2025 NBA Draft Thread

Any chance Mobley goes #1?
As someone who thought Wiseman being talked about at #1 was silly, Mobley is exactly the type of modern big who teams actually should take that high. I’m not sure that any of the teams in the running for the top pick are good enough on the wings not to draft Cade or a wing #1 though.
I don’t think I’d ever draft a wing #1 unless it’s a generational prospect. There’s just way too many out there. Cade can play PG SG SF so he doesn’t count.

Im still big on Wiseman, too many flashes for him to be an all star one day. Mobley is prototypical big, reminds me of Horford on the Hawks, probably better.
I really don’t even think you could talk me into it as Minny? Cade should likely be their guy, no?
I would go with Cade personally, but they seem wedded to KAT-D'Lo as the foundation. With that line of thinking, a case for Mobley could be made.
Think I underestimated Wiseman's physical tools leading up to the draft. 7'1 with plus athleticism. Has shown range to three, although he has a long wind up. Needs to improve his hands. He bobbles too many passes and rebounds.
Its his biggest weakness and it’s not close. Gotta see this “handle” against NBA defense.

he’ll be at 30% of his plays in pick and roll next year. I’m not worried at all.

plus he’s got all the crafty off arm swipes and grabs in his bag. He’s legit
He’s definitely legit. No question, I just think he can’t be your primary scorer. At the same time idk anymore because you have Jeremy Grant in DET putting up 25 a game on insane splits.
I mean, that right there was one of the best games any prospect has had over the last 5+ years. 40 and 11. Team on his back.
I need this to be one of the years that a team barely in the lottery wins it. Like Chicago in 2008.

The idea of Cade in NO, OKC, CHI etc. is so much better than the idea of him in Minny, Detroit, Cleveland :smh:
don't the warriors own the timberwolves pick if it's not top 3
but its unprotected the following

Right. Cade is not falling past #1 let alone #3 :lol:.

The only way it could happen is if the Warriors drafted him with their own lottery pick.

Someone like Green/Kuminga/Suggs are possible...depending on which one ends up cementing themselves as the 3rd guy out of the coveted 5.
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