A big part of the reason I no longer use Myspace vol. "What wuz dey thinkin?"

Mar 16, 2007

Originally Posted by NuMba1KiCkrocka

I went to highschool with this dude when i was a senior he was a freshman.... [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]He claims to be a blood....[/color]

He just looks so corny. Even aside from the apparent "blood"-ness of it all, he's just plain corny looking. Can't he see it himself?
You can find nonsense like this on Facebook too. And I don't understand why this even bothers you...were you forced to visit his profile?
yo theres a niketalker who requested me like 2 years ago

he has the corniest photoshops.. let me log in and put up the pics
Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

You can find nonsense like this on Facebook too. And I don't understand why this even bothers you...were you forced to visit his profile?
not forced but when I seen his status as "Bikken back bein real bool" I just couldn't resist
Originally Posted by Whateversclever

yo theres a niketalker who requested me like 2 years ago

he has the corniest photoshops.. let me log in and put up the pics

let him make it
Thats the problem though the dude I posted as well as this cat have way too much time on their hands toward setting up, editing etc. just for the hopes ofe-props
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