About a Girl... Another Update, pg 1.

Originally Posted by JimHalpert

This will never end.

Get on some seniors man
True, and maybe.
Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Smh @ "average hood mexican kid"
"average hood mexican kid" had me
. I'mMexican but not hood.

but seems like you have a chance. just don't waste too much time chasing her.
Update 2/4/09

So NT, I didn't even talk to that new chick that caught my eye,
But I have some meager news to inform you guys about. Alright so I haven't been talking to the girl that this thread is about for awhile but
last Friday I get a message from her, saying "how come we don't talk much anymore : ("
So I just told her that I thought she didn't want to anymore (she has a bf and what not).
She didn't respond till tuesday and she said that she came up in the library on Monday and Tuesday looking for me.
Well she came up today and I think she might be feeling me a little now. We were just talking about books and college and stuff like that.
I also showed her this poem that had just won this poetry contest that my senior English teacher was putting on.
She didn't know some of the vocabulary that I used in it but I informed her what it meant, (apparently she likes intellectual guys).
Well, actually though, I kind of wrote the poem for her. I wrote it the day after I met her in a burst of thinking. I consider it my best.
Well anyway, she asked me if it was a love poem and I said "that's all I write". I made her smile somewhat.

So she must know that I wrote it for her.
One more thing, I think she's having problems with her boyfriend, (from what I seen, he's your average hood mexican kid)

So I'll see what happens...
Time to show her you got balls kid, more balls than that other kid who's whining about missing his girl. Unlike that guy, you've gotpotential if pointed in the right direction.

Play is smooth and feel this situation out. First off though, make sure you're not a rebound. Don't settle for second place and make sure her"boyfriend's" problems don't become your problems.
If you see an opening, take it but at the same time, lay some ground rules and tell her how it's gonna be. Don't catch no feelings if she doesn'tgive you the signal. I don't wanna hear about your heart getting broken about this chick again.

Get em.
She wants you to end it for her. She is 16? Here is a step by step guide on what to do.

Step 1: Find some reason to get her to come to your house for a movie.

Step 2: When she comes over dress comfortable (look good), but be in lounge cloths. If you got the body for it wear just a wife beater, some Sean John sweatpants, and some smell good.

Step 3: Watch this movie, "Brotherhood of the Wolf"

Step 4: Thank me with Kudos

This works everytime. Man up and may the force be with you!
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