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It’s natural that Ja’s injury is the big story, but like ill steelo ill steelo said the Warriors were completely dominating the game last night before Ja went out. Only things the Grizz have going for them is Ja and the Warriors’ propensity to throw the ball away. Everything else is in the Dubs favor.
I bet Ja thought somebody bumped him and then he sees the video and was in complete disbelief

I'm still in disbelief that dudes in the NBA intentionally put their feet under shooters feet when they are landing from a jump shot

Played at parks and gyms growing up and never seen that type of 💩

some of the dirtiest shh

and Steve Kerr talking about code when this dude had Zaza out there doing this dirty shh

Sigh....gonna miss part of the game. They wildin in this church we don't need THIS long for this. Talking about 3+ hours.. WHAT?!?!!

Last year the service was only 90 minutes cause of COVID... Apparently they're trying to shoot for 3 hours like basketball isn't on TV today.

The first song isn't done yet... It's been FIFTEEN MINUTES
Sigh....gonna miss part of the game. They wildin in this church we don't need THIS long for this. Talking about 3+ hours.. WHAT?!?!!

Last year the service was only 90 minutes cause of COVID... Apparently they're trying to shoot for 3 hours like basketball isn't on TV today.

The first song isn't done yet... It's been FIFTEEN MINUTES
My dawg has #HadIt lol
antidope antidope about to run up on the pastor

posting in all caps from the pew
Always something crazy happening in here. The last time I was in this church they told us we didn't need masks or the vaccine cause God would protect us from COVID so yeah..... If they get THREE hours it's gonna get wild.

I need time to do its fake thing and speed up today.
not necessary fam.

Seems kinda ironic to me that people today hate "dirty" basketball but love how "physical" NBA was in the past

“accidentally“ sticking your foot under someone when they jump in the air or “accidentally“ hitting someone in the nuts ain’t physical

it’s just dirty
I don't miss going to church at all. No one loves unnecessary ceremony more than church people
Applies equally to Jewish church, which is called “temple”.

Even for “reform” Jews like me, which is the lowest level if orthodoxy.
It's really about the fact that the NBA is the main show in town and they could just not play games on Mothers Day.

They already in here on this stage talking crazy though.
This was the most dirty play from yesterday. Can’t believe there was no outrage. Love Giannis but he went full Kelly Olynyk :smh:

And they continue to allow Giannis to just bulldoze through people at will. Who cares if he’s big, gotta learn to play and not be a bull in china closet
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