
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718


where are u ppl coming from??!!
exact same thing i was thinking
chances of signing James or Wade, sources told ESPN.com, and the Knicks ultimately decided it might give them an advantage in the LeBron sweepstakes because James wanted the Cavs to acquire Stoudemire last February at the trading deadline.

"I feel great, really, about being a pioneer," said Stoudemire, who said he had spoken with James several times recently. "I think he feels great about it. It's a situation where no one wanted to make that first move, and I felt confident enough to take that first step, and hopefully now we can bring in a few guys to join us."

"I'm definitely going to reach out to him again and see if we can get him to come. I really have no reading on which way he is leaning at all, but again, he's totally open right now, he hasn't made a decision yet, and hopefully I can get him to choose us," Stoudemire said.

"If somebody wants a real good basketball player to play with and win a title ... this could help get the dominoes falling," D'Antoni said.

"The fact that Amare really wanted to come here and stepped up front, it got to the point that we had to acknowledge that," team president Donnie Walsh said. "That means something to us."
Originally Posted by VABigPoppa

Originally Posted by Steve Cash

why is randy johnson there 

Shove cameras away if they get too close. You know how it is.

"We got up to bat and swung real hard"- Avery Johnson

No Knicks fan can be mad at their organization right now. They are at least making moves. Amare is a step in the positive direction. Knicks need another guy though or this will all be a disappointment.

Just so you guys don't get outraged when there could be negative reports, and there will be, I'll repost something I said earlier on the media's possible coverage on the Amare signing:

Originally Posted by bijald0331

Yall are going extra hard on the media on this matter when there are clearly two sides to the story and signing:

(1) Negative- With sky high expectations (and don't deny this, you guys made a fan list just so NT people wouldn't jump on the future bandwagon), NYC lands Amare, undesirable considering grandiose expectations of LeBron and Bosh or Wade, you get the picture . Amare has a lot of question marks. Don't really need to go into that because it has been hashed out. This is where that other negative article was coming from. Amare does not equal the expectation of LeBron; thus this signing cannot be considered a home run.

(2) Positive- A more present view, taking into account all of that has happened in the past week and ignoring a lot of the buildup to this FA period. LeBron is no longer a realistic possibility. The Knicks need to come out of this with something and something good. Amare definitely qualifies and is a step in the right direction.

There's two ways to approach the story. It's a writer's discretion if he wants to take the short-term or long-term approach.

I've been a big critic of the media (refer to my other posts) but there is a clear line between stupid speculation and analyzing a move considering different factors.

Proph, don't be shy. Name names.
Originally Posted by jumpfreak23

Why did we jump the gun w/ Amar'e before hearing Bosh's decision? I thought Bosh was on the top of our list of FA big men. Did he already proclaim he was signing elsewhere?
i would take bosh over amare ANY DAY.

Originally Posted by jumpfreak23

Why did we jump the gun w/ Amar'e before hearing Bosh's decision? I thought Bosh was on the top of our list of FA big men. Did he already proclaim he was signing elsewhere?
I think all GMs and owners all decided together not to give Bosh the max
He's being too indecisive and that idotic move is gonna leave him out to dry as far as teaming up goes, possibly on a +!#+%% team or a team with no real chances. He could've been the one taking initiative in all this since the chances were high he wasn't going back to Toronto. He could've been the guy at MSG or in the Chi talking about come here and win.

Knicks were smart and moved on asap.
[h2]Free-agency 4th of July weekend winners[/h2]
Posted on: July 5, 2010 1:26 pm

Edited on: July 5, 2010 1:28 pm

Score: 223

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After the first weekend of the most important free-agency period in history, and one of the wildest, who were the winners and losers?

New York KnicksThey continued their rally from Friday by getting a second conversation with LeBron James' people Saturday night. Chicago is the only team we know of to get a second meeting with a max agent or his representatives. On top of that, they're zeroing in on Amar'e Stoudemire. The Knicks have done a complete 180 in the last four days, and look like they're going to be improving at some level in the first week of free agency. 

Cleveland Cavaliers: They had to make their shot count. Seven years of hard work and dedication could have been eliminated if they hadn't made a significant pitch when they met with LeBron James Saturday morning. They didn't pitch him a billion dollars or a super team, but they did do a pretty good job of making an appeal to his sense of drama: 


David Lee: Dude's getting paid . Lee had meetings with the Timberwolves, who have already proven they love to overpay frontcourt players. The Knicks are looking to use him as a sign-and-trade option to land a major player, which keeps his value high in that scenario. And he gets out from under the Knicks who haven't really valued him much despite his contributions. Win-win weekend for Lee. 

Miami Heat:
 They haven't even gotten a meeting with their own free agent yet. The Chris Bosh rumors have cooled off, and Amar'e is headed for New York by all indications. The Heat are still in this thing, but it's their lack of activity over the weekend that makes you think they lost some ground this weekend. The next four days are going to crucial for them. 

Chicago Bulls:
 They got a second meeting with Wade. They pushed up their meeting with LeBron. They gambled huge to try and pull off a coup over the weekend, and they missed. The Bulls have some great signs, including the latest from ESPN's Chad Ford that Wade's divorce may be leaning him that way . 

Joe Johnson:
 How could a guy that signed a max-max contract lose? Because he's nearly guaranteed that he won't win a championship in his career. In four years he's going to be one of the worst contracts in the NBA, constantly shopped around as the Hawks try to get out from the crushing yoke they've put on themselves. And Johnson will be facing all the responsibility thereof. Hope he can comfort himself in the gigantic bed made of cash.

A good look for a change.
Originally Posted by Mr Jordan04

Originally Posted by jumpfreak23

Why did we jump the gun w/ Amar'e before hearing Bosh's decision? I thought Bosh was on the top of our list of FA big men. Did he already proclaim he was signing elsewhere?
i would take bosh over amare ANY DAY.

Your opinion. Knick fans could careless right about now
Originally Posted by windycity7

Originally Posted by AntBanks81

congrats...gotta say I need a drink now maybe even some
if this means what I think it means

nah it doesnt

dammit i hope you are right windycity! its obvious LBJ is gone, it's just a matter of where now...NY got momentum though
it's not even about what people are writing.

If you put on ESPN you can see the look of disgust in their eyes that the knicks landed the first big free agent.
Originally Posted by Frankie Valentino

Originally Posted by pr0phecy718


where are u ppl coming from??!!

"you people?" I've never seen you post in this thread before.

If you put on ESPN you can see the look of disgust in their eyes that the knicks landed the first big free agent.

broutard should get fired if lebron signs with us
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