4/25 WWE Extreme Rules PPV - Cena vs Batista, Orton vs Sheamus, Edge vs Jericho (p15)

at cole switching it up and saying 'classic jericho'
Jericho had the match won.  Walking down the steps out the cage, but he decided to go back into the ring with a steel chair.  Of course he missed the steel chair shot and Edge hit the spear, but only for a 2 count.
@ the Springboard Code Breaker
@ Jericho telling him to stay down and calling him a stupid idiot
So after Jericho had the numerous chances to win, it finally caught up to him.  Edge took control, smashing Jericho against the cage.  He then hit the spear to get the victory.

Very good match, just what this show needed.

It will be interested to see how much effort Dave gives in this match as it is about 99% confirmed this is it for him.
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

@ HHH's refusal of the brace and stretcher
He won't even put an injury over.
Yo, that ref is not normal.
You see how Beth threw that bucket,bouncing it off Michelle and hitting the ref? How the ref not fall outthe ring and go unconscious?
@ these damn weapons
Why not have them fight in a kitchen?


Nino is gold tonight.
Even as a face, Edge still has the heel mannerisms. They can't keep him a face for too long...

@ dude who said in here some months ago that Y2J can't tell a story in the ring...[Jericho] stupid idiot [/Jericho].
Y'all really think this might be it for Batista? I know his contract is up and HHH buried his movie role but he'll eventually be back...when he does, it'll probably be his last run though.
Originally Posted by iLL I AM

Y'all really think this might be it for Batista? I know his contract is up and HHH buried his movie role but he'll eventually be back...when he does, it'll probably be his last run though.

There have been rumors for YEARS that Dave's wanted to get out of wrestling.  If he has any shot at a legitimate acting career, I don't think we'll see him back.
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