wish I could get a pair at your price is that with tax shipping and their stupid fees ?

Id have to guess that’s before all their BS fees (depending on size), otherwise that’s a damn good price. Would be like $275-$280 before fees no? I can’t remember exactly what they charge
I dno why I never switch to 2 day delivery from Nike. I think I’m of the impression I have to get my draw registration in ASAP so I never go through to change it

And I still lose anyway :lol:
Wear ‘em
wish I could get a pair at your price is that with tax shipping and their stupid fees ?
Id have to guess that’s before all their BS fees (depending on size), otherwise that’s a damn good price. Would be like $275-$280 before fees no? I can’t remember exactly what they charge

that was before the dang fees so it came out to 353 size 14W

i was gonna sit and wait but some started buying up asks around 350 so I just put a bid in at 330 on Thursday and left it
I think that’s a good price for that size and as time goes on will be a steal when it’s all said and done

yeah I think so too. From the seller standpoint depending where they bought em their payout is $290

so they gonna make $90 at best if they bought from somewhere with free shipping (no tax), otherwise it’s looking Like ~$50 😎
Amm>any union

While Id choose 3s over 1s anyday, the union 1s were impeccable. Still mad I never got the blues esp when they were so cheap locally. Already eyeing to double up on these 3s tho, ended up trading stussy spiridons, debating what I let go now to get another.
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