About a Girl... Another Update, pg 1.

Play around with other chicks but keep an eye on her and keep in touch.
When the other dude breaks her heart, you'll be there for the rebound.
Do not give up!
Your young, this is all games for the time being.
I just took a L today also..
ANYONE know how to get out of the friendzone
Originally Posted by YungSwagga

I just took a L today also..
ANYONE know how to get out of the friendzone
Stop seeing her for a very long time. Get at me six months later for further advice.
So would it be okay to message her telling her how I feel,
just to let her know.

I would call her but that would be extremely awkward right now.
welp, we tried....

So would it be okay to message her telling her how I feel,
just to let her know.

I would call her but that would be extremely awkward right now

Redrum SB wrote:
So would it be okay to message her telling her how I feel,
just to let her know.

I would call her but that would be extremely awkward right now.


my mans relax, u just met her. you dont have to explain anything to her. if anything just ask her in a joking way when u finally see her in person "whyare we playing phonetag?" and leave it at that. your rushing it man, your still early to the game to be trying to get serious with her like that. i repeatdont express to her how u feel, u will come off as soft and a simp. just have normal conversations with her and keep the hugs and other physical contactinvolved. this is a little better way to stay outta the Zone. stop bugging her, act like you have a life too.
She's 16..she doesn't know what she wants in life bro..don't take it to heart..just move on and forget the whench
just take the L and move on
you should have told her before how you felt but there are other girls in the world
talk to her once she breaks up wit her ex again if you really wanna get wit her
Originally Posted by Redrum SB

okay, I need some more advice.
So, the first night I tried to call her but she didn't answer and I got the machine, it was late though, I left a message.
Then the second night I was sleeping when she called my house (I don't have a cell btw
Then yesterday I seen her, gave her a hug then she had to dip. Didn't really get to talk to her

Then last night I called her talked to her for about two seconds then she asked if I could call her back in little while.
So I waited like a good 20 minutes then someone called and my older sister was on the phone for a good 40 minutes
As soon as she got off I called the chick and she didn't answer and I left a message explaining myself.
Now, today she hasn't been on Myspace at all.
Is she ticked off at me?
What should I do? Call her right now even though it's kind a late?
Or should I just wait till tomorrow?

And would it be out of the question to tell her how I feel about her?

The chorus I mean..
Man, if i knew half the stuff i know about the game, back when i was in high school. I wouldve have ran through every and any chick i wanted too. now that ilook back on it high school buns were so easy to get, bc it was basically handed to you. All you had to do is dress aite, bc the females where so gulable. Iremember when the 13's had dropped blk/rd. i came to class late and this chick, i never spoke to asked me "did they have any more left?". After 5minutes of that conversation, she invited me back to her crib bc nobody was going to home until 10 that night. I convince myself those are my favorite J'sof all times, bc those where the easiest buns ive ever had. Shid, i mightve talked slickers to the teachers. To see if i could get her a mug shot in the localnew or newspaper, for sleeping with a minor.
This thread is laughable

smh at myself.

I would like to thank everyone though for at least trying to help out a fellow NT'er.
I've learned a lot from you guys, thanks.

I'll try to move on and maybe soon I'll have another update for you guys but with a different chick.

peace and much love bros.
Originally Posted by FlyNY

Redrum SB wrote:

Eff Ecks wrote:

but not in a "pour your heart out" type of way.
That's exactly what I was going to do

and eff it, I'm gonna cop a cell phone on Monday.

Cop a cell

Are you really 18?

But yea you just need to chill..Dont look like you feind for her..Get a phone (blackberry) so you can be up on that AIM business

and just chill..Talk it up etc..If you go to school in NYC, you guys are going to be having a couple half days this coming week so try and set something up for
a weekday after school on a halfday

Go see a matinee, try and see if you can kick it at her house..Dont go in with the intentions of smashing, but be prepared (bring a condom) just incase,,safety
1st..But just chat around at her crib, watch TV etc..If she wants the meat, she'll take it

my dude said, "bring a condom"

This is turrible, at first I didn't even feel bad for dude but since the OP said he used to be overweight I guess I can kinda understand. Keep your head upI guess. It's obvious that you have serious confidence issues. I recommend getting that worked out because if your self esteem stays this low you'llhave more than just girl problems.

How are you 18 and you don't have a cell phone? Hate to be materialistic but that's an L in itself if I ever saw one. Shorty wops half your age arerunning around with cellys these days. Stop leaving the girl messages, don't ever explain yourself unless asked too. You need to get wifed up just so youcan experience a little female touch. I'm not even talking about sex, you just need to be around a women. Maybe lower your standards a little bit, findyourself one with a golden heart.

*repost Seinfeld .gif*
for future reference, never explain yourself! it will give an illusion of confidence that will make you more attractive!
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

OP you don't have any big brothers or older cousins, or friends who were constantly smashing did you?

Not really, I don't have any big brothers and most of my cousins aren't smashing, and the few friends I have are in the same boat as I am.
yea step your confidence game up, aim for more 16 year olds theyll think its cool youre older then work up the ladder young grasshoppa
because theres a goalie, doesn't mean you can't score. meet up at some party, alcohol + music + words + alone time = YTMND......
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