
that game got me HYPE last night this team is actually starting to click a little bit

the team just went off in that 2nd half especially the 4th. Like there is no other way to put it, Al Harington gets BUCKETS. I wasnt happy with the 1st halfand we were down 12 i was just saying, we really needa get within 10 by the end of the half. Next thing i know i see Al jack up a half courter, i swear i knewthat ##%! was good right when he shot it. Right when he made that i was just saying, there was no way we were gonna lose this game.

Ups to Duhon also he was ballin outta control in front of his fam and ##%!, him and Al Buckets just were not missing in the 4th. Every shot Duhon was taking i was like

Al is really starting to become one of my favorite players on this team. Hes a hometown kid and someone i can really root for. Hes ballin like crazy, and helldo sumb dumb ##%! but his effort and passion is undeniable. If he can keep this up i really hope we can work something out this offseason with him for theright contract. Hes expressed his hapiness in NY, he fits great in our system and hes really versatile and just a prolific scorer.

Also ups to Gallo, another solid night. And my man Chandler actually playing aggresively, i dont mind him fouling out at all if he plays that aggresively, thatlast foul was stupid though. Also Jeffries has kind of been an unheralded HUGE factor lately, no @%!% and i dont wanna sound cliche but the intangables he hasbeen bringing out there are HUGE for us.

Also ups to Kelly Tribuka last night i swear he was always saying the same ##%! i was thinking last night. Good commentary job
, the best part was when the refs called out Al for carrying late in the 4th andhe went off on the refs saying that Paul has been doing that same ##%! all night but hadnt been called out for it once. so true

@ Nate with the 'Gator chomp'
my thoughts exactly... my dude Nasty, keep your head up

"Everybody hit big shots, one after another," New York coach Mike D'Antoni said. "We were moving the ball really well. We're just playing really well right now."

"The basket seems like it's huge. You feel like anything you throw up there you can make."
Al "I get BUCKETS" Harrington

The Knicks are on the upswing, and Gallo is part of the reason why. He continues to be a shooting threat and has scored in double figures in three of their recent wins. He's also making defensive contributions, adding 1.8 steals and 1.3 blocks so far in December.

Knicks fans are surely envisioning his skills meshing well with a certain MVP-caliber 3-man. I'll put it another way: If Gallo was a Cav, Cleveland would be the best team in basketball.

word up especially pairing Bron up with a shooter like him would just be unfair and hes only 21

i mean i dont wanna start getting so hype this early cause i know they will probably just let me down as always but its hard not to cause i just want us in theplayoffs so badly. They were talking about it after the game and we only 2 games back cause the east sucks. I mean its more than me just wanting playoffs inNY, but if we can make the playoffs it just shows Bron that not only do we have a better market but we have a better team. Aint no #@%%@!* chance in hell theCavs are anything more than a gutter team without Lebron.
if we can make the playoffs this year, we would shut all them damn haters out there

i dont see it happening thouhg
good win,

chris duhon felt the heat when he hit that last three banker his family was hype.

good game for us, thank goodness we won.
I'm thrilled that we've won and the team looks sharp, but I don't want to get ahead of myself, ESPECIALLY with any free agent talk.

That's still a long way off before we should start speculating and planning, the team showing progress is much more important.
Originally Posted by THE GR8

They were talking about it after the game and we only 2 games back cause the east sucks. I mean its more than me just wanting playoffs in NY, but if we can make the playoffs it just shows Bron that not only do we have a better market but we have a better team. Aint no #@%%@!* chance in hell the Cavs are anything more than a gutter team without Lebron.
Smh, i didn't even notice that. I can see Milwaukee lose their hot start. Toronto & Washington might climb back in,
Philly is 5-18, i don't know if they're making it.
The fight for 6-8 will be between NYK, Toronto, Washington, Charlotte
Originally Posted by YEEUPP

Originally Posted by THE GR8

They were talking about it after the game and we only 2 games back cause the east sucks. I mean its more than me just wanting playoffs in NY, but if we can make the playoffs it just shows Bron that not only do we have a better market but we have a better team. Aint no #@%%@!* chance in hell the Cavs are anything more than a gutter team without Lebron.
Smh, i didn't even notice that. I can see Milwaukee lose their hot start. Toronto & Washington might climb back in,
Philly is 5-18, i don't know if they're making it.
The fight for 6-8 between NYK, Toronto, Washington, Charlotte
JUST pointing out that Charlotte currently stands at #8 and they are 1.5 ahead of us with Dallas W over them tonight. Also JUST pointing out thatwe play them on Tues and also JUST pointing out that if we can pick up a W, we are only .5 out
I usually wouldn't talk playoffs.. Only reason why I am now is cuz the east is weak, and we're two games out. But mainly cuz of how we're playing..I seen three players go for blocks on a layupppp lol
Originally Posted by KingFoamNYC

Yo I love THE GR8 he's easily my favorite NTer always brings that real analysis
no gay s*** though
no @*!* mahhh dude, you know howw i do
i think some big trade is gonna go down and we will lose chandler and/or jefferies and/or david and we will miss the playoffs.

btw some of you guys are giving jefferies a bit too much credit with all that intangible and great defender talk. he's helping a lot, but dude ain't nolock down defender all of a sudden and he's a huge liability on offense.
we dont need him on offense. all we need is buckets

and to dubs comment, 2 more days till FAs can be traded
"Jonathan has worked extremely hard in preparing himself for a return to the NBA," said Walsh. "I know him to be a young man of the highest character from my relationship with him that dates back 10 years to his rookie year and I think he will be a fine addition to our team both on and off the court."
not sure how he can play anymore, but he's a high character guy.
^contracts dont even match

Didnt walsh say that he wanted to keep an roster slot open to make more moves?
a deal coming soon?
I'm hoping the Bender signing is a preluse to a deal involving Eddy or Jeffries. We're getting the green light to move Lee or Nate one of these days,right? Today or tomorrow. Maybe a deal is on the table and we sat out Nate to keep him from hurting himself...

/outlandish theories
Originally Posted by DubA169

btw some of you guys are giving jefferies a bit too much credit with all that intangible and great defender talk. he's helping a lot, but dude ain't no lock down defender all of a sudden and he's a huge liability on offense.
Nahh jeffs has been our leader on defense and has been doing TONS of little things that have helped us out and at the very least has ignited somefire on defense for the rest of the team. Not saying hes some lock down defender but he is very versatile and probably our best defender and hes been bringingALOT of intangibles lately. Anyone watching the Knicks lately would be able to see that hes played a nice part in our win streak...

we dont need him on offense. all we need is buckets

"My name is Al Harrington, I get BUCKETS"

so yeah, pretty much

Jonathan Bender

Ive elways liked dude, hopefully he can still play ball and is still athletic cause if he is hopefully he can come in and work his way into our rotation andplay a nice part in helping us this year. Its funny though how we FINALLY make some move when we are on a 4 game WS
, maybe it can be taken in the other way though. Maybe Donnie finally sees usplaying some ball and sees us potentially making the playoffs so now hell add a role player like Bender to help us out... or maybe since its 2 days befpre FAcan be traded, hes planning to package Nate with Jeffries and is signing Bender to somehwat take Jeffries role

No playoffs this year, it's going to be stacked draft.
kids these days, thanks for reminding me

wont even be THAT stacked regardless
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