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Honest question, do internet speeds make a big difference when a site crashes during a release?
Honest answer is you get to see 404 0.2 seconds faster.

Other than that, no difference.

How far are you located from the server makes more differences than speed.
my adidas confirmed app says that i'm jailbroken but i'm not.
so i just updated to the latest ios reinstall the app and it still says i'm jailbroken. :\
How many browser windows are you guys running for the ADC release? I've been running 4 or so on the comp and then one on my phone and haven't hit on a single release. Any advice there?
I had like 16+ Windows all minimized to fit one screen with multiple browsers and was able to get through the ADC queue like 5-6 times at least but when I finally got my size in cart and went to pay it would say sold out. Started trying any size available after that and same thing. Even tried going back to adidas regular page to check cart and they would be ghost
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Wait what? One adidas store for, the whole system? So you woudnt have to go to different stores?
Hopefully thats not the case since I entered Glendale Galleria second after Topanga. Would much rather be in the hat for Topanga since its closer to me and it seems like less people will enter

Those who go to adidas tomorrow do us a favor and ask
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I talked to a few employees at South Coast Plaza and they all said that they checked for multiple raffle entries. So there isn't a point to going to two different stores unless maybe you entered a different email and phone number
love kanye

and he can honestly say he single handedly helped adidas w this comeback, whether its the ultra boosts or the yeezy boosts

if i do get these though im about done with the three stripes. im a loyal nike man but i had to stray away for these pirate blacks, and a couple ultraboosts
Entered a few raffles. Not sweating this release since I have 2015s. Feels good, really.
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