2025 NBA Draft Thread

They gonna play at the rec center? There's nothing in Henderson
I figured it was gon be another G League year for Cooper anyways, no room for yo on the Hawks

Hopefully he can get it together in College Park
I figured it was gon be another G League year for Cooper anyways, no room for yo on the Hawks

Hopefully he can get it together in College Park

He was on a two-way. Now he's not a lock to come back on one (he's technically a free agent right now), so he may be w/ someone else's G-League team next year.
Also, wtf at Arkansas class... was listening to a Draft pod and dude was hyping up Walsh as potentially the player to watch out of the 3... I like the kid's game...
I think Black is the guy. He’s a 6’6” playmaker.
They all might be good ones

Honestly have no clue what Walsh's shooting numbers are, but his technique is pure. His athleticism is obvious but in one of the Geico games I seen him in, he was playing hard af. Can't teach that. If he isn't coasting his potential goes through the roof
I don’t think they overthink things. Don’t care about bane being 22 with short arms. Don’t care about Lofton being pudgy. Don’t care about roddy being undersized. Don’t care about brooks being a 4 year guy.

They just care if you can play
Exactly how I thought OKC, HOU and NO's approached the draft. I am sticking with my prediction that those 4 as had the best hauls
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