A thread dedicated to small but emotionally devastating social fails

Originally Posted by enyceking

Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

I was at my companies headquarters and a group of us 8 new hires had a meeting with our department boss on a project we were doing. Mind you, we all met him before and he knows our names. As he comes around to greet us:

Boss: Hows it going OG? (shakes my hand)
Me: Nice to meet you.

lmfao @ your boss addressing you as ogbobbyjohnson

Na, Im not putting my real name.
Originally Posted by kash55

I can't relate to this thread more than I'd like to be.

you cant relate to this thread more then you would like to be. Am i bugging cause its late or does this not make any sense
The "you too" happens to me all the time... movie theater box office, restaurants, etc.

I also get in the habit of saying "yeah, no problem" and that's been a source of some awkward responses.
-I hate when I'm on the bus or on the subway and I answer the phone and start a conversation all laughing confidently and @%@*. Then I slowly start torealize the bus/train car is quiet and everyone is pretty much listening to my convo and looking at me. My pride takes a nose-dive and the nervousness kicks inthen I start to speak more softly and try to end the convo as quick as I can.
-A few times I missed a certain bus and it was the only one that ranon the weekend and I would completely forget. Then I would realize I made a mistake when it takes off and everyone on the bus gives me a
like I was high or something as it passes by.
Originally Posted by LuckyP25

Originally Posted by kash55

I can't relate to this thread more than I'd like to be.

you cant relate to this thread more then you would like to be. Am i bugging cause its late or does this not make any sense
You're okay. It doesn't make any sense.
Originally Posted by lauk4kicks

first month of school, going into class, see an empty seat beside a girl i know (my friend's roommate), proceed to sit down
me: "Hey Laura! hows it going!?"
Her: "It's Julia
me: "Hey Julia, hows it going?"

yea i didnt forget her name after that.
Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

In my culture we kiss on the cheek to greet each other.

This one thing alone produces SO MANY different types of awkward moments its friggin ridiculous. ESPECIALLY with distant relatives that you've never met. I'll give some examples.

The one where you visit family that you have never seen before for a wedding. You kiss your older aunts/uncles on the cheek, shake hands with the younger people in your age group, then you get the 27-34 year old female and ur confused as to go to the hand shake or kiss.

Then the next extremely awkward thing is when you go to kiss one of the ladies, then they don't let you. I'm just like ++@ feeling mad awkward and stupid...then my mom or one of my aunts/uncles will tell me "what are u doing! she's religious, ur not supposed to kiss her" I'm just like shut the +#+$ up you should have told me that beforehand so I don't look like a fool in front of 40 people.

Then the most frequent awkward moment is the "Should I kiss just once on the left cheek, or 3 kisses with the left, right, left. It's so awkward when you're playing for the 3 kiss, and as you're going for the second the person backs away and ur just left hangin with ur lips puckered and their like "oh my bad." then they go for the second kiss and then you back away from their third assuming their not gunna go for it, and it produces another awkward moment.

I try to avoid saying hi distant relatives because of this crap.
Story of my life. And it's even worse if she's not a relative but hot. I usually just do the kiss and walk away like
Not your typical fail but...

I'm at a red light with my 2 front windows down, all of a sudden, a bird comes flying towards my drivers side window. Right before it flies inside my car,the bird swoops upward missing my car entirely. Me being the cool guy that I am, I COMPLETLY FREAK OUT!!! All the people on my passenger side could see is mefighting the air and the car shaking. I look to my side and it's a car with 2 females looking at me like I'm a maniac, they didn't see the bird atall

Windows up for the remainder of the day...haha
I just had a fail like 3 minutes ago, went up to get this paper from the front desk and I forgot where I was sitting so I sat down at the seat next to mine byaccident, then I notice a purse on the floor so i'm about to get up, when I look up I see the hottest girl in the class standing right next to me andgiving me the
for being an idiot.

some chick i know says hi to me while im driving so i stop and roll down the window.
not knowin that i just rolled down the back window.
i pulled off on her with the
face on
hope she didnt need a ride
Originally Posted by viintage

even worse when you say "have a good day too sir/mam and get their genders wrong

happens alot at work on the phone:

Me - "Yes mam"
Him - "I'm a male Sir".
Me - "

Dude, get some bass in your voice.
Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

I was at my companies headquarters and a group of us 8 new hires had a meeting with our department boss on a project we were doing. Mind you, we all met him before and he knows our names. As he comes around to greet us:

Boss: Hows it going OG? (shakes my hand)
Me: Nice to meet you.


OG, you funny man.
How about when u're hittin up a chick (or anyone) while u know they're at their crib and/or you call their house phone?

Me: "What's good? Where u at?"
Shorty through the phone:

Oh, and another one (word 2 Biggie). When you're having a casual conversation with a knocked up chick (or so it appears)

Me: "So, when's the baby coming?"
Chick "I already had it/I'm not pregnant"
"Ooo... "
how about when u on a elevator w/ some people and u get to a floor(not yours) and u walk off then realize it aint ya floor and u hurry back i the elevatorlookin extra dumb.
Mothers day or Fathers day is what gets me.

MOTHERSDAY- We at a restaurant. A male waiter is attendings us (us meaning my step mom, wife kids, the whole fam bam). First thing he says is HAPPY MOTHERSDAY.. First response is TO YOU TOO.. Then I stare at the menu with no eye contact to him.

Same thing with Fathers day- FEMALE WAITRESS. Whole fam bam. First thing she says is HAPPY FATHERS DAY. First response from me is TO YOU TOO.. IM JUST TRYINGTO BE NICE.
Most Recent

Me: "Hey whats up"

Her: "What up"

Me: "Yall still gettin out tonight?"

Her: "I don't know, why what you trying to do?"

Me: "I thought we was all hookin up tonight at the spot"

Her: "Uhhh when did we plan this?"

Me: "Uhh last night............"

Her: "Mmmm No we didn't, Do you know who your talkin to???"

Me: (Look at name on the call ) "Oh *** my bad!" (Hangs Up)

Text from her: "You need to get your *** together"


MidEastBeast wrote:

I just had a fail like 3 minutes ago, went up to get this paper from the front desk and I forgot where I was sitting so I sat down at the seat next to mine by accident, then I notice a purse on the floor so i'm about to get up, when I look up I see the hottest girl in the class standing right next to me and giving me the
for being an idiot.


that is a layup homie
I remember when i was a youngin, i'd be late to catch the Metro bus, and i'd see it at the stop. I'd quickly debate should I play it cool, walk,and miss it? Or should I run after the bus, look stupid, and possibly still miss it.... The worst is when I would run after it, yell at the bus, andfools would be in the back looking at me running, and not say anything
Originally Posted by ballhog13

I remember when i was a youngin, i'd be late to catch the Metro bus, and i'd see it at the stop. I'd quickly debate should I play it cool, walk, and miss it? Or should I run after the bus, look stupid, and possibly still miss it.... The worst is when I would run after it, yell at the bus, and fools would be in the back looking at me running, and not say anything
I can cosign, but for the school bus instead of the metro

back in middle school, on some days my parents left before I did, so I had to catch the bus. If I was a second late, I would see the bus at the stop but as Irun up there it would start to pull away. and I KNOW everyone in the bus sees me getting left behind, but no one says "hey bus driver, wait up."

Running after the bus for 100 yards with a heavy +!$ backpack and a saxophone case FTL

and then you get on the bus and you're panting hard and sweating and %*@+, and the embarrassing walk to the back with everyone looking at you...
Originally Posted by ballhog13

I remember when i was a youngin, i'd be late to catch the Metro bus, and i'd see it at the stop. I'd quickly debate should I play it cool, walk, and miss it? Or should I run after the bus, look stupid, and possibly still miss it.... The worst is when I would run after it, yell at the bus, and fools would be in the back looking at me running, and not say anything

I lol'ed. I swear I thought i was the only one.

This morning I went to the bathroom (which is right next to the building entrance) to clean my glasses and as early as it was someone had already funked up thebathroom when they went # 2. So as I'm leaving there is a group of people right next to the door and I badly want to tell them it wasn't me but I keptit moving
Originally Posted by ballhog13

I remember when i was a youngin, i'd be late to catch the Metro bus, and i'd see it at the stop. I'd quickly debate should I play it cool, walk, and miss it? Or should I run after the bus, look stupid, and possibly still miss it.... The worst is when I would run after it, yell at the bus, and fools would be in the back looking at me running, and not say anything
i NEVER ran for a bus cuz i never wanted to be one of those people
Originally Posted by Face82

Most Recent

Me: "Hey whats up"

Her: "What up"

Me: "Yall still gettin out tonight?"

Her: "I don't know, why what you trying to do?"

Me: "I thought we was all hookin up tonight at the spot"

Her: "Uhhh when did we plan this?"

Me: "Uhh last night............"

Her: "Mmmm No we didn't, Do you know who your talkin to???"

Me: (Look at name on the call ) "Oh *** my bad!" (Hangs Up)

Text from her: "You need to get your *** together"

i been threw that ALOT of times now when i do it i just paly it off on some thatmove you pulled was on some rookie *+##

"damn i thought we talked about this last night well anyways do you want to kick it or not"
Originally Posted by ballhog13

I remember when i was a youngin, i'd be late to catch the Metro bus, and i'd see it at the stop. I'd quickly debate should I play it cool, walk, and miss it? Or should I run after the bus, look stupid, and possibly still miss it.... The worst is when I would run after it, yell at the bus, and fools would be in the back looking at me running, and not say anything

i live in the chi so when its winter its alot of ice and %!@% so i seen this dude fall when i was younger ever since then ill never run for a bus no matter wat
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