
You don't need to put Curry anywhere to move him. If a team has a bad contract they want to get out of, they'll gladly take Eddy Curry for it and then waive him after he passes his physical.
Originally Posted by YEEUPP

I wonder if we're ever gonna see this


Soprano' Stars In Movie LeBron Watched During Knick Presentation
Jul 03, 2010 12:00 PM EST

James Gandolfini, star of the
cable television series "The Sopranos,"
appeared in a short film shown to LeBron James at the start of the
Knicks' presentation to the free-agent superstar this past Thursday.

Maybe for the last time, Gandolfini and Edie Falco reprised their
roles as Mr. and Mrs. Tony Soprano.

The plot was written so that Tony Soprano hadn't been killed off in
the final episode after all. He was wearing a beard and living with his
wife under the witness protection program. Tony told Carmela he had an
important friend coming to town who needed a place to stay. The
friend's name was LeBron James.

Carmela found the perfect location for a man of James' stature in
midtown Manhattan, in a location known as Madison Square Garden.

The look on James' face indicated that he was immersed in the show.
The Knicks knew before the meeting that James was a fan of the hit HBO

Soooo...these dudes showed LeBron a hidden Soprano's episode?
Via @PDcavsinsider

There are hundreds of Cavs fans in downtown with team-provided signs lining street to meeting. Outside building fans chanting "Noah sucks"

hahaha. i wonder how much that quote really would effect such a giant decision. Going to play with Noah would be adding insult to injury. plus MJ over craige Ehlo
Originally Posted by YEEUPP

Knicks are trying to do exactly what


are trying to do.. why all the hate?

And thats why I've stated in the Lebron 2010 post that I take back what i said about yall and hoping yall get nothing. I really want to see the Knicks with a couple of great players. 

It seems when the Knicks are good, the East Conference is balanced. Good luck yall.
you guys are making a big deal out of nothing. I was just stating my Opinion. Next time I'll do it in better way.
Yall should've been ignored Remi23
Originally Posted by AG 47

Soooo...these dudes showed LeBron a hidden Soprano's episode?
Nah that'd be too
for me. They had Gandolfini do a parody ending of the Soprano's which was pitching for LeBron to come to NY by Tony Soprano saying he had a friend coming to town that needed a place to stay. 5-7 minutes at the most. Unless they're downplaying it and it was mad elaborate.

Just a special privileged gift. Nothing crazy, just a nice opening he'd appreciate.
Imagine if Bron did come to the Knicks.. and they showed that Sopranos clip on the big screen before they called the starting lineup?

I'd be happy as !@$! with amare and Parker. I'm guessing the only way the Parker trade works is douglas/Chandler/curry for Parker?

risky for the Knicks but fair for both teams imo, especially if Parkers considering jumping ship after his contract is done. I'm a pretty big fan of his, it was just a yr ago when he thoroughly outplayed Chris Paul in the playoffs.

I feel that just with Parker, gallo, and amare, there's a core for the next 5 years to win something. if we strike out on lebron then at least that core is just 1 goto scorer/wing from being a contender. I REALLY wish we drafted some big men though, Earl Barron and hopefully Jerome Jordan will be alright, but idk how a frontcourt of gallo/amare would do defensively, I think we need help there. Regardless, at least this is a pretty exciting time to be a Knicks fan
I hope next season they revamp the uniforms and the court. But still keep it traditional at the same time.
Regardless of who we get.

Oh yeah... COMEON Lebron!!!
LOL @ the title change Where in this whole thread did i ever say he was going to bulls. Yall funny. anyways best of luck to the knicks next year.
So where do you think Mr. james is going to go, huh?

And if im not mistaken, you've stated multiple times he should go to the Bulls since they have the most potential in that team.
If the Knicks want to get back at the Nets "Blueprint for Success" mural, i'd construct an elaborate lighting system to project a nice little message on top of it at night.
Ha I really think he's staying with cause he doesn't wanna be "Coward" & leave Ohio oh well forget him if he doesn't want to win any rings that's on him.
Originally Posted by Frankie Valentino

If the Knicks want to get back at the Nets "Blueprint for Success" mural, i'd construct an elaborate lighting system to project a nice little message on top of it at night.
took me a minute to get that.

A funny response I saw was to set up their own billboard and put Nas on it with "New York (Not Newark) State of Mind"
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Yall should've been ignored Remi23
Originally Posted by AG 47

dudes showed LeBron a hidden Soprano's episode?
Nah that'd
be too

for me. They had Gandolfini do a parody ending of the Soprano's which
was pitching for LeBron to come to NY by Tony Soprano saying he had a
friend coming to town that needed a place to stay. 5-7 minutes at the most. Unless they're downplaying it and it was mad elaborate.

Just a
special privileged gift. Nothing crazy, just a nice opening he'd

Ahhhh, thanks for clearing that up. If LeBron goes to the Knicks, Gandolfini deserves unlimited call girls.
Lebron to the Nets.
When they move to Brooklyn he'll receive the same benefits in terms of branding/ playing in a major city but there won't be the intense pressure.
You'll also have the added benefit of a "rivalry" if the Knicks acquire some talent and become a winning team.

Lebron going to the Nets makes the most sense for him.
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