or $150 won't mean anything.

But the reason I have that opinion and the opinion that we are nowhere close is because either my entire cellular structure needs to be obscured in order to be invisible to you, or I need to obscure your visual perspective, or I need to somehow alter the way your brain interprets the field of vision your eyes receive. I certainly don't mean to present myself as some Neil deGrasse Tyson or Bill Nye contemporary, but I do keep up with science a fair amount, and I have not read anything that indicates we are anywhere close to either of those 3 things.

tl,dr: Not from what I've read. 👀😬

Can y'all please tell me who over 32/33 years old are the young dudes ****ing with? I need a list because any SINGLE instance of a young dude saying something to a vet then y'all say "young dudes aren't ****ing with <insert player> like that". It was Bron first so of course folks were clamoring to do it to Steph and Ja gave y'all that opportunity last night. Congratulations.

I need to hear names on the contrary at this point, though.

On the record.

Eye am 100% only co-signing this narrative because they did it with Bron. With that being said.

This Memphis team don't love Curry like that.
Besides Mclaughlin and Beverly (who plays bigger than he is), Minnesota is generally big and/or athletic across the board. D'Lo, Ant, Vandy, KAT, Reid, McDaniels, Beasley.
Well first, I wouldn't say with certainty that I know we are nowhere close to invisible cloaking. When it comes to matters of opinion, I always read them with "In my opinion" as an unspoken preface, so sometimes I neglect to explicitly say "In my opinion" on posts that are my opinion. I'm not certain but that by the time we have invisible cloaking, money will be obsolete or $150 won't mean anything.

But the reason I have that opinion and the opinion that we are nowhere close is because either my entire cellular structure needs to be obscured in order to be invisible to you, or I need to obscure your visual perspective, or I need to somehow alter the way your brain interprets the field of vision your eyes receive. I certainly don't mean to present myself as some Neil deGrasse Tyson or Bill Nye contemporary, but I do keep up with science a fair amount, and I have not read anything that indicates we are anywhere close to either of those 3 things.

tl,dr: Not from what I've read. 👀😬


So at least in the movie the way it worked was that it was actually done through some sort of advanced suit. So it would have nothing to do with the brain or visual perspective. It's an advanced technology that allows an individual to make themselves invisible so it's completely independent of the mind. That's why I thought "Oh ****...this could be a thing one day" :lol:

IMO impossible is nothing with science. Folks thought we would never go to Mars up until some point and here we are. I'm really interested in how that colonization goes.
You perfectly explained why I love it so much :lol: Kaiba is one of the GOAT characters in any medium. Man hijacks a satellite and crashes it into a building to help Yugi win a game, then threatens to commit suicide against Yugi :rofl:

If you think the game was complicated then though you'd hate it now
It was simple as hell back then. Now you gotta figure out how to win in at most 2 turns :smh:
I kept playing the card game after I stopped watching the series but power creep ruined it
Took away all the fun and made it a chore and I was too old to keep learning new useless ****
Bro.... I was with some kids a while back and they were playing Yu-Gi-Oh and I'm like "Oh man that's still around dope"... Sat down for about 20 minutes and they made me HATE IT. Like WTF is happening. Like I was so lost I started reading up on it, and its just like you said, and there's all this weird stuff going on that I can't be bothered to understand.

Them explaining what Pot of Greed does every time they play it>>>>>>>>

Kaiba is a nutcase



Bro.... I was with some kids a while back and they were playing Yu-Gi-Oh and I'm like "Oh man that's still around dope"... Sat down for about 20 minutes and they made me HATE IT. Like WTF is happening. Like I was so lost I started reading up on it, and its just like you said, and there's all this weird stuff going on that I can't be bothered to understand.

Them explaining what Pot of Greed does every time they play it>>>>>>>>

Kaiba is a nutcase

I didn’t know people actually “PLAYED” yugioh.

*****s just watched the show, and tried to steal cards :lol:.

Good times
Joffrey made me so upset I asked my friend to spoil his death for me right before he died :lol:
Like I texted him, he texted back "Are you sure?" and then Joffrey immediately started choking :lol:
He wasn't the smartest villain but he'll always be the best to me for getting me that mad

Ramsay is probably who I'd pick as objectively the best though. His villainy was entertaining to me.
It's nice to have someone that's 100% evil, knows it and revels in it while being intelligent about it.
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